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- This topic has 162 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 1 month ago by
January 3, 2023 at 10:26 pm #251860
I wasn’t making any barbed comments. Though, I do think Putin’s massive mishap with Ukraine displayed his own idiocy, and can be labelled as such due to the epic disaster it put on his own country and the world. A huge backfire which hasn’t gone to plan.
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January 3, 2023 at 10:33 pm #251861All this talking of values makes me think of starting a thread on personal values, and positions, so people can clearly show what they represent. Then I think this sounds all a bit self-indulgent. I probably spend too much time thinking about how the world should be based on my own moral values.
January 3, 2023 at 10:50 pm #251865Also, I am struggling to see how Biden’s Green New deal can be blamed for rising prices when it didn’t pass through Congress until August. Prices were already rising before then, so I would say other factors predominate. A lot of it global, since energy prices are driven by the highest price of a source. Renewables are quite cheap, but gas isn’t, ensuring the cost stays high, while Europe demands more from the USA now Russia is out of access.
January 4, 2023 at 2:42 pm #251918Your proposed thread sounds really interesting … and no challenge for me as I’m already outed 😆
Re Afghanistan date …I’d probably have Uncle Joe in both years anyway 😜
Re Green New Deal ..It’s not just the date of the legislation that is relevant. The Keystone Pipeline was scuppered on day one of the new administration. It’s true that broader context plays in .. and boy are we paying for it.An energy independent/surplus USA might actually alleviate rather than contribute to the problem.January 4, 2023 at 4:59 pm #251933Sunak must be a contender after todays speech, one and one is three, not good enough but i will concentrate on that and ignore the current pressing issues facing the country.
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January 4, 2023 at 5:24 pm #251935The economists have already said that inflation will come down next year. Very Johnsonsonian to claim credit for something that’s predicted to happen anyway.
January 4, 2023 at 6:14 pm #251939He’s hardly an inspirational leader is he, mind you he won’t be leader that long IMO. I believe the next election will come early.
January 4, 2023 at 6:48 pm #251944He’s fallen well short of a low expectation. The seem to make the wrong choice on every issue.
January 4, 2023 at 7:14 pm #251951It better come earlier than the current predicted two years! Had 13 years already!
January 5, 2023 at 10:59 am #251991Just come in so haven’t taken in the replies to my last post. Maybe in the morning. Meanwhile ….
Hi Gurney You made 4 points so I’ll answer each one then add a bit more.
1. The idiocy was never about ‘not making good decisions’. It was about the most powerful and influential man on the planet making a series of awful, abysmal ones.
2. Energy. The Green New Deal. Yep. You nailed it. I disapprove ..almost to the point of despair .. of Biden’s Green energy policy. (My first real ‘outing’ in the bag, Gurney). A policy that helps to plunge hundreds of millions ..not just in the USA but across the Globe.. into energy poverty and distress; that enhances Putin’s capabilities; that gives unbounded joy to the CCP; that not only doesn’t help the environment but actually makes it worse. Genius!
3. Sidey may differ from me in some perspectives but he definitely shares my advocacy of fairness. You might ask yourself, Gurney, why all your contextual skills and undoubted intellect go sailing down the Swanee whenever my faith comes into view. For example … why did I refer to Feminist voices on Afghanistan. Is it because, as you said, my focus is solely on Christians? Are you under the illusion that Feminists mainly advocate for the disciples of Jesus? The idiocy in Afghanistan was that it had all the hallmarks of a woefully uninformed and hastily conceived grab for a ‘political trophy’ with scant regard for women, minorities, those who helped the allies … and ‘apostates’ now fleeing death because of their Christian faith. To pull troops out first! Idiocy. To leave allies scrambling! Idiocy. To leave tens of billions worth of state of the art weaponry. Idiocy. To consider the Taliban honourable and reliable partners. Idiocy. To signal to nasty, malevolent regimes across the Globe that the US is either naïve or spineless. Idiocy. I think you catch my drift.
4. No. I don’t endorse criminal behaviour. Whether it is storming Capitol buildings, looting and torching black owned stores and businesses, influence peddling for millions of Chinese lucre or fabricating narratives to discredit political opponents I am firmly on the side of accountability. It’s not for nothing that Justice wears her blindfold … and so should we all be impartial and consistent in our zeal for truth and justice.
