How has Our Relegation Affected You?

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace How has Our Relegation Affected You?

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  • #236036
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 16

    Interested to know how other fans are feeling following confirmation of our relegation, apart from the obvious thorough dejection.

    I’ve been surprised at how my love of the game has all but gone. It’s literally collapsed and I just can’t get interested in anything to do with football at any level. Has anyone else experienced this?

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    Registered On: June 2, 2017
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    Same for me, cancelled Sky, read the paper from the front instead of the back, stopped making subs on fantasy football, watch Sunday brunch instead of MOTD.

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    Registered On: May 26, 2017
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    Same – almost complete lack of interest in football generally, really kicked in during last seasons struggles and never left. Luckily last weekend didn’t hit too hard as I had known it was coming for a while, but just hoping we can pull ourselves together (hopefully under new ownership) and at least give next season a good go and play some decent football.

    Not holding my breath.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 104

    With JGNK, accepted relegation about 3 months ago so used to it by now. Arguably better than needing to win the last game to stay up, much less stressful. Lost interest in the Moneybags league several seasons ago.

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
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    Life has no ultimate meaning in your “worldview” Bucksiron. Remember you’re just trying to create meaning that isn’t there! Or are you suppressing the truth?

    Registered On: January 11, 2014
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    Its my team and I will keep going. Not at all happy with the way it has been run but they won’t be here forever.
    Teams like ours are used to setbacks and we all hope to get back in the League. If it doesn’t happen life goes on.
    I do have a laugh when big teams slip down the Leagues and everyone seems to be concerned about them. Personally I hope Everton go down this year, they need to see how the other half live.
    I don’t have Sky TV to to try and make sure my money stays away from the top. I believe football was taken away from the working class when wage cap was got rid of. Players even in clubs like ours get too much.
    If football is getting you down too much the rest of your life can’t be too bad.

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    Not happy but life goes on. My love of football and supporting SUFC was NEVER about them being in the EFL.
    It’s my hometown football club and I will go until the end of time.

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    Registered On: January 12, 2014
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    BT Sport for me next season.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    With most on here.

    When I do watch MOTD or ITV’s England coverage I always mute the sound when the pundits start spouting their BS. That’s ruined it for me.

    Like ‘tash I accepted relegation in January so just a shrug of the shoulders on Friday.

    I actually enjoy going to National League and NL(N) games with my mates, though whether it will be as enjoyable when it’s the Iron’s reputation at stake is a different matter.

    But too many miles on the SUFC clock to abandon them now.


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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    I used to love going to home and away games but stopped going away five or six years ago, now I don’t enjoy going to home games, especially the last four years, I do watch a fair amount of games on Sky and BT and enjoy the National League games, at least we might get a few games on BT next season and the standard is pretty good.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    But regarding relegation we have expected it all season so hasn’t bothered me at all, I would sooner play in any league that we are capable of winning some games, even a draw like yesterday felt like a win.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    I have felt that the magic has ebbed away in recent years, with money being a big factor. It used to be that smaller/less fashionable teams like Grimsby, Crewe, Doncaster, Gillingham, Port Vale and Shrewsbury could have solidify themselves in the 2nd tier for a good few seasons if they chanced upon a winning manager of formula. Wimbledon overachieved for years in the top tier.

    However, now this doesn’t seem to be the case. You know that teams who drop from tier one to two and two to three will do well next season, due to money and parachute payments. It was always true that the bigger clubs tended to fare well and relegated teams would stand a good chance of a return, but look at it now. Norwich, Watford, Bournemouth and Fulham seem to forever yo-yo between the Premier League and Championship because they have too much spending power for the Championship, but not enough for the Premier League. Likewise, Rotherham, Wigan, Barnsley and Peterborough in League One and the Championship. The effect of money dominates and you have to spend an astronomical amount of money to stabilise in the 2nd tier, which makes a dream like our 00s good run seem next to impossible now. We won’t have the days where Crewe, Stockport and Doncaster can have many year runs in the 2nd tier, because they don’t have the resources, which has killed the joy for me to some degree. The league pyramid benefits are that in theory, even the unfashionable teams can have a good run with a good manager or ownership. It doesn’t really feel that way now, because wage demands and money mean the Peterboroughs and Wycombes can’t have a good stay in the 2nd tier. And while yo-yo teams have always existed, I never got the impression it was as prevalent as today. It just seems to kill the hope when you know that the chances for others is getting less likely.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    Life has no ultimate meaning in your “worldview” Bucksiron. Remember you’re just trying to create meaning that isn’t there! Or are you suppressing the truth?

