Fans panel

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Fans panel

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  • #210161
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Expressed that fear myself on the normalisation of paedophilia on here, but was derided. If your not following their opinion then your in the wrong.

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    Turning into bruAnon on here.

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    What would this forum be if we were to rid ourselves of neo-Nazi rhetoric which detracts from the debate at hand?

    Expressed that fear myself on the normalisation of paedophilia on here, but was derided. If your not following their opinion then your in the wrong.

    Where has anyone wanted to normalise paedophilia on here?

    open hearth ironopen hearth iron
    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 7

    Makes me wonder just who is choosing this panel . The level of debate over it on this site I hope they are nothing to do with it

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    The fear, BRI. This site would have trouble deciding whether to have tea or coffee (just has it should be).

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    Where is the fear coming from? To be based in anything beyond paranoia it has to have evidence. Myself and no-one on here has condoned anything like that, so far as I am aware.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    “Same old cancel culture from libtards! Face with opinions they don’t like and they call for banning! Such sensitive snowflakes libtards are!

    They can’t handle that their wretched support for queers and degeneracy doesn’t wash with the working class because they can see the disgusting nature of the acts and where it leads society!”

    You don’t need banning, you were banning yourself and told us you weren’t posting on here again, liar.
    Oh, and you never did explain your internet search history leading to anus adverts! 🍑💉

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Sexual offences act 1967, Equality act 2010, Same sex marriage act 2013. Is the fear. Citizens 100 years ago would probably be fearful of those acts coming to fruition, nothing more nothing less.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    In the year to the end of March 2020, 58,856 cases of rape were recorded by police forces in England and Wales.

    These led to just 2,102 prosecutions, compared with 3,043 in the previous 12 months.

    THIS is the fear you should be concerned about, rather than condoning the hate speak of Big Job.

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    Sexual offences act 1967, Equality act 2010, Same sex marriage act 2013. Is the fear. Citizens 100 years ago would probably be fearful of those acts coming to fruition, nothing more nothing less.

    I’m sorry, but that is ridiculous. Weakening homophobia does not provide a pathway for paedophilia. Hint: Homosexuality involves relationships between consenting adults. There is a massive step between that and adult-child relationships, which will never be allowed.

    The only reason citizens of the past would have been scared of that is because of deep seated prejudice against homosexuals. We have thankfully gone beyond that and most can see that gay people do not pose a threat to children, because they are interested in relationships with adults. Shame some can’t get their heads out of the 19th century and actually think of why homosexuality does not lead to paedophilia.

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    In the year to the end of March 2020, 58,856 cases of rape were recorded by police forces in England and Wales.

    These led to just 2,102 prosecutions, compared with 3,043 in the previous 12 months.

    THIS is the fear you should be concerned about, rather than condoning the hate speak of Big Job.

    That and the far-right rhetoric of Big J. For some reason that’s not a concern, but paedophilia paranoia because homosexuals want relationships with adult members of the same sex is.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    And even when there convicted, many still get off Ched Evans,Bill Cosby, money can buy you justice. But nothing to do with the fear BJ highlighted.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Sexual offences act 1967, Equality act 2010, Same sex marriage act 2013. Is the fear. Citizens 100 years ago would probably be fearful of those acts coming to fruition, nothing more nothing less.

    Maybe you would have been better off living a 100 years ago, some of your mindset still appears to be there, hence maybe the reason you post some of the stuff you do. The laws you speak of were passed to allow civilisation to move on into modern times and hopefully improve and better the lives of everyone, not just some people who’s mindset and a lot of it based on religion had shaped the unfair unjust society that had gone before.

    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 83

    Can’t see what the excitement is about, if anybody has bothered to read the club jargon its having a say on OFF-field matters ie quality of the sausage rolls, amount of paper in trap 3 of the Cluggy stand etc etc. Ernest wont even be there to not hear the voices of fans.

    We all do qualify however under ‘distant supporters’.

    Registered On: October 8, 2014
    Topics: 83

    PS NAFS is an anagram of FANS.

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    “But nothing to do with the fear BJ highlighted”.

    The fact that you can’t relate to the fear says everything.

    Come on England!!!!!!

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    This site would have trouble deciding whether to have tea or coffee

    Big J and his disciples….