Finally …. The Big Reveal. Have I ever mentioned that I am a Christian.? Probably.(Groan) I believe in the sanctity of human life and so am not a fan of abortion. I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. I believe that there is such a thing as a man and a woman. I believe in social justice. I celebrate the wonderful racial and cultural diversity on the planet. I love freedom of thought and freedom of speech. I believe in respectful and honest discourse. I don’t believe in labelling or mocking or cancelling people who have different opinions. And I’m probably more to the right than the left … with a bit of movement in between on some issues. Thats me out of the closet .. if I was ever in it.So, that’s quite a plea, JI! Let’s summarise:
You think Biden is not just an idiot but idiot of the year, because:
a) You don’t like his decisions (n.b. this isn’t a REASON for idiocy, it’s your own opinion of his premiership).b) You don’t like his policy on decarbonising the biggest energy consumer in the world, and weaning the country off fossil fuels because it implies poverty for the many. Yet, not to pursue that policy means even greater and more serious threat to the denizens of the world. Well, in short, what’s needed is a new politics whereby the poorest nations don’t pay for the consequences the richest nations’ consumption habits. Carrying on as we are would be to ignore the consequences of climate change, which really would be idiotic.
c) You think Biden should not have completed the process of withdrawal from Afghanistan which Trump started, because human rights of all kinds were being violated by Taliban. I rather think he’d be damned if he did and damned if he didn’t withdraw. It’s a thankless task either way, particularly as the troops’ presence wouldn’t be able to guarantee safety. But my main point is that being caught on the horns of this dilemma and choosing either option, is not a qualification for idiocy.
d) Unity and reconciliation? Your plea doesn’t mention it other than to say there should be accountability. So, where does Biden’s alleged idiocy enter into it?
Incidentally, as a practising Christian you might take issue with the expression ‘fossil fuels’. Fossils are usually over 10,000 years old, considerably older than the bible suggests for the age of the earth. How on earth does a practising Catholic reconcile that?
As for the final flood of virtuousness at the end, it’s all very nice. But, it’s also quite general – for example ‘freedom of speech’ could well be interpreted to mean freedom to disparage and lie about whoever and whatever you like! Abortion? Well I’m not a “fan” either. I don’t think anyone is a “fan” (bad choice of words), but I respect a woman’s right to choose. A deafening silence from you on the death penalty tho’.
I hope you can practice what you preach, but the wobbles over the need for decarbonisation and unity do raise serious doubts.
No further questions.
January 5, 2023 at 11:05 am #251993Where has JI revealed himself to be Catholic? I always assumed he is Protestant.
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January 5, 2023 at 11:22 am #251997Interesting point about ‘fossil fuels’. How do Christians reconcile using a fuel that they perceive to be the result of Satan putting some living forms behind rocks to deceive us? Satan’s fuel – shouldn’t more Christians be pushing for renewables? Apologies for the aside – I know how ‘going off topic’ bothers some.
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January 5, 2023 at 12:51 pm #252004“Unity and reconciliation?”
The Republican party can’t even agree on electing a speaker. They need to focus on their own unity and reconciliation.
Their party are the idiots of every year they continue to support Trump.
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January 5, 2023 at 3:32 pm #252019He’s hardly an inspirational leader is he, mind you he won’t be leader that long IMO. I believe the next election will come early.
Bring it on!!
January 5, 2023 at 10:28 pm #252045Gurney … not playing until you explain why you think Feminists only advocate for Christians. (No apology needed. Just an acknowledgment that you lost your way. Otherwise I can’t trust that you engage in good faith).
ps still had no response to ‘what I’ve been doing all my life’ on racial issues. And feel free to explain the Catholic jibe to Sidey since he spotted it too.
January 5, 2023 at 10:33 pm #252047Let me know your thoughts on my fossil fuels point when you get a minute JI. I’m genuinely intrigued to know! Cheers
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January 6, 2023 at 10:49 am #252054Sunak making a strong challenge for the award for 2023. Minimum service standards on strike days. What about minimum service standards for every other day of the year???
If workers can be sacked for striking, then its only fair that Government ministers and the Prime Minister should be sacked as well for gross dereliction of their primary duty, to look after UK citizens.
