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- This topic has 162 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 1 month ago by
January 12, 2023 at 6:23 pm #252539
Guess that was the bible quote then, to end the last post JI?. You always post very detailed responses JI and I applaud you for that but you do appear to have a bit of a monkey on your back when certain posters disagree with you, no need for the six paragraph first part of your monologue at all, just make your point and move on, I personally don’t see any need for it TBH, others may but it doesn’t really add anything to the overall points you make about your faith.
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January 12, 2023 at 8:26 pm #252551To be fair I wasn’t putting my mortgage on you engaging at any depth, IA.
January 12, 2023 at 8:44 pm #252554Bless there you go again, must be a God given intelligence you possess. Blessed are the meek or was it the humble 🤔
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January 12, 2023 at 9:03 pm #252557I wish the meek would inherit SUFC, the stadium and land. Well, anyone but his royal arseness.
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January 12, 2023 at 10:13 pm #252560JI any chance you can arrange an exorcism at SUFC. Might be the our only hope.
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January 12, 2023 at 10:35 pm #252562Could ask bpg to do it but he might just think it’s part of a neo-Marxist ‘great re-set’.
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January 12, 2023 at 10:37 pm #252564Maybe the church could get involved, don’t they like supporting hopeless lost causes? It would be the Christian thing to do surely, bill and JI could kiss and make up, do some public preaching together ( well they like preaching that’s for sure ) and ask for a donation to the Iron. Public busking preacher style, got to be a winner😃👏👏👏
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January 13, 2023 at 11:38 am #252610JI wrote “One responder even felt it appropriate to cite that, presumably, my faith position meant that I somehow contested Galileo’s ‘fanciful notion’ that the sun didn’t orbit around the earth and, although I had stated quite clearly my views on the age of the earth”.
And what I wrote on my post #252130 on 7/1/23 was: “And to think Galileo was deemed a heretic!”
That was all!
Where in that did it say that YOU dismissed Galileo?
You are making stuff up again. I cited nothing of the sort. I’ll thank you not to put words into my mouth!
My point was that the creation story was flawed (and that’s being generous) because of the Earth centric view and the fact that anyone who questioned this was deemed a heretic.
Now despite the Reformation, the advance of science and space exploration there are still people out there who believe the Biblical version of the creation.
Don’t you find that a bit weird?
Or do Christians cherry pick which bits of the good book to believe and conveniently dismiss other sections?
This is what I can’t get my head round.
January 13, 2023 at 11:49 am #252611JI has already said he doesn’t believe everything in the bible which suggests being a Christian these days does involve a certain amount of cherry picking. Is this how God envisaged the bible being interpreted?, mind you it was written by man not God so I guess we will never know. Just imagine Christians interpreting the Highway Code in the same way, ” right I’m giving way at roundabouts if I need to from traffic coming from the right but I think I’ll ignore Give Way signs and just keep going…….oh f*** “.
January 13, 2023 at 1:36 pm #252625Lol, cherry picking the highway code! It’s a good comparison I-A. I’d offer any cookery book by Fanny Craddock. Don’t mess with Fanny!
January 13, 2023 at 4:24 pm #252648Bless there you go again, must be a God given intelligence you possess. Blessed are the meek or was it the humble
I think it was the cheesemakers.
January 13, 2023 at 4:28 pm #252649As long as it’s not that dick cheesemaker from blur!
January 13, 2023 at 4:45 pm #252652Really JI, all these little put-downs about superiority and suchlike! And there you are telling people to repent! Seems to me that you feel a bit uncertain about it all, and need to reassure yourself with post after encyclopaedic post in defence of your god.
Thing is this, JI. If I were 10-15 years younger I might have launched into a piss-take around miracles, virgin birth, life after death, dinosaurs, dna, even language…. For example, what language does He speak? Aramaic with a Scunny accent? And then there’s the pearly gates, what are they like? Footballer’s gates with gold points and tips? Gothic ‘Game of Thrones’ ones? Nice, genteel English middle-class ones with curly and round bits? And where were they made? Sheffield / Bilbao?
And then there’s the tricky question of evolution, which dismisses the lot!
Your ‘get out’ is to say that God guided us to find these things. But on that basis, the bible can never be falsified! Anything goes, and you can believe whatever you want. It’s a pick n mix, pound shop approach to Christianity! Take whatever you want, it’s all the same price. We could have an alien invasion and life on Mars, and it would be god guiding us! Has he guided us to discover other religions too?
And to finish I might have echoed NI’s earlier comment about Adam’s rib and the impossibility of a man and a woman from those chromosomes.
