“Gaza man with downs dies lonely death”

Iron Bru Forums Non Football “Gaza man with downs dies lonely death”

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  • #288350
    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 486

    at least they had the decency to change the headline that was, as usual ,underplaying the brutality of the occupying regime

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Gurney will be on shortly to demand that this story is fully authenticated.
    I do agree with you on the brutality of the occupying regime. Hamas are unapologetic and as brutal to Palestinians as to Jews. Let’s hope they are decimated to the point of eradication as a regime.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    It’s precisely this kind of view that ensures the killing on both sides will not stop, and thousands more women, children, sick, disabled and elderly will lose their lives.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Your compassion oozes from every pore but is superficial and born of fantasy. The killing need never have started. It could stop tomorrow. Let Hamas return such of the hostages as still survive, lay down weapons, declare an end to genocidal agendas and join those working towards peaceful co existence. Of course that scenario would be unacceptable to adherents to three agendas. Firstly the political imperialism of Islamism masquerading as religion which demands the subjugation of the Jews and the re conquest of all land formerly in Allahs ‘Caliphate.’ Secondly the ‘progressive left’ which can’t tempt the proletariat back from its package holiday in Majorca so has co-opted the Palestinian cause as its perfect victim fit in the ‘oppressor/victim’ pathological worldview. And thirdly the bleeding heart ignoramuses, several of whom dive in on this Forum, who have scant knowledge of the complex history of the area and have no real interest in learning more. For them its enough to generate the dopamine hit of faux outrage and signal their virtue not only to those who might flag a ‘Thanks’ to a ‘correct’ post … but especially to themselves.

    Now I prepare for the ‘incoming’ …. but I firmly believe that my assessment is true and therefore …it needs saying.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 486

    ” Firstly the political imperialism of Islamism masquerading as religion ” like a crusade?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    King Richard saw nothing wrong in killing Muslims in the name of Christianity, even if it meant going thousands of miles away to a foreign land to do it. Praise the Lord.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 486

    I like this idea that anyone you disagree with couldn’t possibly understand the situation.Brings back memories of our old friend Bucks

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    Let’s assume Hamas don’t return the hostages. You’d want the killing to go on, even of the women, children and non combatants. How many deaths would you be satisfied with before you’d say ‘Stop’ JI? How many deaths would be enough for you? Go on, give us a number… how about 20,000 women and children? Maybe 40,000 is more like it… I mean, they’re only Palestinians and many had the brass neck to be born there, so they deserve it, right? Or, perhaps all of them, just for having the balls to exist. So, go on JI… tell us how many dead women and kids you’d be happy with.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    They will deserve it if they have a scant knowledge of the complex history of the region they were born in.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Crusades? Now to do wi’ me. Or Jesus. Or the gospel. Red herring.

    Every death is a tragedy for me, Gurney. War sucks. I’d be more convinced of the genuineness of your humane impulse if it wasn’t so selective. As we endlessly scrutinise the Israeli situation … 10 million refugees in Sudan and close to a million expected deaths, 600,000 slaughtered in Syria, Russians and Ukrainians dying by tens of thousands a month, tens of thousands killed in Ngorno Kharabakh and over 100,000 ethnically cleansed. No story there I think. Israel not involved.

    ps I’ve never disagreed with the thinking behind your frequent statements 64 .. mainly because I’ve never seen any evidence that you’ve done any. All I see is provocations and no substance. Have you ever actually tried to lay out a case?

    Anyhow. You’ll be glad to know that my family have just arrived at Heathrow from Israel. It went to the wire. Hizbullah didn’t quite provoke enough so my son in law doesn’t have to leave home and go to the Lebanese border …yet. I’ll consider telling him why he and his pals are such monsters … or maybe not.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    The Crusades came after the gospel didn’t they so there a result of Christians acting on their beliefs which I reckon have to do with a guy called Jesus and his dad God. All wars are terrible but religious wars are stupid aswell as terrible because they are to do with a gospel based on unproven facts.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    IA …your Crusades point is a red herring. No one disputes that they were done in the name of Christ. Its just that He wouldn’t have been on them ..nor me. It shouldn’t be too difficult to grasp that not everything done in the name of something is a true reflection of it. Unless you don’t want to grasp it.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    I was just about to answer your follow up, Gurney …then it disappeared. Surely you’re not being censored … or maybe you decided to take it off? Not sure.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    You’d have been in them if your King commanded you or maybe your a conscientious objector in which case back in the 11th century you’d have been hung. If you or your family were being threatened would you turn the other cheek like Christ preached or would you kill to protect which breaks a commandment? Tough call religion, good job myths and legends remain just that. Anyhow how many is enough before the killing stops? ,as many as it takes? as long until we prevail? What is the Christian answer?

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    Still no straight answer JI.
    No deflections or waffle, this is a thread about Israel. How many deaths would it take before you’d call ‘enough’?

