FA warn Hilton

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace FA warn Hilton

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  • #290780
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 78

    If I remember correctly, the land on Glebe Rd never changed owners, so another fib from the poor, beleaguered owner who only left because he had hurt feelings from having to face criticism over being a spiv.

    If you want to know what the ‘shite’ he had to deal with, it was because of the Company’s House record which shows a multitude of failed businesses, attacking fans who dare to question him, creating division in the fanbase by scapegoating to distract from himself, calling fans s******s, playing stupid games over ground ownership, making ridiculous excuses for why nothing succeeds (from the ransom strip at Glanford Park, which miraculously got sorted within a month by our new owners, to he doesn’t want to pay staff because he has hurt feelings), making statements and deleting them the next day, using a local coke head as an unofficial spokesman on Facebook, countless CCJs from his time as owner and not paying those before, threats of limits of ground capacity because he wasn’t paying the stewards, ponzi schemes that the club have had to accommodate since he left. There’s probably more, but there was so much idiocy. Including some stuff I am not going into on here.

    The morale among club staff was terrible under him, and he was not well liked. As, except for the deluded, have said he is toxic and should be avoided. He may well be using Matlock as a reputation builder, but with his character it can only end in tears. Nothing is ever his fault, but that of everyone else, there’s always a scapegoat who he demonises and attacks. It was the same here and with Bury. When it came out that he was a crook he made every excuse and tried to wriggle out of it, placing blame at the journalists who dared to investigate him, while pouring a sob story. A man who takes no accountability, which is one to be avoided.

    People have shared some excellent voices, like McGuire and Slater, but I would also add Jordan Zakarin and the person who is behind the Interested Bystander account on here. Though, the latter no longer posts and, while I have a strong suspicion as to who he is on twitter, I am not comfortable sharing without permission. Asking some on twitter would probably lead you to him, as he did a lot of work exposing the fraud.

    A short summary from me is that he is the most toxic, disgusting man to ever associate himself with our club.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    To be fair he did buy land for a new ground.


    Or maybe it was a bit of a fib.

    I had forgotten about the land on Glebe rd i wonder what happened to that ?? did the signs ever come down ??
    The 1899 scam … i guess that may have been sorted by the new owners ..
    bottom line is in the early days quite afew were taken in by WHAM (me included) alas he was and probably still is a wrongurn though i must say hes obviously still living rent free in lots of Scunny fans heads going by the number of threads on BRU at the mo (thanks Rene your a gem 55555)…

    Nice to see a Matlock fan come on another thread and comment re their share system and the “mystery” investor rumoured to be you know who.

    Seems Scunny fans are the new Bury fans shedding light tp MTFC if WHAMs life away from football has ceased (didnt last long did it).

    Pray for Matlock Town ..

    we should have a sweep stake as to what name the new investor will be using.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Siderite’s post is a very good reflection of what happened mtfc. If Hilton is getting involved, remain sceptical of his every move and try not to turn on each other as a fanbase as it plays right in to his hands.

    4 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 23, 2022
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    I’m not sure if the signs ever came down or if they were robbed for posterity.

    The whole thing was pretty laughable at the time with the council denying any knowledge of a new stadium and the outstanding ‘architect’ renderings (on a bbc micro computer).

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 37

    That ‘new stadium’ thing was a complete load of bollocks and the land was never bought. He may well have made some initial agreement with the owner of the land to buy which enabled him to put up the ‘acquired by SUFC’ signs at the actual site, or he may not. Either way it was just a very public chess move in David Hilton’s attempts to put pressure on an awkward Peter Swann to sell GP (and surrounding land) to him.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 37

    I’m not sure if the signs ever came down or if they were robbed for posterity.

    They were up until a couple of months ago.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 78

    One of the many blusters. Even if he doesn’t try anything too untoward at Matlock, I’d expect a lot of bluster that doesn’t totally fit reality.

    As Deerey has said, the important thing is to stick together and not turn on each other, whatever happens. If things do go awry he’ll likely start finger wagging at others (usually fans who have questioned him in some way) to deflect and divide.

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    But surely Matlock Town will be his legacy make his family proud ?? ….NO ??

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Nice summary by Siderite and yes I along with IFA and many others were completely taken in and deceived by WHAM. Trying to see the best in people doesn’t always work out but the main takeaway is surely we have all learned from the DH experience and as a result are more streetwise around club owners and any other club ownership in the future. Hopefully we are well settled as a football club with our current ownership and I commend them so far on their willingness and openness to keep fans in the loop surrounding the clubs future. No matter how young or how old we all are, everyday is still a learning day in life.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 37

    I along with IFA and many others were completely taken in and deceived by WHAM. Trying to see the best in people doesn’t always work out

    Without wishing to sound The League Of Gentlemen about it, the first reaction to any owner with absolutely zero connection to the club’s town should be “What do they actually want?”

