If Butlers here in 6 months

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace If Butlers here in 6 months

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  • #292919
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Still believe it’s a Turnbull recruitment rather than Butler’s.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    ‘There was none of this let’s give Dean time Deerey, all i heard he’s out his depth, jobs to big for him, not managed at this level, pub team manager.’

    Were there increasing calls for Dean to be sacked so early in to his reign? Don’t recall that and I wasn’t party to it if so. I’m saying give Butler time, in the main because he’s a relatively new manager and is still learning and developing. Dean was supposed to be this quality experienced manager the fraudster signed up. Very different kettle of fish.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    I’m saying give Butler time, in the main because he’s a relatively new manager and is still learning and developing.

    Is he though? I don’t want a change of manager, I want him to learn and develop.

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    Registered On: October 10, 2021
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    Wonder Goals wrote:-“This squad needs balancing up. It’s a wonder Butler didn’t think to himself when he got those players in to play this formation, what happens if it doesn’t work !” AND
    Iron414 wrote:-“There’s no denying the recruitment has been really poor. Butler has recruited for the 5-3-2 but the players he’s brought in have all failed to make the cut.”

    This is what I find hard to understand. Butler wants to play with WBs, we didn’t have any when he took over and we didn’t sign any. So we have 3 FBs trying to be WBs and 3CMs that barely get a look in. Makes the recruitment seem even more bizarre, was 3-5-2 not the recruiters plan?

    Good point cass .. being as no WBS were signed can we assume AB thinks that Barrows , Denton and Kelly are wing backs because they appear not to be.

    I dont get why there hasnt been any activity in the loan market for a couple of players ..especially a striker when it was confirmed by Michelle and Mr Sharp at the fans forum money was there if needed…maybe cant find anyone suitable ?? lets just hope who ever does come in its soon and they are better than whats already arrived.

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    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    I’m saying give Butler time, in the main because he’s a relatively new manager and is still learning and developing.

    Is he though? I don’t want a change of manager, I want him to learn and develop.

    Good question. I think we’re yet to see any evidence that he’s learning (or even willing to learn). The warning signs have been there long enough (even back in August when we were getting results but putting in sub-par displays), but we’re yet to see any system change, adaptation or effective use of the squad / subs. Evidence so far points to the contrary, that he’s stubborn as an ox and sees no reason to change anything, he’s said as much in every interview.

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    I posted this on the Southport Match Thread:

    More of the same, really: As much as the manager and his coaches can do, some of Jimmy’s Mercanaries can turn up, loaf around and still get paid because nobody else can afford to or want to take them. Sad state of affairs but there we are!

    And there lies a problem.

    Damn those overpaid Jimmy & Hilton signings; Cal Robert’s, Danny Whitehall and Ross Fitz. Question though, Where in the league do you think we would be sitting without them? I despise ‘sir-four-names’ as much as the next chap, but there’s no hiding from the reality that the players signed during his tenure are carrying the team this season. When they depart this summer there will need to be a serious rethink in the recruitment dept, as the dynamic duo Turnbull and Butler, couldn’t spot a great white in a fish pond.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    A full 2 months before Jimmy’s head was called for Deerey, don’t forget many still had a love in with the Admiral, and even you suggested he might be needed again.
    Hurst must have had the shortest head call by Spireiron he called it after one game.
    Wonder which team he is supporting now lol.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Just got back from a week away, logged on to the forum, and am shocked to see that we are languishing in the relegation zone. Because surely no sane fan can be whinging about a young, promising manager who has led the club to the top of the table whilst having to deal with a vastly reduced budget, combining highly paid stars with more modestly remunerated squad members?

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
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    How can you forget which football forum you’re on in just 1 week?

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    State of the nation Ferrite…


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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
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    Butlers full of shite, if he’s not defensively minded first and foremost then the grass must not be green.

    Far too safe. There was a post further up regarding high earners at the club which are biting into the budget. Evans for instance could easily be moved on for two cheaper players and he wouldn’t be too much of a miss.

    Whitehall is frustrating at times, but at the moment he’s imperative. I bet there’s a player out there though that’s just as effective who won’t want as much money, but it’s just finding him.

    Evans I’m not that impressed with though and certainly won’t be worth his wage packet. Denton will be on a fair wedge as well, is he really that impressive that we couldn’t replace him with a comparable player who won’t be on a much money ?

    I like him, but what’s he really contributed in terms of goals and assists ?

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    Butlers full of shite, if he’s not defensively minded first and foremost then the grass must not be green.

    A football expert speaks.

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    Think you must have stumbled onto the wrong clubs forum Ferrite, based on what you’ve described, as I’m certain you can’t be referring to Butler as ‘promising’? If so, too much sun on your holiday perhaps?

    I’ve helped you make your post a little more accurate:

    a young, promising manager who has led the club to the top of the table whilst having to deal with a vastly reduced budget, combining highly paid stars with more modestly remunerated squad members?

