Fox News

Iron Bru Forums Non Football Fox News

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  • #255697
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 82

    The naked lying is quite something. Angry at fact checkers for revealing the lack of election rigging, because it would hurt stock, is just astonishing. Of course I am not surprised at their mindset, it’s what we all suspected, but it’s just astonishing to see it in such a brazen way. I feel nothing but contempt at these people who preyed on people’s paranoia just so they could make money. There are no ‘both sides’ about it. They knew what they were peddling was nonsense, but sold it to the public as valid in an attempt to stoke fears for their bank balance.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Just shows what happens when you nail your political colours to the mast and yet pass yourself off as a serious news broadcaster. Fox News is nothing more then a right wing propogandist channel masquerading as a genuine news channel, their hypocrisy is astonishing and they have been lying continually to the American people for many years. Trouble is they, along with Trump and many in the GOP, have convinced a large section of the GOP voting base that they are correct. Big trouble comimg for Fox with this $2.7 billion dollar lawsuit being pursued by Dominion, the voting machine company Fox spread lies about after the 2020 election, the courts are coming down heavily on Fox in the early exchanges and Hannity has already admitted in court under oath that he thought Trump was lying, funny, he didn’t say that in his broadcasts to the nation at the time. Sit back with your popcorn and enjoy all you right wingers.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    IronageIron Age
    Registered On: April 10, 2019
    Topics: 59

    Just shows what happens when you nail your political colours to the mast and yet pass yourself off as a serious news broadcaster. Fox News is nothing more then a right wing propogandist channel masquerading as a genuine news channel, their hypocrisy is astonishing and they have been lying continually to the American people for many years. Trouble is they, along with Trump and many in the GOP, have convinced a large section of the GOP voting base that they are correct. Big trouble comimg for Fox with this $2.7 billion dollar lawsuit being pursued by Dominion, the voting machine company Fox spread lies about after the 2020 election, the courts are coming down heavily on Fox in the early exchanges and Hannity has already admitted in court under oath that he thought Trump was lying, funny, he didn’t say that in his broadcasts to the nation at the time. Sit back with your popcorn and enjoy all you right wingers.

    And now we have News 24.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    Third season of Succession starts next month. Fact stranger than the fiction? I can agree on one thing Jordan Peterson claims, in this case fiction probably is true! Popcorn out for all I-A!

    IronageIron Age
    Registered On: April 10, 2019
    Topics: 59

    Just shows what happens when you nail your political colours to the mast and yet pass yourself off as a serious news broadcaster. Fox News is nothing more then a right wing propogandist channel masquerading as a genuine news channel, their hypocrisy is astonishing and they have been lying continually to the American people for many years. Trouble is they, along with Trump and many in the GOP, have convinced a large section of the GOP voting base that they are correct. Big trouble comimg for Fox with this $2.7 billion dollar lawsuit being pursued by Dominion, the voting machine company Fox spread lies about after the 2020 election, the courts are coming down heavily on Fox in the early exchanges and Hannity has already admitted in court under oath that he thought Trump was lying, funny, he didn’t say that in his broadcasts to the nation at the time. Sit back with your popcorn and enjoy all you right wingers.

    And now we have GB news

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Iron Age, is there an echo in here in here in here.🤔

    IronageIron Age
    Registered On: April 10, 2019
    Topics: 59

    A correction, for news 24 read GB news.😜

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Echo reason acknowledged and point agreed with 😂

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 113

    All far away in time now, like Echo Beach ⛱

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