Hilton’s Statement

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Hilton’s Statement

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  • #271591
    Registered On: August 10, 2023
    Topics: 8

    I wonder how the directors and fans of the sham 89 club are feeling today?

    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    There was only 1 point last year, just before the Elliot takeover was announced that I thought we were actually going to go bust. Always thought we’d carry on regardless and things would sort themselves out

    I have that feeling today.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    A fairly easy question to answer, with Hilton at the helm we have a club, without him – who knows. Some of us are desperate for our club to survive, others just want to see Hilton humiliated. Do I have concerns? Of course I do, but I also wonder why you and Interested Bystander are so keen to destroy an individual.
    (Reply to Ruuger’s question)

    spot on .. DH and have a club OR he walks and no club ..

    what say you Ironeye ??

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    I wonder how the directors and fans of the sham 89 club are feeling today?

    Are you privvy to what the directors already know or have known for awhile, do you attend board meetings, are you a director? I’m guessing not and what they are thinking or feeling isn’t relevant it’s what actions they take as a board in the future that will probably determine how we hope to progress as a club going forward. Whatever the outcome from today’s statement the future of the club should be at the forefront of all people genuinely interested in the future of SUFC, second guessing isn’t going to be constructive IMO but hey you think and feel what you want.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 7

    A fairly easy question to answer, with Hilton at the helm we have a club, without him – who knows. Some of us are desperate for our club to survive, others just want to see Hilton humiliated. Do I have concerns? Of course I do, but I also wonder why you and Interested Bystander are so keen to destroy an individual.
    (Reply to Ruuger’s question)

    It’s not either DH or no club.

    Very few people have a personal agenda against him. What I am not happy with is that he has lied to us all, on an ongoing basis, and now that he has been caught out he is trying to play the victim card.

    We have had great support, but it is for the club. Whoever is the owner or the manager we all be behind them WHEN THEY DESERVE IT. The club is bigger than any individual.

    Swann was bad news for us. It doesn’t automatically make the next person the good news.

    Registered On: July 17, 2023
    Topics: 0

    What I don’t understand how you say you would rather have him at the helm? Really, a convicted criminal! An out and out liar to the fans of SUFC on a regular basis! Doesn’t sound like a good mix for a Football Club owner to me, and I guess the FA might have something to say about it too.

    It is when posted immediately after being outed as a liar and a convicted criminal.

    Broken man? It was a sob story, looking for sympathy, do you think a leopard can change it’s spots?

    Is it that easy to tell the difference between a man in a poor mental state and a sob story? Not sure I’m qualified to make that call and I’m not sure you are but your entitled to your opinion.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    I get some of your points III and your entitled to them of course but as I posted earlier are we privvy to what is a mental state or a victim card, I think personally it’s a tough call but I will be clear on one thing, Swann it seems was about to let the club die, Hilton came in and rescued it from that fate, now how things pan out in the future is up in the air but the fact the club is still operating is down to Hilton and not the previous owner who appeared was quite prepared to see it fail when he’d had enough, I’m just hoping Hilton in his mental state at the moment isn’t contemplating the same thing although he said he expected the club to go from strength to strength. As always, it’s wait and see time and we all need to keep our fingers 🤞

    Registered On: July 17, 2023
    Topics: 0

    A fairly easy question to answer, with Hilton at the helm we have a club, without him – who knows. Some of us are desperate for our club to survive, others just want to see Hilton humiliated. Do I have concerns? Of course I do, but I also wonder why you and Interested Bystander are so keen to destroy an individual.
    (Reply to Ruuger’s question)

    spot on .. DH and have a club OR he walks and no club ..

    what say you Ironeye ??

    I haven’t destroyed him, he has destroyed himself. Firstly by committing fraud, and secondly by his continuous lies to supporters of SUFC.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 7

    I get some of your points III and your entitled to them of course but as I posted earlier are we privvy to what is a mental state or a victim card, I think personally it’s a tough call but I will be clear on one thing, Swann it seems was about to let the club die, Hilton came in and rescued it from that fate, now how things pan out in the future is up in the air but the fact the club is still operating is down to Hilton and not the previous owner who appeared was quite prepared to see it fail when he’d had enough, I’m just hoping Hilton in his mental state at the moment isn’t contemplating the same thing although he said he expected the club to go from strength to strength. As always, it’s wait and see time and we all need to keep our fingers 🤞

    You suggest we are not privy to certain things and cannot therefore make any accurate posts. Yet within that same post you assume that Swann would let the club die. We have no proof that he would do that. Sadly, he found DH to take over.