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    His big chum Nally still owns Ilkeston Town. Hmm…

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Any notes for a Matlock fan. Currently the club is owned by its fans (a season ticket give you a vote/share). The board has called a Emergency General Meeting for 2 Oct to tell us about new investor also tp chan̈ge the club to issues shares, so looks like the board want us to vote to pass the club to our mystery man !!

    If the club is owned by the fans how have the Board been allowed to accept investment and spend it without the fans approval? Sounds like a fait accompli.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    And the answer you’ve come to with the previous 2 owners over the last decade is Apollo.
    Heard quite a few but non very plausible.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    Don’t think you get it Deerey Boards have decisions to make without going back to the shareholders every 5 minutes.
    The board seem to have done the right thing in calling an EGM, your probably right though about a fait accompli though, the board will probably sell it as its that or nothing, way of the world I’m afraid .

    Mtfc fanMtfc fan
    Registered On: September 11, 2024
    Topics: 0

    Is there any positives ?

    I am really worried the club will be gone in next couple of years. Talk of paying £40k fee out for a forward. That’s stupid cash. The board are giving this “investor” the red carpet but the fans seen worried. I guess it will be rail roaded through a vote on Oct 1st.

    Cheers for your advice, just hope enough at the club listen.

    Feels like turkey’s voting for Christmas!!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 78

    I would say the hope is that he doesn’t do anything untoward after his exploits here to rebuild his reputation.

    Though seeing him throw money at players like that concerns me, given similar happened here while everything else was a mess.

    Another thing is that there may be some interested Scunny fans, and some more who might want to help if needed.

    I wish Matlock all the best.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Don’t think you get it Deerey Boards have decisions to make without going back to the shareholders every 5 minutes.
    The board seem to have done the right thing in calling an EGM, your probably right though about a fait accompli though, the board will probably sell it as its that or nothing, way of the world I’m afraid .

    I do get it, it was more a rhetorical question than a lack of understanding. Like I said, sounds like a fait accompli and with an apparent dearth of supporter social media platforms and independent forums (like Bru), there doesn’t really appear to be a digital outlet for Matlock fans to raise concerns anyway. The ‘investor’ has less hurdles and barriers to navigate and far less legitimate concerns to deal with (or as you prefer to call it: ‘shite’).

    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Is there any positives ?

    I am really worried the club will be gone in next couple of years. Talk of paying £40k fee out for a forward. That’s stupid cash. The board are giving this “investor” the red carpet but the fans seen worried. I guess it will be rail roaded through a vote on Oct 1st.

    Cheers for your advice, just hope enough at the club listen.

    Feels like turkey’s voting for Christmas!!

    You mentioned before that the supporters get a vote, is that to elect him on the board ?

    If so, At the very least push for a delay in the vote for the board to carry out some due diligence, there’s plenty of information out there now about him

    Wish you the best of luck; visited Matlock a few months back and the ground is in a cracking location with one of the best in the country for a football ground .

    Keep us informed with how things turn out.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 104

    Are the FA not interested in this ‘potential’ situation?

    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 19

    Are the FA not interested in this ‘potential’ situation?

    My thoughts exactly especially after the recent warning / slap on the wrists…

    Be smashing at some point in the future for Scunny to draw either Spalding or Matlock in a competitive fixture..

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 104

    ” club spokesman said: “The first of the initial six-figure backing has arrived. Utilising the contacts of the backer, these players have been brought in on a sustainable level. The money is in donations, not in loans, so the club will always remain sustainable.”

    Oh aye?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Time will tell. Laugh if it’s not even him!

    Registered On: December 31, 2013
    Topics: 40

    Convicted fraudster says money is not a loan.

    In other news arsonist says matches were for ship building

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    Only the same as one of our owners saying the money was a loan

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 444

    Only the same as one of our owners saying the money was a loan

    Saying it’s not a loan is the same as saying it is a loan?.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 104

    Only the same as one of our owners saying the money was a loan

    Entirely different. If things are as reported (aren’t they always?) an original donation appears to have become a loan when the donor became aware of the history of who he had donated it to. I don’t blame him.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    That’s why I call him Ian not so Sharp if he didn’t know Swannys history after nine years it beggars belief.

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