Idiot of the Year

Iron Bru Forums Non Football Idiot of the Year

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  • #253067
    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Good quote, NI and so relevant to so much today.

    Still no comment from JI on those websites! They really are shameful, don’t you think, JI? I can’t imagine why you don’t want to say something about how they ended up on here.

    Black lesbian? See the thread ‘Same Old Same Old’. You wrote: “When I tried to phone nobody knew that I was an Afro Caribbean lesbian.” Which of course, you may be, but I doubt it. Outing your own sexual preference might offend Him upstairs, and even go against His will, no?


    Engaging in serious discussion with people who believe in such things is rarely fruitful because when challenged, they change the topic, shift the focus, say things weren’t interpreted correctly, etc. They get defensive and feel threatened, patronise and insult.

    It’s a way of protecting their own, deeply held beliefs. Because, if the beliefs are shown to be wrong, they can fall apart as a person, and it’s not pretty. It’s all on show above. Some even make a living out of it on tv and radio – Jeremy Kyle, James O’Brien?

    It’s not dissimilar to those passionate Brexiters, for whom the difference between fantasy and reality now knows no bounds. They were had, codded and done. Kippered, in fact, and they know it. No wonder they want to move on and not talk about it.

    #253111 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    ‘Engaging in serious discussion with people who believe in such things is rarely fruitful because when challenged, they change the topic, shift the focus, say things weren’t interpreted correctly, etc. They get defensive and feel threatened, patronise and insult.’

    At least one thing we agree on, Gurney. So if we ever lock horns again don’t do it. You definitely managed to slime this thread in the end … it must incense you that someone laid out a reasoned and coherent faith position that pierced the dismissiveness and even drew one or two respectful comments. How about staying away from the gaslighting and caricaturing. A start would be to lay out your own personal vision and be willing to articulate it. I, for one, would promise not to ridicule, misrepresent or mock you.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    ‘Engaging in serious discussion with people who believe in such things is rarely fruitful because when challenged, they change the topic, shift the focus, say things weren’t interpreted correctly, etc. They get defensive and feel threatened, patronise and insult.’

    At least one thing we agree on, Gurney. So if we ever lock horns again don’t do it. You definitely managed to slime this thread in the end … it must incense you that someone laid out a reasoned and coherent faith position that pierced the dismissiveness and even drew one or two respectful comments. How about staying away from the gaslighting and caricaturing. A start would be to lay out your own personal vision and be willing to articulate it. I, for one, would promise not to ridicule, misrepresent or mock you.

    And here we have a perfect example of the kind of defensive, patronising and insulting attitude which is the hallmark of those whose beliefs are threatened.

    PS a reasoned and coherent faith position is a contradiction in terms. Reason requires facts and logic. Faith requires neither. It’s in the realm of the irrational, which you evidently prefer, JI.

    #253167 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Hi Gurney. You wrote: ‘And here we have a perfect example of the kind of defensive, patronising and insulting attitude which is the hallmark of those whose beliefs are threatened.’

    I thought, given the content and tone of your previous replies … and the repeated demands for me to respond to specifics whilst continuously ignoring anything that I might challenge you with … that I was fairly restrained. I also feel obliged to point out that you flatter yourself if you think that you have come anywhere near to ‘threatening’ my beliefs.

    You also said : ‘PS a reasoned and coherent faith position is a contradiction in terms. Reason requires facts and logic. Faith requires neither. It’s in the realm of the irrational, which you evidently prefer, JI.’
    No. You’re getting confused again, Gurney. I approach statements about Faith exactly as I have done throughout this series of posts … rationally. You seem to be confusing irrationality with suprarationality …above, yet including the rational; encompassing a truth of scope greater than ordinary logic or reason. It’s what the Bard was driving at when he penned the famous words ‘There are more things in heaven and earth (Gurney) than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’ This is why some of the eminent thinkers I mentioned … Lennox, McGrath, C S Lewis and hosts of others … find no contradiction between their intellectual endeavours and their Christian beliefs.
    Despite the finger pointing at me I have come to the conclusion that there are three pointing back at yourself. You seem to have, possibly for reasons that you have yourself outlined above, developed a compulsion towards ‘exposing’ ‘denigrating’ and ‘destroying’ the possibility of intelligent human beings holding to a worldview that is not available to your usual means of perception. Others on here seem to be content to challenge, some with more courtesy and respect than others, but then shrug and accept that we see things differently. Why not do the same, my friend. Where does this drive and energy to ‘win’ come from. You clearly aren’t going to present me with your own alternative worldview for me to critique ( albeit more politely and respectfully than you have critiqued mine) so how about wrapping this up and we move on?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Or in other words Gurny, no he isn’t going to answer you. Best move on as the great evader suggests. As for three fingers,well you can get four in a large Kit Kat.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    You and your fingers discredit your religion, JI. It’s not good for your health, either, it’ll increase your heart rate and blood pressure.

