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- This topic has 97 replies, 23 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 5 months ago by
July 10, 2021 at 10:00 am #210101
We want a good diverse panel j Charles will fit the bill nicely, for one thing he can speak on behalf of us who are anti knee, just because he thanked Big j means nothing, I have thanked you and we hardly agree on anything.
July 10, 2021 at 10:28 am #210102BS it means nothing, and you know it. ‘Speak on behalf of us who are anti-knee’. Do you realise how pathetic that sounds?
July 10, 2021 at 11:20 am #210103That’s a player’s’ decision, not a fans’ one.
July 10, 2021 at 12:36 pm #210104I did say “one thing” Deerey, but surely on the football side of things you and j charles are more aligned. I would also back you if you put your name forward,people who do put their names forward deserve respect, it’s so easy just to sit back and let others do it. Thankless job really cos we know what criticism many will give.
July 10, 2021 at 1:23 pm #210105Whether we share similar views on how the club is run or not, having anyone on the panel who publicly likes extreme racist and homophobic online content is plain wrong IMO. As for being easy to sit back and let others do it, that may be true but you are forgetting that some fans are not willing to sign up to an appeasement offer, which based on the owners track record, is more than likely what it is. It’s hardly a job or major commitment either, as you’re making it out to be. What is it an hour or so once a month? Do me a favour!
July 10, 2021 at 1:28 pm #210107Lol, it’s not even once a month, its every two!
July 10, 2021 at 1:51 pm #210108Application completed, we will see what happens next.
If they’re looking for people who thank extreme racist and homophobic posts I think you’re nailed on.
Deere when do you ever stop talking such rubbish, first of all I not a racist or homophobe and as I said I unlike you I do accept that other people are entitled to opinions whether you like it or not. I suggest you may be suitable for this fans panel so why not get your application in today? May I also suggest that unless you plan to try and make a difference instead of spouting your bigoted veiws you should shut your stupid mouth and disappear.
July 10, 2021 at 1:55 pm #210109Oh and by the way deere, queer and lesbian is the correct terminology used in the UK.
July 10, 2021 at 3:57 pm #210110I would rather have proper and representative fans like J Charles on the panel than woke snowflakes who do not represent the will of the people! The public are sick to death of virtue signalling and gesture politics! The forum 6 libtards would try and force down a racist BLM and queer agenda down the club’s throats! They would not care about results first and foremost! They would see it as a tool to force our players to wear rainbow armbands and do black power salutes!
The club is best off without them and should have the voices of the people telling them where they can stuff it if they try to follow a libtard agenda which will alienate an already alienated fanbase!
July 10, 2021 at 4:10 pm #210111Another meaningless yet hate filled post from the resident Nazi via his parody account. What a pathetic individual you are Big Joke.
July 10, 2021 at 4:41 pm #210113Not a major job or commitment Deerey, it just puts you in the firing line from the likes of you.
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July 10, 2021 at 6:11 pm #210127Firing line? More BS exaggerations from you awaywego! As for j charles, if you can’t see that publicly liking extreme online racist or homophobic posts says everything anybody needs to know about you than you’re living on cloud cuckoo land. You shouldn’t be anywhere near a fans panel with those hateful views. Hopefully the decision makers see you for what you are.
July 10, 2021 at 6:14 pm #210128Oh and by the way deere, queer and lesbian is the correct terminology used in the UK.
What are you talking about?? Are you attempting to correct me on something? If so, explain what I’ve got wrong.
July 10, 2021 at 7:44 pm #210134I do believe you have shown yourself up as usual but ????
July 10, 2021 at 8:02 pm #210135Either explain why exactly or give it up as a bad job. Buy don’t start trolling me again. I’ve told you how weird that is before.
July 10, 2021 at 8:12 pm #210136Oh and by the way deere, queer and lesbian is the correct terminology used in the UK.
What are you talking about?? Are you attempting to correct me on something? If so, explain what I’ve got wrong.
I believe you are calling me homophobic because I used them terms in one of my posts.
July 10, 2021 at 8:21 pm #210137No. I’ve said twice I’m calling you homophobic because you thanked this post from Big J in your ‘taking to the knee’ thread (it’s still there if you look):
‘Pride is being pushed on the masses to normalise degeneracy! It’s nothing but queers showing how debauched they are with kink and attempts to recruit children to the gay agenda! They want more gays! Society is being engineered to make our kids gay as part of the great replacement and population control!
I doubt Harry Kane has much say on the matter! He has been told by those higher up to wear it to make it seem normal to the masses! Though many can see through the tricks of the libtards to normalise sodomy! Such acts were rightfully seen as disgusting and now they are being normalised to protect the feelings of queer snowflakes who can’t handle criticism for their lifestyle choice!’
Another reason someone like you shouldn’t be on a fans panel. You seem unable to interpret and rationalise basic facts. That’s putting it politely.
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July 10, 2021 at 8:22 pm #210138How old are you deere? My guess by the quality of your posts you must be about eleven.
July 10, 2021 at 8:32 pm #210139No. I’ve said twice I’m calling you homophobic because you thanked this post from Big J in your ‘taking to the knee’ thread (it’s still there if you look):
‘Pride is being pushed on the masses to normalise degeneracy! It’s nothing but queers showing how debauched they are with kink and attempts to recruit children to the gay agenda! They want more gays! Society is being engineered to make our kids gay as part of the great replacement and population control!
I doubt Harry Kane has much say on the matter! He has been told by those higher up to wear it to make it seem normal to the masses! Though many can see through the tricks of the libtards to normalise sodomy! Such acts were rightfully seen as disgusting and now they are being normalised to protect the feelings of queer snowflakes who can’t handle criticism for their lifestyle choice!’
