
Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace England

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  • #207978
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    What more evidence do you want the knee transcends all sports Ironawe. Ollie Robinson professional cricketer, racist tweeter, wears the anti racism black shirt.

    That’s called freedom of choice, pity your twisted logic sees it differently. The lad apologised for making a mistake when a youngster so fair play to him, incidentally it was an internet troll that ” dobbed him in “, I’m sure Big Joke would approve of the ” troll bit “.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    If there are any moderators on this board sort this crap out football site my arse

    Big Joke brought it onto here but the mods seem reluctant to sort him out, which makes you think…..hmmmm🤔

    mkironMK Iron
    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 46

    Never quite understood why racists never ever agree they are racists. Met thousands in my time but never met one happy to be called one.

    Same folk generalise and abuse non racist people as Marksist, libtards.
    , loony lefties, anti British etc.

    Time for racists to come out of the closet and have a few racism pride events. Trump and Farage might be available as guest speakers. Might even bring their foreign wives along to feel the love.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    This forum is full of too many woke snowflakes like NI and Heath

    Thank you, I shall wear that as a badge of honour alongside my olive green cap embroidered with a red star (yes really)!

    And that’s Iron Snowflake to you. One that doesn’t melt when some inbred bulldog slobbers all over it.

    My last post on it. Please move to non football mods.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    The other week you objected someone suggesting a thread to be closed down NI, so the same goes for anyone if you don’t like it, don’t read, don’t post, simple really.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 4

    I went to many England matches in the 1980s and take exception to being called vermin. How is it ok for you to have an opinion on people while not allowing others their opinion on what is racist or not.

    Given that I was talking about those that refused to acknowledge a black scorer had actually scored, I’m of the opinion that vermin* is an accurate description of those I was referring to. If their opinion is NOT racist I’m very unsure what is.

    * Vermin, noun, people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    The other week you objected someone suggesting a thread to be closed down NI, so the same goes for anyone if you don’t like it, don’t read, don’t post, simple really.

    Which is what I just said.


    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    You really are in need of a holiday Awaywego, why not get off now, Boris won’t mind or care.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Why England fans booing players taking a knee is wide of the mark.

    The pre-kickoff show of solidarity on the pitch was marred by sections of supporters voicing their opposition in the stands


    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Duh! You’ve posted twice since you said “my last post on it” make your bloody mind up NI.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Your right I am really in need of a holiday, was relying on them moving the goalposts but I got it wrong, so ten day isolation on return, heyho.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    The whole ‘take a knee’ thing is pretty straightforward.

    When players take a knee they are showing their support for anti-racism. By logical extension if you boo when players when they take a knee, you are showing support of racism.

    One thing I don’t get about this black lives matter is, if they we’re so concerned as a group about equality wouldn’t it make more sense to start a much bigger group which involves the vast majority of white people who aren’t racist ?

    Then we could all tackle it together as a collective so then the movement actually bands the vast majority of white people together who aren’t racist, along with the black/foreign residents who feel wronged to try to eliminate racism.

    The whole movement is devisive for that very reason. We should have all joined together in a group “called all lives matter” and tackled it together as a collective.

    The vast majority of white people “non racist” are probably getting pissed off now because they feel they’re being lumped in with the small, ignorant, piece of shit minority of racists.

    The message this movement has is right but I can’t help thinking this was started up to cause more division. I can’t for the life of me think why anybody would think this would be a good idea.

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    There’s nothing stopping anyone for showing support for BLM, if that’s what they want to do, regardless of skin colour. I have problems with some views shared by BLM activists, but I don’t think their aim is to exclude anyone for ethnicity.

    The problem with an ‘all lives matter’ approach is that it obscures what the issue is. The issue being black people being unfairly treated in American/European society because of skin colour. White people do not face the same issues of police brutality or racial discrimination as black people do, so making it ‘all lives matter’ would cause it to lose focus. I don’t see the need, as a white person, to feel centred in a movement when I do not face the issues to the same degree as black people.

    As for the troll, I am not going to bother engaging.

    Registered On: June 6, 2017
    Topics: 6

    No BLT Israel was sacked because his views didn’t fall in line with Australia rugbys Views he did sue them and won an out of court settlement, The human rights act provides us all with the freedom of thought, belief and religion. No more no less. He just expressed his religious view that all gays were going to hell and that is what his religious freedom and belief says,might not fall in line with your view but it’s something that you have to allow, otherwise we will end up with a dictatorship, which maybe all well and good unless you end up with the likes of uncle Donald or uncle Kim running the show.