    My ‘worldview’ is that life is very precious so enjoy it while you can, but ultimately we are only here to perpetuate the species. As for football, there’s no way I could deny myself drinks, and putting the world to rights, in the pub before and after the match in the company of good friends. That said I can’t remember the last time I watched MOTD, and I’ve never had Sky. 🙂

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    Registered On: December 31, 2013
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    The apathy set in long before this season, I tried to get my lads interested but the quality was so poor they aren’t interested.
    I rarely watch MOTD and any football on ITV I avoid. I actually enjoy listening to Roy Keane more than any football – he is hilarious at times.

    Scunthorpe need to try and get the magic back for the fans which means new owners – I started in the 80’s and we were hit and miss for years but it never mattered back then it was just special to watch them – Swann family has really destroyed everything the club meant but we can get it back

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    Registered On: October 13, 2021
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    Witnessing the Harrogate debacle, relegation seemed inevitable, so had months to prepare.
    I just want my club back, the sense of community pride in the club restored, no longer being an example of how not to run a club, being able to look forward to games when all 3 results are possible and most weeks knowing we will score a goal, perhaps even 2!
    That can all happen in the national League, but it does need the swanns enable a quick sale and clear off.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    Got a few more pounds in my pocket, didn’t go to as many games as I would have done normally the day of the Salford away left me in turmoil for not going,but the result justified my decision for me anyway. Just a massive disappointment all round.

    Registered On: October 21, 2017
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    As with many was resigned to it months ago so Friday was no big deal.
    Football has been spoilt by money at all levels in the league, how can it be right for someone to be paid hundreds of thousands a week for kicking a bag of wind about, it’s turned footballers into a load of primadonas.
    Consequently its gradually putting it out of reach for a lot of people, £26 to sit and watch the garbage that’s been on offer at the sinking sands says it all.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    How many have paid £26 pounds? Must be really late deciding whether to go or not to pay that amount.

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
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    Trying to look for the small positives. My nearest game next season will be away at Torquay which should make for a nice weekend. I do keep having moments of giving up on Scunny but when it’s in your blood it’s impossible. Be far easier for me to support The Pirates (local rugby team) but it just doesn’t give me the same feeling.

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    Registered On: April 9, 2022
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    Didn’t really affect me as much as it thought it would as I guessed it would of happened as we finished 20th 2019/20 season and 22nd in the 2020/21 season but it heavily affected my grandparents. We had been in the football league my grandparents entire lifetime regardless of what position we finished in they followed them through thick and thin and now they have no hope, with a regular ocurring topic being “Scunthorpe won’t get out of non league in our lifetime now we’ll be dead before they come up again

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    Registered On: May 28, 2017
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    I was resigned to us been relegated about a month ago so Friday almost came as a relief that it was over and didn’t drag out and give us some mad hope that we might actually win a few games and stay up!
    Don’t know much about non league so been doing some homework on the clubs and locations and kind of looking forward to visiting some small grounds. Also just want that feeling back, that excitement that we might win a game when it kicks off!!

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
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    I have covered many hundreds of thousands of miles over the past 72 years, many happy times, and a few not so happy, but the past 4 seasons the way our team has been set up, and the way it has been managed, has actually ended my interest in attending any longer, but with saying this, now being 81 years of age does not help a great deal. What has really hit me most is that the Chairman bull shitted our fans for many years, then when the fruits of his ownership saw our team exit the Fotball League, he just turned his back on the club, even as the owner, he could not be arsed to attend matches, he had earlier ran up a big debt of over £13 million pounds, and had the neck to transfer ownership of the stadium, car parks and training pitch land to his own company.