But now I’m a bit older, I tend towards Sid and others’ view that when it comes to religion it really doesn’t matter what someone believes, as long as it isn’t violent or pushed on other folk. People can and do believe all sorts of weird things based on parental influence, education, and their own troubles and mental state.
However, of more import is that there are some aspects which come from a much darker place, which are full of fake news and disinformation. These websites for example, ones which we’ve been regaled with before on here…..
(probably went too far with this – he’s now pushing up daisies)(Some of the jonnies’ propaganda on here!)
or, before it was closed down, the extraordinarily racist Truth Wars website.
It’s also evident from an earlier post you find black lesbians rather comical. Actually, I used to know black girl, from Port of Spain, Trinidad. Well, she was bisexual, and you know what? She was one of the nicest, kindest people you could hope to meet. And there you are, taking the piss out of a certain type of person you’ve never met, thinking you’re a good Christian.
And then there’s the delicate issue of abortion, which apparently is a matter of whether you’re “a fan” or not.
And that’s what I don’t like about ‘hard’ religion or the so called religious; the self-righteousness, the hypocrisy, the wish to force it on others in the hope of brownie points in the imagined afterlife, when in fact all they are is part of a PR machine for a product which doesn’t even exist!
I rest my case.
January 13, 2023 at 5:06 pm #252657Yeah, put that lot in your Highway Code and cherry pick it JI. 😂😂😂
January 13, 2023 at 6:04 pm #252662All JI was doing was laying out what he believes. Of course we can disagree and find it to be false or way off the mark. I don’t get the vitriol about it. I don’t think JI was being so originally.
What is this about a black lesbian? I missed that one.
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January 13, 2023 at 8:01 pm #252678Totally agree Siderite. Cherry picking the highway code did amuse me though. Hopefully JI will see the funny side of that one.
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January 13, 2023 at 10:44 pm #252697Of course he sees the funny side, if you can’t laugh at yourself occasionally you might aswell pack it in now. Go on JI give us another epic six paragraph diatribe, you were born to do it baby.
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January 13, 2023 at 11:12 pm #252698A couple of clarifications … although it’s only in the interest of truth so I dont expect more than two or three to be bothered.
IA : I said that I hadn’t expected you to engage … and you hadn’t. I didn’t say that you weren’t intelligent enough. You never do engage. If you did then you would recognise the point I made about the Bible being a library of books and genres. Then you wouldn’t have made the shallow assessment that I don’t believe in everything in the Bible. Whether you are intelligent enough, not honest enough or just too lazy I don’t know. But its a bad habit.Ni : You seem pretty miffed at being misrepresented … welcome to my world. And to that of absent friends. (As an aside, before I explain why I think you mistake me, is it only when you are affected that you get upset? How about holding it as a general principle and calling it out whoever is the target?)
I agree that you didn’t say that I dismissed Galileo, hence the ‘presumably.’ I actually don’t think that you do think that. But you DID say, and I presume it was part of your case for challenging my beliefs:
‘ Sorry JI, but the creation is a simple story to satisfy simple people…. And to think Galileo was deemed a heretic! ‘ (From that I also infer, at the risk of further outrage from you, that I am simple. Other sentiments expressed were that its all ‘nonsense’ and for the ‘unintelligent’ and ‘superstitious.’
On your later post you made the same generalisation :
Because in the Abrahamic religions the universe is earth-centric. “Heretics” were burned at the stake for declaring that the Earth orbited the Sun.’
Then you capped it, despite my having stated clearly what I believed about the age of the earth ‘That and the fact that the age of the Earth is set at around 6-7,000 years.’
If these weren’t deemed to be relevant to ME as a professing Christian and defender of the veracity of the Bible…then what WAS your point?As for Gurney. When you ‘flail’ instead of engaging in respectful discussion and continue to take no responsibility for what you post then there’s no way to reasonably move forward.
You rest your case!! In order to do that first have to make one.January 13, 2023 at 11:27 pm #252699IA wrote : ‘Of course he sees the funny side, if you can’t laugh at yourself occasionally you might aswell pack it in now. Go on JI give us another epic six paragraph diatribe, you were born to do it baby.’
Happy to oblige IA. You’re such a jolly fellow.What was that you were saying, Sidey, about people presenting their own vision and values? Does it surprise you that there are so few posters .. and all from a fairly narrow range of perspectives?
January 14, 2023 at 1:01 am #252704Wow who is narrow minded now, JI I do respect you and I know you know the expression disappearing up ones arseole. You believe whatever you want, nobody has ever told you not to.