    Like the vast majority of supporters, I want to see SUFC succeed. However, I do not want to be led by a man who lies and cheats his way to get there.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 81

    Very weak Ruuger, ..firstly by committing fraud.. his jail sentence was punishment…secondly by his continuous lies to supporters..name one where he has lied? If you say he didn’t reveal his jail sentence – why should he? He said he had nothing to hide ( he’d paid his sentence in full) he had no obligation to reveal it. What other lies are you referring to? You are just a wolf with one intention.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    Very interesting but at the same time it is very sad.
    After listening to the interview, my own opinion is that Mr Hilton has always been trying to live beyond his means, and that whenever he fails there is a lot of self pity gets involved, I have said almost from the off, that in my opinion Mr Hilton never had the funds to buy the club, and when the 1889 thing was introduced to sell the club Stadium (which he did not actually own) to the fans, and then when he brought forward the next seasons cheap rate season ticket deadline date to April (before the ongoing season was completed), that Mr Hilton was desparate to bring in money so that he could actually buy the club, I am sorry to say, this surely looks to haVE BEEN THE CAse.

    In my own case, when my Bank crashed in 2008, and at 67 years of age and working 8,500 miles away in West Papua, I lost my complete life savings of 230K, but I did not rush home and jump off the Humber Bridge, I just decided to work another year out there in order to get a bit of cash saved, Mr Hilton should surely have accepted his situation instead of jumping from one situation to another, when in fact he never had a chance of them coming off. He sounds a broken man, and will surely not stay in his oresent job, I feel that this is a warning that he will full out.

    I just hope that some one will save our loved little club, because with Swann still hovering, he will let SUFC die.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 3

    What about the mental health of the people on the end of his fraud?..That’s who I feel sorry for.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Very weak Ruuger, ..firstly by committing fraud.. his jail sentence was punishment…secondly by his continuous lies to supporters..name one where he has lied? If you say he didn’t reveal his jail sentence – why should he? He said he had nothing to hide ( he’d paid his sentence in full) he had no obligation to reveal it. What other lies are you referring to? You are just a wolf with one intention.

    He has previously said such allegations of fraud were rubbish on the Iron Army interview when talking about the fallout from the Bury takeover and their fans’ dislike of him (having spoken to some Bury fans, they found out about his jail spell for fraud). There are other lies, like when he said the supporter’s cap was a load of nonsense, only to confirm it a week later. If you want to place your trust in a convicted fraudster with a habit of white lies over serious matters, that’s your prerogative, but I find that rather gullible.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    I hope an emergency board meeting is convened to decide the best course of action. Mr Hilton’s interview didn’t touch on a number of other issues alleged in the Athletic piece, such as the pension provider writing to staff to tell them contributions shown as being made on their payslips not actually being received by them. As for ‘destroying an individual’, don’t make me laugh. No supporter or non-supporter on here or other social media platforms has destroyed him. All they have done is highlight what are now confirmed as facts.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    A fairly easy question to answer, with Hilton at the helm we have a club, without him – who knows.

    I refer you to my questions above – the key thing is whether this situation tells us any more about his ability to run the club.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    There’s a lot of doubling down occurring over this across social media when some ought to be showing a bit of contrition.

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    We all have our own views depending on our belief systems as to people that do something seriously wrong deserving a second chance once they have paid for the consequences of their wrongdoing.

    Mine is that everyone deserves a second chance.

    For what it is worth my advice to David Hilton is that whilst I understand his desire to keep the record of his wrongdoing from the public domain that was never going to happen in the position he is in. He has obviously owned his actions and consequences privately and made a success of his life since then. Today’s publication and confirmation gives him an opportunity to own it publicly and completely move on. Of course some will villify him for his mistake but my faith in humanity hopes the majority will accept his mistake and judge him solely on his actions since he arrived at our club.

    I do think a short but sincere apology for misleading the fans of club back in February would help. At the fans forum he denied having used names other than Hilton and White. I cannot recall his actual words but he effectively denied any past criminality which also was untrue. Sorry and move on will do for me. It would also help to speed up the validation and payment of any outstanding debts the club still have.