    An arrogant and inexperienced manager, who has given away a nine point lead by guiding us to win only 2 of our last 8 league games (best to forget the FA cups ones), whilst having the biggest budget in the league, gifted with the best players in the league and having had a summer transfer window to bring in his own signings, all of whom have failed to make any impact. Not forgetting the added luxury of being one of the few full time outfits and having the best training and match day facilities on hand.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    At least you didn’t call him a ‘Simpleton’. ‘Arrogant’ though. For someone who talks about toxicity on here, you’re fast and loose with the personal insults 414.

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    Arrogant / stubborn ; determined not to change in spite of good reason to. Think that’s just an honest assessment of the managers current position, nothing too personal, unless you’re very easily offended? Wasn’t it you who brought the term ‘simpleton’ to the forum?

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    There does seem to have been an agenda from a small section to just right Butler off from the start, and while such statements about Butler are not the most outrageous ever, it does show a judgmental and coloured view.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    As you will recall, ‘Simpleton’ was by some charmer on X. I’m not easily offended (for the second time), but that doesn’t change my observation regarding your fast and loose slights.

    ‘Arrogant / stubborn ; determined not to change in spite of good reason to’ isn’t even accurate. He said in the interview he’s still learning and that they change and respond to games as they progress. You fail to recognise the number of games where the team have looked far better second half which will no doubt be a change in approach at half time. You fail to acknowledge how much more attacking the team were in the 3 games before Radcliffe. These are just a few things

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    ‘Agenda’ you say Siderite? Surely not, from some supporters who were in ‘turmoil’ about Butler’s appointment, Ogle and Butterfield leaving? MKI predicted it right; the first bad performance after Farsley and the Butler Out mob would be trooping out, either on here or other platforms. More so than I imagined. It’s just divisive and damaging tbh.

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    You say “given away a 9 point lead”.

    Does he not deserve credit for getting that 9 point lead in the first place?

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    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 233

    Whitehall is frustrating at times, but at the moment he’s imperative. I bet there’s a player out there though that’s just as effective who won’t want as much money, but it’s just finding him.

    Declan Howe @ Trinity.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Yes, I do see my howler of an error with my English in my last post. I blame my headache.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    You say “given away a 9 point lead”.

    Does he not deserve credit for getting that 9 point lead in the first place?

    Exactly. It’s as though someone else was in charge.

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
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    There was a post further up regarding high earners at the club which are biting into the budget. Evans for instance could easily be moved on for two cheaper players and he wouldn’t be too much of a miss.

    Evans signed a new 2 year deal in June so his wage will be within the new budget constraints surely.

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    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    As you will recall, ‘Simpleton’ was by some charmer on X.

    So you just brought it to the forum to give further exposure and then repeatedly quote the term? A bit odd considering you said at the time you thought it such an insult?

    You fail to recognise the number of games where the team have looked far better second half which will no doubt be a change in approach at half time.

    I can only think of one game of late that we’ve looked significantly better in the second half, Rushall, which could be down to the managers half time team talk as much as it could be down to them tiring, given it was a Tuesday evening game and their players had done a days work and travelled. As a few other posters pointed out ‘they looked knackered’.

    You fail to acknowledge how much more attacking the team were in the 3 games before Radcliffe.

    You mean Rushall, Southport and Farsley? I should hope we were more attacking in those games given the opposition. Most thought we would be getting 10-12 points from Rushall, Southport, Farsley and Radcliffe. Alas 7 from 12 it was.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    ‘Most thought we would be getting 10-12 points from Rushall, Southport, Farsley and Radcliffe.’

    Did they? Was there a poll or something I missed? Wasn’t 99.9% was it?

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    You say “given away a 9 point lead”.

    Does he not deserve credit for getting that 9 point lead in the first place?

    He got the credit didn’t he? Plenty of it if memory serves, even when the performances weren’t great but we were getting results. He scooped the manager of the month award, the full-time fist pumping was in full force and credit was being served where it was due. Now he’s fluffed the 9 point lead, got us knocked out the cup and has us playing out a 0-0 bore draw at home to relegation fodder. But we should still keep applauding the results we were getting back in August? Come off it!

    Registered On: May 30, 2024
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    ‘Agenda’ you say Siderite? Surely not

    Alas, of course! The A-GEN-DA!!

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Today’s posts don’t really change my opinion on that.

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    You say “given away a 9 point lead”.

    Does he not deserve credit for getting that 9 point lead in the first place?

    He got the credit didn’t he? Plenty of it if memory serves, even when the performances weren’t great but we were getting results. He scooped the manager of the month award, the full-time fist pumping was in full force and credit was being served where it was due. Now he’s fluffed the 9 point lead, got us knocked out the cup and has us playing out a 0-0 bore draw at home to relegation fodder. But we should still keep applauding the results we were getting back in August? Come off it!

    So you have decided that we should walk the league.

    You expect us to win every, or nearly every, game.

    All other teams are crap, underfunded, tired from working, part-time, not training properly etc etc.

    Your vast knowledge, and obviously superior, football brain would surely make you an obvious candidate as our next manager. Have you put your application in yet?

    PS I never said that we should still be applauding him, but you make out as if he only came on board when we had a dip in form.

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