    According to this logic any homophobe can spout hate based on one’s sexuality and just proclaim it’s due to their religious beliefs…and we’re supposed to just accept that as OK? Seriously? There’s a huge difference between freedom of expression and spouting hate, you clearly don’t understand the difference so go and have a lie down!

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Well BLM have had a bad couple of weeks, one of the American founders resigning,nothing to do with people asking were she got her money for her property portfolio, allthough she is an author, also questions been asked about why only 30 million dollars were spent when 90 million donated last year, then the English activist shot in the face, the party first putting out statements that she had death threats from the far right, but turns out she was shot by a group of black men, maybe someone should tell them black lives matter. Sure like everything else it started out for the right reason but like others things gets lost on the way.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    The whole ‘take a knee’ thing is pretty straightforward.

    When players take a knee they are showing their support for anti-racism. By logical extension if you boo when players when they take a knee, you are showing support of racism.

    One thing I don’t get about this black lives matter is, if they we’re so concerned as a group about equality wouldn’t it make more sense to start a much bigger group which involves the vast majority of white people who aren’t racist ?

    I understand that point of view WG, but the problem with only saying ‘all lives matter’ is that it loses the focus on black lives, and the problems black people face re. police brutality, racial discrimination and marginalisation more generally – as BRI points out.

    Of course, plenty of white people face marginalisation too, in what has become a very unequal society. If you’re elderly in a depressed northern town, and depend a lot on the state, you’ve got a lot to complain about, as people like Alcy know too well.

    But as a white guy, you’re not marginalised in the labour market because of your colour. You’re not likely to be bullied at school because of it, and you’re much less likely to be stopped, searched, beaten or shot by the police.

    It’s because being black increases the liklihood of all these things that BLM came about.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Gurnelista, people from all races/ethnicities suffer racism on a daily basis. This isn’t exclusive to the race of black people.

    I just don’t understand if this movement was for real good, it would choose not to band together with the 90+% of non racist white people.

    “I understand that point of view WG, but the problem with only saying ‘all lives matter’ is that it loses the focus on black lives”

    Anybody could quite easily counteract that and say with this movement all about black lives mattering, aren’t the other races/ethnicities being ignored ?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    It’s all about opinions of course and IMO after reading some of the last few posts on the BLM subject, there is still a basic lack of understanding by some about why the BLM movement took off in the first place.

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    Gurnelista, people from all races/ethnicities suffer racism on a daily basis. This isn’t exclusive to the race of black people.

    I just don’t understand if this movement was for real good, it would choose not to band together with the 90+% of non racist white people.

    “I understand that point of view WG, but the problem with only saying ‘all lives matter’ is that it loses the focus on black lives”

    Anybody could quite easily counteract that and say with this movement all about black lives mattering, aren’t the other races/ethnicities being ignored ?

    White people don’t face the same racial discrimination as black people. Not in this country or the USA, where it originated. So to focus on it as some equivalent would cause less focus on what’s needed to be done for black people.

    Given the movement is to bring to light issues black people face I don’t see why it should be made to include others. Not including others doesn’t mean they have a dislike for other ethnicities. It just means they want to focus on issues which affect them as part of that group/movement. If they encompass others the issues they want to focus on would become sidelined.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    That’s the point, WG, it’s not that BLM doesn’t care about other people, it’s just that they want to focus on issues affecting black people, which are undeniably worse.

    Think of it as a kind of trade union. The union represents people in an industry. It’s not that the members don’t care about other workers or their conditions, just that they primarily represent their own people. And, just as many other workers show support a particular trade union when it protests, many whites support BLM.

    The difference is that here we’re not just talking about pay and conditions but human rights – something we should all support.

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    Gurnelista, people from all races/ethnicities suffer racism on a daily basis. This isn’t exclusive to the race of black people.

    I just don’t understand if this movement was for real good, it would choose not to band together with the 90+% of non racist white people.

    “I understand that point of view WG, but the problem with only saying ‘all lives matter’ is that it loses the focus on black lives”

    Anybody could quite easily counteract that and say with this movement all about black lives mattering, aren’t the other races/ethnicities being ignored ?

    White people don’t face the same racial discrimination as black people. Not in this country or the USA, where it originated.

    For clarity, it refers to BLM here.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    James O’Brien

    “Brexit’s over, Rupert. What do you think you can get them to do next?”

    “Boo their own team while claiming to be patriots?”

    “Let’s make it interesting. You have to get them booing before the game starts, and get a Tory MP to boycott the tournament.”

    “Piece of cake.”

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