Another reason someone like you shouldn’t be on a fans panel. You seem unable to interpret and rationalise basic facts. That’s putting it politely.
Oh sorry deerey I’ve got it now, your offended because I’ve criticised you lifestyle. Have you come out yet? When you do your mam will be very proud. Good look.
July 10, 2021 at 8:38 pm #210141I’m afraid old Deery likes to give it out but doesn’t like it back watch what happens now his mates will Wade in its a love train
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July 10, 2021 at 8:53 pm #210143Nothing more to be said. It’s there for all to see. Thanks.
July 10, 2021 at 9:05 pm #210144I’m afraid not Dee could you explain yourself of course not full of
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July 10, 2021 at 9:50 pm #210145Anonymous
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Topics: 4No. I’ve said twice I’m calling you homophobic because you thanked this post from Big J in your ‘taking to the knee’ thread (it’s still there if you look):
‘Pride is being pushed on the masses to normalise degeneracy! It’s nothing but queers showing how debauched they are with kink and attempts to recruit children to the gay agenda! They want more gays! Society is being engineered to make our kids gay as part of the great replacement and population control!
I doubt Harry Kane has much say on the matter! He has been told by those higher up to wear it to make it seem normal to the masses! Though many can see through the tricks of the libtards to normalise sodomy! Such acts were rightfully seen as disgusting and now they are being normalised to protect the feelings of queer snowflakes who can’t handle criticism for their lifestyle choice!’
Another reason someone like you shouldn’t be on a fans panel. You seem unable to interpret and rationalise basic facts. That’s putting it politely.
Oh sorry deerey I’ve got it now, your offended because I’ve criticised you lifestyle. Have you come out yet? When you do your mam will be very proud. Good look.
Standing up against homophobia doesn’t make you gay and inferring such makes you look like the eleven year old, not DeereyMe.
July 10, 2021 at 9:56 pm #210146There is the first man nothing changes l wonder who will be next
July 10, 2021 at 10:22 pm #210148People need to calm down. Big J is a wind up merchant. I think that’s pretty clear. Political views or should I say politics in general should be kept on the other part of the forum.
If you want to argue about nitpick, please…do it on there.
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July 10, 2021 at 10:43 pm #210149Anonymous
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Topics: 4That I agree with, WG, but surely he’s done enough to warrant a boot off this forum. That post was disgusting, he is not adding anything to the debate beyond diverting the topic to his OTT rantings and discriminatory speech. I don’t like censorship and opposing different viewpoints, but he offers little but bigotry towards other sexualities and ethnicities. He is not offering another viewpoint, but spreading material which singles out others based on who they are.
There needs to be some control on forum output surely. Where are the mods?
July 11, 2021 at 8:53 am #210154I dont like censorship but….
I’m mot a racist but…..Me, I may not sgree with your opinion, but I’d fight my hardest for your right to express it.
There’s too much censorship, cancelling, and removal of basic rights going on at the moment😟
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July 11, 2021 at 9:09 am #210155Anonymous
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Topics: 4Go on alcazar, what am I calling to be censored? The idea that gay people are disgusting and with nonsense conspiracy theories. This from an OTT troll who may or may not fully believe that and is doing nothing but stir up division and hate. Every post is an attack against others he disagrees with. For someone who doesn’t like liberals smearing the right with insults and generalisations you seem ok with that idiot doing so.
I really don’t see an issue with getting rid of a troll account who abuses others and clearly holds views which show a dislike for portions of our society. If a gay person joined this forum they would be intimidated and potentially bullied off by his obnoxious attitude and regard towards them.
He is hardly expressing a coherent argument for conservative viewpoints, he is just spreading conspiracies, angry ranting and abuse. I fail to see what the forum would lose from getting rid of that clown. Conservative viewpoints can still be put forward, as they should be, but blatant abuse and hatred towards sections of society are surely not tolerable. If conservative viewpoints can’t be put across without continuous insults of ‘libtard’ and hatred towards minorities then it shows an issue with conservatism.
I don’t particularly care about being insulted with terms like ‘libtard,’ I just think it shows the level of maturity of the person, but constant trolling is just detracting from the forum and what debate on here should be about.
This complaining about censorship for Big J’s trolling, insults and bigotry is like complaining about schools taking a firm stand against bullying at school because it might infringe upon the right of the bully to call the class outcast a queer and right to intimidate him/her with their ‘points of view.’
July 11, 2021 at 10:34 am #210156If there’s anything contentious comes up we know who’ll be censoring it!
July 11, 2021 at 12:57 pm #210160Same old cancel culture from libtards! Face with opinions they don’t like and they call for banning! Such sensitive snowflakes libtards are!
They can’t handle that their wretched support for queers and degeneracy doesn’t wash with the working class because they can see the disgusting nature of the acts and where it leads society! They want a society where anything goes! It will lead to normalisation of paedophilia! Mark my words! They are already normalising drag queens giving lap dances to children!
Libtards despise heterosexual, normal society! They support anything which can make them look edgy and what can ruin society to bring in their cultural Marxist utopia! The more gays the are the less toxic white men they hate! They only push this on white people! Have you noticed?! They never beat down on Muzzies or blacks for homosexuality! That would be racist! They only want whites gay!
This is because they hate their own skin colour and want there to be no more whites! It’s white genocide! It’s why they also support mixed race marriage and TV is full of mixed race couples to make it seem like the only possible course for a white person! The less whites the better! It’s a genocide of whites hidden in plain sight!
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