
Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Dilapidated

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  • #211566
    Registered On: July 8, 2014
    Topics: 23

    The old biscuit tin is looking more worn-out and dilapidated than ever.

    The flags were all looking threadbare, the toilets had a pool of fluid on the floor, and my seat was covered in a years worth of dust and cobwebs. I was one of the lucky ones. The seats directly in front of me were also covered in bird droppings. What made it worse was that those seats were occupied by a family with two small children!

    I’m willing to wager a reasonable chunk of cash that Swann’s seats wouldn’t be the same!

    We have the look and feel of a club that is very much in decline both on and off the field. It’s like being back in the 80’s again, and those in charge just don’t give a flying fig about the supporters!

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    Wonder if Swann was even there yesterday?, yep the ground is in a right old state but countless lower league clubs will be in the same boat, be interesting what those travelling to Rochdale next week have to say on the state of Spotland.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    It’s understandable that after being empty for 18 months the stadium has become a little grubby. However with plenty of notice of when the ground would be used again this state of affairs is totally unacceptable. Who is responsible SUFC or Cool Silk? Amounts to the same thing really doesn’t it.

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    I took a duster again yesterday to clean our seats, we had been in different seats against Hull City. In my opinion it is a very poor state of affairs. I listened to the Podcast the other night and Mr.Swann laughed this matter off, it matters to me Peter. UTWI

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    Ask the CEO or grounds maintenance team?

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    Ask the CEO or grounds maintenance team?

    Well now the matter has been raised live on the podcast maybe the Chairman will have the good grace to raise the matter with the relevant people himself. After all he is meant to care and we already know he can laugh things off but perhaps he may actually do something positive now this matter has been discussed with him.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    Swann was on the photos, though he did wear a face covering.

    Lord KitchenerLord Kitchener
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 37

    I would have thought that he reads some of the posts on this board. So it could be worth telling him directly.

    So come on Swanny, get your bloody finger out!


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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    Swann was on the photos, though he did wear a face covering.

    The Wembley photos of Leicester winning the Community Shield?

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 72

    I would have thought that he reads some of the posts on this board. So it could be worth telling him directly.

    So come on Swanny, get your bloody finger out!


    Of course he reads them – ask all those that have received Solicitors letters !!

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
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    I took a duster again yesterday to clean our seats, we had been in different seats against Hull City. In my opinion it is a very poor state of affairs. I listened to the Podcast the other night and Mr.Swann laughed this matter off, it matters to me Peter. UTWI

    The reply regarding the seats ought to have been, ‘really? I’ve not been down to see, but leave it with me and I’ll look in to it because that’s not acceptable. If I expect you to part with good money to come down here, you should expect better when you get here’. Instead, it’s treated as a joke. And trust me, it’s a lot more than a dozen or so moaners mate.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    I thought Swann’s answer to the question about the state of the ground on the podcast was absolutely pathetic. As Deerey says, he should have shown far more interest in the issue. After all, he’d spent quite a bit of time on the interview asking for us to buy season tickets & to come to games, surely that’s the point when you demonstrate a bit of customer service?

    If I were in charge of the club’s PR, I’d have been furious with his answer.

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
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    I’m sure the club’s PR team were furious Ferrite but would they dare tell him?

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    Swann’s answer wasn’t pathetic at all.
    It was EXACTLY what anyone who has watched him since he came, should have expected.

    If it doesn’t directly impact on him, he’s not bothered one jot.

    Witness his comment to the older supporter on the phone in, when the supporter told him he’d not be renewing his season ticket.

    Astute businessman? My firm but pliant, as my dad used to quip.

    Registered On: May 29, 2017
    Topics: 3

    The toilets in the Easy Buy were an absolute disgrace & the seats not much better.

    Would it have been that hard to give facilities a lick of paint and at least ensure toilets had adequate lighting levels?
    Would have it have been that hard to bring in a cleaning contractor to clean seats for a week to ensure they were at least presentable?

    Shameful SUFC

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    Would it have been that hard to give facilities a lick of paint and at least ensure toilets had adequate lighting levels?
    Would have it have been that hard to bring in a cleaning contractor to clean seats for a week to ensure they were at least presentable?

    It’s absolutely the bare minimum. How many pubs & restaurants have you seen since lockdown which have either used the opportunity to refurbish the place or which are doing everything they can to look spick & span to encourage customers back. Yet football fans are taken for granted yet again.