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January 6, 2023 at 12:37 pm #252065They will regret going down the legislation road when it comes to the right to strike and all the details within, we are a democracy still I believe Mr Sunak, give your head a wobble and get your transport minister talking round a table instead of broadcasting Goverment soundbites on the national news.
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January 6, 2023 at 12:47 pm #252069…and scrap the compulsory Maths till you’re 18 rubbish and promote Critical Theory so more people see through your BS!
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January 6, 2023 at 2:45 pm #252076Which dimwit decided sacking nurses for going on strike was a good idea? Isn’t the fact that many of them have to use food banks enough of a disgrace for this bunch of tossers?
Get on with sorting the NHS crisis now!!
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January 6, 2023 at 10:23 pm #252103Deerey wrote :’Interesting point about ‘fossil fuels’. How do Christians reconcile using a fuel that they perceive to be the result of Satan putting some living forms behind rocks to deceive us? Satan’s fuel – shouldn’t more Christians be pushing for renewables? Apologies for the aside – I know how ‘going off topic’ bothers some.’
Deerey’s question is, as he says, off the main topic. But I thank him for it and can’t resist at least a brief(ish) acknowledgment.
This is a development from Gurney’s previous puzzlement: ‘ Incidentally, as a practising Christian you might take issue with the expression ‘fossil fuels’. Fossils are usually over 10,000 years old, considerably older than the bible suggests for the age of the earth. How on earth does a practising Christian (Catholic sic) reconcile that?’
I think the kernel of the question ..( if Deerey would indulge me for starting with a question he didnt directly ask).. may have already been touched upon in several other threads. This centres on the notion that no intelligent or educated person could surely be an advocate of whatever it is that ‘Christians’ are supposed to believe, especially in matters of Science which surely has to be seen as at odds with their worldview. I certainly remember giving a detailed and lengthy
response to IAs assertion that belief in ‘Fairy Tales’ will die out as people get more educated and intelligent in their thinking. I listed any number of historic and contemporary figures who describe or described themselves as Christians, including a range of modern Scientists and Nobel Prize Winners. I would dig it out and post it again if requested.
An easily read Article is accessible on PDF simply by Googling ‘A Christian physicist examines the Age of the Earth’ by Dr Steven Ball.More specifically to Deerey and Gurney’s actual questions I would first say that not all Christians believe the same about all things. Thats why there have been Synods and Councils and schisms and new denominations throughout history. Quite creative in some cases but,tragically, all too often pathological and deadly. A certain poster on this Forum has very different views and approaches to me and yet we read the same Bible.
My view on fossils, Gurney, irrespective of what Catholics may or may not assert, is that they reflect the reality that God probably created the Earth several Billion years ago. I find no contradiction between my faith and trust in the Bible .. although I recognise that many Christians find it difficult to distinguish between the different styles of writing in the 66 Books of the Bible. Some are History, some are Poetry, some are Prophecy, some are Apocalyptic etc. Sometimes statements are to be taken absolutely literally and some may be Hyperbole, Rhetoric, Mataphor etc If every Christian were to take literally and obey every single statement of Jesus then there would be Churches full of people with no right arms and with eyes plucked out! Thats just one crude example.
From that, Deerey, you can see that I don’t need to find an explanation for fossils centring on a Satanic scam to plant fossils and fool everyone. Personally I’ve not come across that one in the circles in which I move but I’m sure that it’s one of several explanations given.To throw out another provocation ..and possibly to be more ‘on topic’ .. as a Christian I do believe that not only is God the Author of all Creation but also that He sustains it and will one day remake it. Hence, whilst I have care and concern for the environment and feel that we are to steward Creation wisely, I dont have any deep Climate anxiety. Just as He made the cycle that gives us life giving freshwater rainfall and Osmosis and Transpiration to see vegetation grow, so He gave us just the right amount of radiated heat and Sunlight…. just the right atmospheric conditions for life … and BOOM .. deposited coal and oil and natural gas as energy sources along with wind, sunlight and water along with huge potential in the structure of atoms for energy release by ‘splitting’, fusion or even more. Our job is moderation in all things and wisdom in any transitions.
OOps. What did I say about brief?