    Now, pull up a chair and read carefully… you must realise there’s no point in anyone bothering to argue when your views are so unbalanced they make the Titanic look stable. It’s like debating with those who come door to door trying to recruit Jehovah’s Witnesses or some other variety. I usually recommend a good book by Mr Darwin and close the door. Anything else is a complete waste of time. And that’s what I’ll do here.

    I’ll add this though… psychiatrists really don’t argue with barmy patients, even though bigoted lunacy has not been unusual on the political right in recent years. But engaging with it has been a big failing of the BBC, particularly with its Brexit coverage. The whole campaign was based around emotion, feeling and belief – just like faith – rather than fact and reason, so alongside the experts, the corporation interviewed base idiots and fantasists in the name of ‘balance’. Ridiculous.

    Another thing is the similarity between your posts and Lesgeo’s. The same preoccupations with faith, Catholicism and Brexit. Yet, he who was once so voluble on non-football, has surely taken a vow of silence! Which is understandable, I suppose, given how things have turned out. I’m sure nobody would think you were connected.

    Now, go away, pour yourself a large scotch, settle down and listen to something soothing by Sounds Like Rain.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16
    <iframe title=”BBC 3CR – Iain Lee vs. Christian Bigotry” src=”; allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen=”” id=”fitvid0″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    Interesting post 64 – it’s good to see more radio presenters actually challenging callers’ bigotry. See how the woman is moved almost to tears when her cherished views are shown to be prejudiced and intolerant under the weight of the presenter’s humanity. She knows she’s wrong but can’t bring herself to admit it.
    Others, when provoked through disagreement, become aggressive and insulting. It’s a common response when there’s psychological dissonance. The weakness of cherished beliefs is made clear and they find it deeply upsetting, but this sort of bigotry needs calling out.
    Y’know, if Jesus were alive today, he wouldn’t be a Christian.

    #253199 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Ok. I pulled up my chair.
    What I took from the opening para was that you would be even more dismissive than previously and not engage. It would be a waste of time.
    From the second paragraph it seems that you had immediately forgotten the first paragraph…such was your desire to throw around labels like ‘barmy’ and ‘bigoted lunatics’. Then off you went … Brexit, Catholicism and Lesgeo.
    A stream of incoherent bile.
    Gurney … face it. You really don’t like me. All you can do is keep flailing and spewing. And hoping for the last word and to clear me out of this space. I will give you the last word for now … and will pray for you.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    JI – I’d suggest you have a lot of unresolved, personal issues which your faith helps you to deal with.

    And that’s fine. But you also see disagreement over religious views on a lowly football website as a threat to your identity and self-esteem, which is typical of those needing professional help.

    Alas, your comments on here also suggest a number of bigoted, prejudiced opinions on women’s rights, racism, homophobia and websites preaching hate, in a perverse interpretation of Christianity.

    So, don’t be surprised when others spot all this and can’t be bothered to reply, any more than they would to an abusive drunk shouting at the South Yorks. Stagecoach.

    An objective truth is this: many on here are atheists. We recognise some folk need religion in their lives, but resent the fundamentalist preaching, especially of hate, to stoke a culture war against some of the most marginalised in society. Just get over it, JI.

    #253201 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Thanks for your help, Gurney. I’m off to get some therapy. I may be gone some time.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    has anyone else lost this thread ages ago?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Still a familiar result with JI trotting off into the sunset, he has previous but I’m sure, like Arnie, he’ll be back.

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