    If he just took a look at himself and saw what hs ownership has done to the club, it’s supporters and the town in general, I am sure that he would hate himself, but we all know this is not his way, he has fallen out with council officers, contractors, the supporters, and at the same time blames Covid and our loyal fans, it is never his fault.

    So sorry to say, but I shall not be goig any more, and our last home game against Hartlepool will be my last time that I shall set foot in GP, I was at the first League match in 1950 and hope to be at our last league game. I still have my Speedway to attend, and although I have Sky Sports, the 30 match iFollower Speedway Prem League season ticket and BT Sports, I do not watch too many football matches now, the diving and rolling about and continual back passing has spoiled it for me.

    I hope that SUFC do get back into the football league, but I think it will take years if it ever does happen, and they will need a different squad of players to what they presently have.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    I’m devastated because this should never have been allowed to happen, I will be at Bradford, mainly because I enjoy away games much more than the pathetic matchday experience of GP, I have never supported Scunthorpe United for the glory it was always about the matchday experience, it used to be special win, lose or draw. We used to be entertained because we had a team that went out to win no matter what the opposition was. I have watched some Scunthorpe teams desperately short of quality over the years but we always had players that gave everything on the pitch and that has always been what’s important for me, if I left the ground felling the lads had given everything then I was happy whatever the result.

    Now we have a gutless owner that has ran away rather than face the music, gutless players that couldn’t give two shits about the club, and absolute dump of a stadium that has been left to rot by the current owner without a penny of investment, matchday staff that don’t give a toss, stewards that think its ok to shove and verbally abuse fans and then cry when said fan bites back, it really is sad, sad times……but hey, I tried pointing out over and over again where the club was going and got ridiculed.

    Registered On: May 29, 2017
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    Heart broken! But Monday there was a little glimmer in the otherwise doom and gloom, there appears to be a good set of youngsters who can serve the club for a few years and maybe add a coppers into the pot in time.

    Jack Moore-bill am is one i have an interest in as I saw him playing for Sheffield schools and recommended him through the academy scouting network but he is from Sheffield and went to Chesterfield instead then came to us after they folded their full time academy.

    If we can get some experienced players in all positions and bring the youngsters in along side we should be able to stabilise then move forward the season after next, can’t see us challenging next season so to stabilise and build would be a good season IMO

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    Registered On: July 25, 2015
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    Generally the horrendous last 3 or 4 years at the club and Covid to boot has seen my interest spiral. I rarely watch MOTD or the EFL highlights on Quest.i feel Swann has decimated my club through his incompetence.I have found been a fan week after week seeing constant defeats,and crap football a depressing experience. I have developed new interests outside of football and I am certainly a lot more careful how I spent my hard earned cash now. Saying that, I will be there next season and hopefully we can wipe the whole slate clean and start again.

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    Thanks everyone, obviously it isn’t the end of the world and, like many others, I’ll always support SUFC whatever the circumstances.

    A big part of the disappointment for me has been Swann. Having supported him — and I’ve taken plenty of flak for doing so — I can now see that I was completely wrong. This has probably created more disillusionment than anything, at least for me, because I just cannot see how someone could take the club from where it was just a few seasons ago to where it is now. Forget covid, other clubs have managed extraordinarily difficult circumstances while Swann failed to do so.

    I always said that if Swann failed I’d become his biggest critic and that is how I now feel. His plans might have made sense but his execution has been lamentable. The sooner he goes the better.

    I’m sure we’ll be back but the question is how long that will take. If Swann departs and decent owners come in we stand a chance, but with Swann at the helm I can no longer see it. What a total and utter failure he’s been.

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    With more and more electric vehicles on the road – does it make sense to regionalise football?

    You’ll never get to Yeovil and back on a single charge!

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    But you’ll get there with your bus pass!

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
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    Don’t get Bucks on his climate change and renewables soapbox again! :-)

    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 36

    I’m worried that we will continue to drop down into NLN, as there is almost certainly not going to be any money to spend on, at least half decent new players.

    I did trust Swann for the first few years. But the recent asset stripping, plus the neglect of our team and our ground, (we haven’t even got a working scoreboard damnit), is hardly what I would call inspiring.

    I really do fear for for the future, and hope that it doesn’t unravel in the next two or three seasons.

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