    Putting all that aside I would personally like to thank David Hilton for saving the club I have loved for 60 years and for the massive amount of effort and money he has expended to make that happen. In addition to saving the club from extinction he has turned around the 5 years of decline presided over by the previous owner. We will probably never know if that decline came from spite or from mind boggling incompetence. From dreading attending matches and being embarrassed by inept performances he has got me actually looking forward to attending football again. A massive achievement in my book in a time frame I did not think was possible.

    The club will allways have my support. Friends you can choose. Family and your football club you are stuck with. But David Hilton himself has won my personal support for the job he has done and I wish him well, hopefully continuing as chairman of our football club. If he chooses otherwise then I wish him equally as well in whatever path he takes.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 30, 2022
    Topics: 0

    Looking on from down the road – I don’t get the sentiment that if he goes the club is dead. The club is more likely to be dead if Glanford Park is lost. Surely no-one is now going to believe the utter bollox about a new ground. A good squad for NLN level and a bit form is temporary. Loss of GP may not be. Even if there was another relegation and a few years of struggle if the club is still at GP you’ll come back. Going to the other GTFC with this guy looks more like death.

    Time for Sharp and Elliot to talk to Swann again surely…?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    I agree with my old mate BS on this.

    The club’s future needs to be secured by reaching agreement to buy the stadium and the land. If Hilton has the money as he says he has, then get on with it and buy the stadium. If he hasn’t got the money, then it seems inevitable to me that he will have to leave.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    I think he will stay.Seems there are some on here want him away, but there a few thousand out there who want him to stay. We all make mistakes need to continue to move forward

    To paraphrase, Non like Swann some like Hilton ,most don’t care as long as she has big tits

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 0

    What about the mental health of the people on the end of his fraud?..That’s who I feel sorry for.

    I understood from Hilton’s interview earlier today that the fraud for which he was jailed was against national and/or local government bodies, hence there aren’t likely to have been any private individuals directly affected by the fraud.
    You could say that as taxpayers we’re all affected but Hilton did say that the he had to repay the £68k obtained through his fraudulent actions, so no effect at all on the general population.

    Registered On: January 12, 2014
    Topics: 47

    Simple and possibly naive but I would rather the club die than have a ‘dishonest’ owner and all the crap that comes with it. Phoenix club would be romantic?

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    He only paid it back because he got caught,£68k would easily in those days fund two jobs. I bet anyone who got laid off around that time was thinking, I’m glad the council loses money.
    Perhaps council are insured for the £2.5b people like him defraud from them, insurers get their money from me and you. More pay
    outs mean higher premiums or lower profits , effecting pensions and pensioners, but hey it’s a victimless crime I suppose

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    What about the possible victims of his other business activities that ‘operated in a grey area’ as he put it previously. Were they compensated? Did he ‘pay the price’ for all that? Strikes me that those wanging on about second chances (all well and good) are glossing over the fuller aspects.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 0

    I don’t disagree that he only paid it back because he had to (and quite rightly) although I doubt many people who had been made redundant would be concerning themselves too much on whether or not their council was losing money (I certainly wasn’t).

    Registered On: July 17, 2023
    Topics: 0

    What about the mental health of the people on the end of his fraud?..That’s who I feel sorry for.

    I understood from Hilton’s interview earlier today that the fraud for which he was jailed was against national and/or local government bodies, hence there aren’t likely to have been any private individuals directly affected by the fraud.
    You could say that as taxpayers we’re all affected but Hilton did say that the he had to repay the £68k obtained through his fraudulent actions, so no effect at all on the general population.

    So that makes it alright then?

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    It not alright and not true

    Registered On: July 17, 2023
    Topics: 0

    Very weak Ruuger, ..firstly by committing fraud.. his jail sentence was punishment…secondly by his continuous lies to supporters..name one where he has lied? If you say he didn’t reveal his jail sentence – why should he? He said he had nothing to hide ( he’d paid his sentence in full) he had no obligation to reveal it. What other lies are you referring to? You are just a wolf with one intention.

    Not very weak at all actually, as other post below shows.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 0

    Hypothetical Deerie. Do you have any examples of his grey activities?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Not grey activities, ‘grey area of the law’ or words to that effect. Are you suggesting there may not be more than we’ve been told or not more than the Atheletic team have alleged in the article?

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