January 6, 2023 at 10:48 pm #252105Aye, and the planet has seen several mass extinctions (five major – i.e. greater than 50% species extinct), all due to climate change, in that time. While life finds a way, not all does, and it’s left for the survivors to fill the niche left by the mass extinction. The planet finds an equilibrium after a while, and will do with current life on the planet after current climate change, but many species may not and that might include ourselves or a large number of ourselves. At the very least conditions may life to become more strained with things like crop failure, and an associated increase in migration, as we are witnessing now.
January 6, 2023 at 10:50 pm #252106Clever fella this God. Did he create all the stars, planets, asteroids, black holes and why didn’t he make them all habitable too?
January 7, 2023 at 8:56 am #252113The reason the other planets don’t have life is because we are God’s guinea pigs Heathy, didn’t you know that? We are the trial run and if it succeeds he’s going to roll it out across the entire universe. Of course it will mean repositioning billions of stars around a bit to enable life to exist but don’t worry it’s all in hand. Mind you the way the experiment is going so far he might scrap it all and say it’s not working, so he will probably send a flood or something to finish his experiment early…….oh wait… the bible , the ark, sorry I forgot. Thanks God.
January 7, 2023 at 9:36 am #252117…. let the mockery begin!!
January 7, 2023 at 10:34 am #252125It’s not hard to understand why your post is totally unbelievable. If that’s what you believe OK by me, but don’t call it mockery if people don’t agree and ask questions. Been happening for centuries if not billions of years when God first started this.
“I would first say that not all Christians believe the same about all things”.
That’s the bit that concerns me most about Cristians and has caused mass suffering for centuries. Basically you can believe and do what you want and still call yourself a Christian.
Hitler did it, Putin is doing it with his Orthodox Christmas ceasefire and our history is littered with Kings and politicians doing it.
We have all met Christians who go to church every Sunday but are horrible uncaring bastards for the rest of the week.
BPG does it. All his posts seem to be about the start of life or the end of life. He rarely talks if ever about the years in between, apart from having a blind faith that judgement day is coming.
This allows him to support right wing thinking and not to show any sign of empathy and sympathy for the plight of those in peril on land or sea. He can support Republicans but can excuse the actions, policies and totally un-Christian behaviour of Trump, Putin and others. He can criticise Zelensky but not Putin.
That’s why he never answers a simple question like how many of the 10 commandments has Trump NOT broken?
You can have a go if you want JI.
January 7, 2023 at 10:51 am #252130Went to one of the dark skies observatories we have in Northumberland for my daughter’s birthday last Wednesday.
If anyone still believes in the Christian creationist theory after a couple of hours there then the indoctrination is really deep set!
JI – “My view on fossils, Gurney, irrespective of what Catholics may or may not assert, is that they reflect the reality that God probably created the Earth several Billion years ago”
There are galaxies out there trillions of light years away. There are probably some so far away that the light from them has not reached us yet!
Sorry JI, but the creation is a simple story to satisfy simple people.
And to think Galileo was deemed a heretic!
January 7, 2023 at 11:04 am #252137“but the creation is a simple story to satisfy simple people”.
Or an explanation of events that allows the state and the church to control people.
Or line the pockets of the state and the faiths.
January 7, 2023 at 11:22 am #252143‘From that, Deerey, you can see that I don’t need to find an explanation for fossils centring on a Satanic scam to plant fossils and fool everyone. Personally I’ve not come across that one in the circles in which I move but I’m sure that it’s one of several explanations given’
I came across it high up in the results of googling ‘how do Christians reconcile fossils’ JI. Just a quick look as I was intrigued. I accept your point about different opinions on it within your faith but tbh, a lot of the rest of your post I struggled to comprehend. It’s not like I’m educated to a low level either, so either you’re not explaining yourself very well, or my intelligence has waned, or I’m a charlatan who conned the education system. Probably one of the last two. Oh well…
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January 7, 2023 at 11:52 am #252150“Rishi Sunak is holding emergency talks with NHS and care leaders in an attempt to tackle the winter healthcare crisis in England”.
“The NHS Recovery Forum at No 10 on Saturday will focus on four key issues: social care and delayed discharge, urgent and emergency care, elective care and primary care”.
A meeting in January??????
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