January 14, 2023 at 11:04 am #252736Predictable .. but still sad.
January 14, 2023 at 11:05 am #252737JI, I’ll repeat my point from above if you missed it:
“Despite the Reformation, the advance of science and space exploration there are still people out there who believe the Biblical version of the creation.
Don’t you find that a bit weird?”
You may or may not be one of the above, only you know that.
January 14, 2023 at 11:25 am #252740Hi NI. No I didn’t miss it … there were so many other points made from several quarters that it’s hard to keep it straight. ( This is genuinely not a ‘dig’ … but do you find any acceptance of my explanation above? You certainly seemed angry at what you felt was misrepresentation. I do try to address questions asked and points made as far as possible .. although even that is now drawing ridicule from some.)
I’m on 1% .. will answer your Q when charged.January 14, 2023 at 12:16 pm #252746Predictable .. but still sad.
You have the capability to change your life if you so wish
January 14, 2023 at 12:35 pm #252748Surely you’re not suggesting I repent, IA. I thought your Guru Gurney said that was out of order! Or maybe its only when it comes from a Christian direction … just as my 6 paragraph diatribes are scorned but the Guru has a free pass with you. As I said … predictable..but sad!
January 14, 2023 at 1:03 pm #252750Back and charged up NI. My battery definitely is on the blink.
To answer your question ..Yes. There’s a great deal that’s ‘weird’ about the Christian faith. If ‘weird’ means mysterious and very challenging/unbelievable to purely naturalistic thinking and where reality is limited to what can be apprehended through the 5 senses. A transcendent realm which is only accessible by revelation initiated by a superior, loving and intelligent Creator .. I understand completely how that is puzzling to the point of ‘weird.’ But, like hundreds of millions both now and through the centuries, I believe .. and have experienced .. that reality.
As far as ‘the Biblical version of the Creation’ is concerned .. I went at some length previously to explain that the Bible is a library of books of different genres … which, of course, has led to the ‘cherry picking’ glee club. Nevertheless I’ll repeat that I believe all of the Bible is useful to apprehend ‘revealed’truth.. but some is by myth, some by metaphor, some by hyperbole ..and some literally. I did give a clear example of this… Jesus telling people to pluck out their eyes and cut off their arms. Weird!
So I am happy to say, again, that I don’t believe the Bible teaches a 7 day Creation process as we understand it nor that the earth is only 6000 years old. I also don’t believe that I’m ‘cherry picking’ by saying that the Bible doesn’t teach that the Universe is physically earth centric ( Though I definitely DO believe that mankind is the main point of Creation and therefore his home environment, planet earth, is central to that. ) There are many Christians who would disagree with some of these views, though far fewer than you might think .. and I can live with that. There are many Christians, perhaps even the majority in our time, who find no contradiction between the Biblical narrative and the Scientific and modern view. I referenced previously Dr John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, who is an internationally renowned speaker on the interface of science, philosophy and religion. Also Alister McGrath who is Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University. Maybe have a look??January 15, 2023 at 2:53 pm #252878And what about those vile websites, JI? What say you about those links to lies, disinformation and racism? A Trappist monk would be proud of your silence! Come on man!
There’s an interesting similarity on here between those on the far-right, those who have strong religion, and those who campaigned hardest for Brexit.
It all revolves around belief. So, if strongly held beliefs are shown to be wrong, the fanatics just come up with some excuse, typically something like “you’re misrepresenting it” or “it wasn’t done right”, or with evolution we often hear “it’s not like they say, it’s wrong, God directed us” etc. etc.
We’ve seen this since Darwin. We hear it about Brexit every day. And what do the fanatics do? They believe harder, and ramble on to shift the ground and take the conversation in another direction – because the theory must never be falsified! It’s like they’re trying to fool themselves as much as they are the general public.
When their beliefs about the end of the world, or the Royal family’s lizard-like genes are challenged, the mentally ill often do something quite similar.
January 15, 2023 at 4:02 pm #252883You never answer anything, Gurney. Just one new accusation after another. You want me to be accountable to examine your perspective ..but sail blithely on when I raise specific issues to you. You’re actually the most frustrating poster of all because you’re obviously articulate and educated … but you place yourself above the etiquette of reasonable discourse. Black lesbians and lizard genes. Yep … as I said before .. such contributions just stink this board out.
January 15, 2023 at 4:18 pm #252885What black lesbians?
January 15, 2023 at 7:51 pm #252923A lie is still a lie even if everyone believes it.
The truth is still the truth if no one believes it.
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