    Tea of course. It’s Britain’s National drink. Grown in the glorious British Empire where the sun never sets. It’s what our brave soldiers drank in the trenches and on the Normandy beaches. Coffee is drunk by the French and Italians, no wonder they threw the towel in during WWII.

    Libtard Forum VI …..

    Coffee! Because it’s drunk all over Europe, of which we should still be a part. Responsibly sourced, and imported on a fair trade deal through the Rain Forests Alliance it can provide valuable income for the less privileged rural workers of countries such as Colombia, Brazil and Kenya.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Nice to see it is up and running ,with all email contact addresses,though I can see one club stooge in there. Let’s everyone try and use these if you have concerns, at least you should get a reply but please give them time to try and resolve issues.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    At least the club are trying, and they’ve got to start again from somewhere to get many of you onboard, so at least give it a go. Or is everyone gonna be like alcy and hold a grudge forever. I know scunny fans are good at that. BS just been on 8 different club web sites everyone pushing the tickets barring one and they are pushing the shirts, at Lincoln you even need an appointment to go and get your season ticket, funnily enough the only club not pushing them was scunny, they were pushing the supporters panel. So really were no different to any other club in that respect.

    Here’s an idea, instead of slagging of the very fans that have supported this football club through thick & thin over many, many years why not try challenging the guy that has failed to deliver a single thing he said he would when took the club over?

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    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    Nice to see it is up and running ,with all email contact addresses,though I can see one club stooge in there. Let’s everyone try and use these if you have concerns, at least you should get a reply but please give them time to try and resolve issues.

    8 years is not enough time? I think they have had plenty of time and all that has happened is that everything from the ground to the football on the pitch has got a lot worse!

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    Swann and his family have succeeded in alienating a core group of fans.
    Everything at the club has got worse, nothing has improved.
    Every promise broken.

    It’ll take more than a fans panel to discuss things that should have been put right AS SOON AS THEY EMERGED, to get them back on board.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Awaywego, Pat & Alky all have valid points.

    But the overriding issue is that that things have not only got worse but they are continuing to worsen.

    If the club can’t see this with their own eyes then I doubt if having a fans panel will make a difference.

    I am willing to be proved wrong but won’t be holding my breath.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    So you going to hold a grudge forever Pat, enjoy.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    So you going to hold a grudge forever Pat, enjoy.

    Well how long should I hold it??? Tell me I’m wrong, tell me ONE thing just ONE that has improved under Swann’s tenure? Tell me ONE promise he has delivered on? I’m happy to be proved wrong?

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    This has turned from Big J the wind up merchant winding everybody up, to then somebody suggesting peadophilia is being somehow normalized on this forum.

    This truly has descended into utter madness.

    The old board was vile but was fun too. I remember the alan knill type “where’s wally threads” or the alan knill folderol ones lol

    Where has that silliness gone ?

    All we get now is Big J trying to pass himself off as a modern day harmless hitler and countless people losing their heads.

    Big J “badapple” needs to get himself on the fans panel as the character Big J, could you imagine the aftermath ?

    I’d fear for his life, Old Swannster would have him.

    Beast of a man !

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    More space at home games Pat, don’t think he promised anything, bit like Cox didn’t promise attacking football either, only said that’s what he would like to achieve or how we would play. No promises unless you can show otherwise?.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    The people / posters behind those posts have drifted away over the last 6 years WG. Just like all the fun attending Scunny matches has gradually vanished. True dat.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    So you going to hold a grudge forever Pat, enjoy.

    Not a case of holding grudges and well you know it.

    It’s about behaviour.
    If someone’s behaviour is rude, if they make and then break promise after promise, how are we to react in your little world? How many chances do we give them before we have had enough?
    Or do we just accept and allow them to trample us under?

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Cox didn’t promise attacking football either, only said that’s what he would like to achieve or how we would play

    If someone you knew said “I’d like to lose weight”, but did nothing about it and in fact put on more weight, then you’d question their sincerity and their ability to follow it through.

    As soon as you make a public statement then the public hold you to it.

    If you don’t it’s at best a lack of ambition, and worse a broken promise.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Can we question his lack of ambition?,(swanny). One promotion, three good attempts at making the championship, perhaps over ambition and spending by a small club like ours, but you could say lack of ambition by Cox he said he would play attacking football, and could set out to do that every week but he doesn’t. Would say swannys getting a raw deal but then he did employ all those inbreds, and no doubt we will see more much to the delight of our own blinkered inbreds.

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