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    IA … So many questions. Would your own beliefs have kept you from obeying your King? When did your theological expertise tease out the relationship between the ten commandments and Christ’s proclamations. For you it’s just ‘snatch bits of ammo ‘ to lob at dissenters. One thing I’ve made clear on here over the years .. I think about things, follow my convictions and stand for them. Maybe that would have kept me off the Crusades. Not so sure about you.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Still no straight answer JI.
    No deflections or waffle, this is a thread about Israel. How many deaths would it take before you’d call ‘enough’?

    I’m saying ‘enough’ now, Gurney. Is that straight enough for you?

    I believe in the sanctity of human life. I grieve over any violent deaths … Israel, Gaza, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, Armenia or in the womb. Im not selective. I don’t rejoice at the deaths of SS einsatzgruppen who shot women and babies into forest graves or Isis jihadis who beheaded whole villages or Hamas fanatics who ripped babies from their mother’s wombs. I feel saddened by the death of the misguided lad who took a pop at Trump and feel compassion for his poor parents trying to come to terms with it.
    The world’s a broken place and there are incredibly tough calls to make. Say it ain’t so! But I start from lamenting the darkness at the heart of men who hold human life so cheap and forces us to engage with the concept of ‘the lesser of two evils.’

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    If you’re saying ‘enough’ is enough now, why didn’t you say it before??

    But you also suggest here that thousands of Palestinian women, children, elderly, sick and the non-combatants are all somehow deserving of death by bombs, bullets, starvation and disease because Israel is forced to slaughter them, as it’s the ‘lesser of two evils’! How so, JI, how so?

    I could understand it in the world of a sociopath or someone with a severe personality disorder, but how is this mass slaughter justified in the world of the good Christian? And if it is, how many deaths will be sufficient for you?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    I’d have been killed long before the Crusades JI, non believers were given short shrift back then and dispatched pretty quickly but you as a Christian would have felt hugely compromised, I’m guessing you’d have followed the wishes of your King, him being a direct link to the King of Kings and all that jizz, sorry I mean jazz.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    IA .. if you think that you’re so independent of outside influences ..such a free thinker who doesn’t go with the flow .. a would be martyr to secularism in a primitive age had you been alive at that time …then your lack of self awareness is even more pathological than even I suspected.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Gurney .. do you ever really read what I write. I said it clearly … and then gave the substance behind my thinking.
    At no point did I say that innocent civilians ‘deserve’ anything. All you do is just fire more questions without taking any personal responsibility for replying properly to honest and detailed responses. Then you lob in a few insults like ‘sociopath’ and ‘severe personality disorder’ to clinch the deal. I don’t actually think that you are an honest broker in pursuit of anything resembling the truth…. just a partisan for your narrative. I actually wonder if you’re carrying alot of woundedness and resultant hate and this ’cause’ is a salve on the wound.
    How about telling me why Israel occupies your thoughts to the exclusion of the numerous other tragedies involving far more deaths. And you tell me how many Palestinian deaths are sufficient for you. And how many Israeli deaths should the Israeli Govt have tolerated before taking the action they have? And does Israel have any right to defend itself at all … or should they do the decent thing and disband the country to rectify perceived historical wrongs. Let’s have a glimpse into your world ..unless it’s too painful or too ugly to disclose.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Ha ha, oh JI you do make me smile sometimes, I assure you I’m quite compos mentis, not sure about being part of a large cult when it comes to the same.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10


    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 15

    At no point did I say that innocent civilians ‘deserve’ anything.

    That’s because you reply in waffle so you can claim you were misinterpreted.

    You might fool yourself with biblical notions of the ‘lesser of two evils’, by which you presumably mean that murdering tens of thousands of babies, children, women, elderly and disabled folk isn’t as bad as taking some Israeli hostages, because the former are Palestinians, so they all deserve it. But this isn’t an eye for an eye, it’s every vital organ being slowly ripped out of thousands of civilians, just for existing, and the callous support you show for it demonstrates not just moral bankrupsty, but borderline psychopathy.

    Let me give you a chance to absolve yourself with another question, JI. Given your support for the IDF, if you had the opportunity would you pull the trigger/press the button to shoot/bomb a school/hospital/residential zone where you knew there were civilian families sheltering? It’s the lesser of two evils, right?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11


    Ha ha when you wake you’ll still be a cult member it’s the big sleep when the reality arrives , nice thing for you is you’ll never know about it.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    IA I have to say that when you get out of your depth ..you’re like a child.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Gurney … be assured ..I definitely don’t need absolution from you. I would need to have respect for your motives and integrity to seek that. When you answer some of my questions we might have a real and adult conversation.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    IA I have to say that when you get out of your depth ..you’re like a child.

    …and your response is so hilariously predictable and as usual arrogant.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    …your responses to Gurney are as patronising as usual when he asks you for honest answers.

    dandaherron@yahoo.co.ukJust Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Thanks IA. I do value your judgment as you well know.

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