    I know money is apparently tight but you cannot save on certain things and expect to do well.

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    Wow how did you some of you survive at old grounds like Saltergate? Such snobbery from football customers.

    Fans not customers!

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    Wow how did you some of you survive at old grounds like Saltergate? Such snobbery from football customers.

    Fans not customers!

    Pointless comparison. Saltergate’s been closed around a decade and, perhaps you’re not aware, that s***hole wasn’t the home of the Iron? Personally, I always enjoyed my visits there but I wouldn’t have wanted it as my home ground. Many of us are ex-OSG, so we’re quite used to slumming it mate. Nowadays, we should and do expect better. I suppose you think all those complaining on Twitter are wrong too? Nice try, trying to turn this in to a culture war though. What next, anybody who dare complain about on and off the field matters is a ‘snowflake’?

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
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    Pretty much Deerey, I found supporting the Iron 20 years ago a much more enjoyable experience. Slumming it at places like chesterfield, Doncaster, Macclesfield, etc was brilliant and what being a ‘fan’ is all about. Totally focused on supporting the 11 lads on the pitch rather than taking to social media to complain about a tatty flag or dirty seat.

    Would go back to that era in a heartbeat.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    That explains the problem then UTI99, if the chairman’s main interest is customers, as he has at his entertainment venues, rather than fans. He appears to have little interest in fans and their needs and if, as you suggest, fans are what he should expect at the SVS then there’s no need to prepare an attractive and acceptable venue is there.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    Fans not customers!

    Don’t know about you, but I’m not a fan of standing ankle deep in piss.

    Human beings not cattle!

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    At least the ground isn’t ours, we should be looking elsewhere to play while the owners improve things.

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    Registered On: December 24, 2013
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    Wow how did you some of you survive at old grounds like Saltergate? Such snobbery from football customers.

    Fans not customers!

    Pointless comparison. Saltergate’s been closed around a decade and, perhaps you’re not aware, that s***hole wasn’t the home of the Iron? Personally, I always enjoyed my visits there but I wouldn’t have wanted it as my home ground. Many of us are ex-OSG, so we’re quite used to slumming it mate. Nowadays, we should and do expect better. I suppose you think all those complaining on Twitter are wrong too? Nice try, trying to turn this in to a culture war though. What next, anybody who dare complain about on and off the field matters is a ‘snowflake’?

    Another brilliant post.
    I take back every detrimental comment I’ve ever made about you and hereby promise no more will be posted.
    I bow to thy greatness.

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    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Pretty much Deerey, I found supporting the Iron 20 years ago a much more enjoyable experience. Slumming it at places like chesterfield, Doncaster, Macclesfield, etc was brilliant and what being a ‘fan’ is all about. Totally focused on supporting the 11 lads on the pitch rather than taking to social media to complain about a tatty flag or dirty seat.

    Would go back to that era in a heartbeat.

    You may get your wish in a couple of years.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 11

    Our old ground is looking like that new sands venue in Blackpool. Both need a good clean. Anybody who owns these properties must be a shamed. Especially if the public have to make comments about it. Tv, press coverage showing how scuffy these properties are around the world. On the first day of opening to the public.
    The owner should take action to put these basic things right before they open to public.
    Or is it just about what money 💰 he can make.
    Which are you peter

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    I’m only expressing opinions I and many others, including you, feel Alcazar. And I’m sure there’s plenty of your detrimental comments about me were justified. However, likewise, I will endeavour to keep our disagreements constructive in future and try to avoid the unnecessary bickering and unsavoury reactions.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
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    When you’re wanting people to part with more than £20 to watch a terrible football match, a clean seat is the very least you can offer them.

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    Registered On: June 20, 2017
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    Or you could stand.

    Registered On: December 26, 2013
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    the acceptance of crap comes from the top in any organisation. You set your standard on everything you cant pick and choose when to have high standards. As you approach the ground you see the state of the flags etc you think no one here cares why should i. Staff, players, supporters will think it. And away teams will pick it up too. We have the look and feel of a team on the drift downwards.
    Stopping petty crime is the start of prevent more serious crime. Having a high standards throughout the club will set the tone for management and players. Do wonder how Swan does succeed

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