Dear David,

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Dear David,

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  • #271735
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    I often wonder if some of our supporters just want us to fail and go into liquidation, I also wonder if one of those two posters spinning dirt about Hilton isn’t that journalist.

    I seriously doubt any Iron supporter wants the club to be liquidated and this issue is not ‘dirt spinning’. It’s serious allegations that Hilton has now admitted to.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    The Atheltic is a well respected publication and platform not The Daily Mail. No comparison

    I’m sure supporters of the Daily Mail would take issue over that DM but I’m sure your aware of the point I was making about journalism in general, not all goody two shoes, I thought it was a fair point to make .

    I got your point – pretty sure it was deflection. The same deflecting you’re usually quite vociferous about – particularly Trump and US politics. But I digress. No wish to move off topic.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 6

    We’re going to get demands to know the background of that journalist, as if that matters, aren’t we?

    Nobody has accused the journalist of lying, because he hasn’t.

    It is in the public interest for the information to be available to us. That is what a journalists job is.

    The facts are that DH has been lying to us all.

    He told us he had bought the club, the land and the ground. He hadn’t .

    He told us he had only 2 names and he had never been to prison. He was lying.

    Why should we believe him?

    Chasing the journalist is merely people trying to deflect from Hilton. Irregardless of Slater’s background, Hilton is a bad un.

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    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    The Atheltic is a well respected publication and platform not The Daily Mail. No comparison

    I’m sure supporters of the Daily Mail would take issue over that DM but I’m sure your aware of the point I was making about journalism in general, not all goody two shoes, I thought it was a fair point to make .

    I got your point – pretty sure it was deflection. The same deflecting you’re usually quite vociferous about – particularly Trump and US politics. But I digress. No wish to move off topic.

    Well Hilton admitted his fraud and nine months in jail which was accurately reported but he did say he was talking to his lawyers about other issues raised in the reporting so we will have to wait and see about other points particularly about proof of funds etc. As for Trump it’s no comparison, he’s a proven liar over many issues and still denies everything particularly the fact he lost the 2020 election because no evidence of any note has been produced in 63 court cases all over the USA. However you are right we should not digress but I thought I would mention this point for balance. Let’s hope we still have a football club this time next year 🤞

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    do you forgive Swann? He’s of good character too so should be easy

    Of good character???? Don’t make me laugh! And no I don’t forgive Swann, Mr Hilton paid for his mistakes. What Swann has done to Scunthorpe United is no mistake, he knew what he was doing when he transferred the land to coolsilk and told you gullible lot you had nothing to worry about, it was normal business practise and would hand the ground back if and when he left.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Who’s ‘you gullible lot’? There were plenty of supporters up in arms about it but hands tied to actually stop it. Good to see you’re deflecting though. Hilton still not given you anything to worry about yet, past and present?

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    Registered On: May 29, 2022
    Topics: 6

    I listened to the interview and read the article .

    In truth the article was much of what I have read on here but was either supported or refuted by different sets of people.

    I suppose the article backs up what had been panned as rumours by many now as clear facts , although nothing that was written particularly suprised me as I’m sure it didn’t many .

    As for the Hilton interview – he did evoke some emotion from me and even a slight sympathy up until the character assasination of Matt Slater (who is a very goos investigative journalist IMO) and blaming of all and sundry barring himself in the end ; he can’t seem to help himself can he ?

    There would have been 3 questions that are more pressing that still need answering –
    Did he lie through the process of the ‘fit & proper’ person’s test ?
    If so does that make his ownership valid ?
    After shafting one council ,does he expect another local authority to stump up a significant amount of funding for the new stadium ?
    If he does not get the stadium (or at least the right to play there ) will he walk away ?

    As for George Taft , he is getting abused for demanding what the club are contractually obliged to pay him – I find it bizarre fans are abusing him for that (however bad he was as a player).

    Worrying times hopefully things work out and there is more clarity to the situation in the near future .

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 78

    Who’s ‘you gullible lot’? There were plenty of supporters up in arms about it but hands tied to actually stop it. Good to see you’re deflecting though. Hilton still not given you anything to worry about yet, past and present?

    It’s rather ironic from Pat, I have to say. Before these were just rumours, now confirmed as fact, and we can trust Hilton because he’s an honest guy, guv, despite him lying.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    Sorry Siderite, I think you are in the minority. I, like you support the iron but believe we all make mistakes. Need to move on and hope we will be successful again uti

    Do you think a mistake is an accident or a deliberate act?

    IronintheSoulJon B
    Registered On: October 14, 2018
    Topics: 0

    The whole farce is so utterly demoralising. On the park the club looks capable of turning the corner after five and a half excruciatingly awful years since the dismissal of Graham Alexander.

    Off the park the future looks very, very uncertain and it will be no surprise to see the team challenging for promotion whiolst desperately trying to stave off existential threats to our home and continuing existence.

    The Taft stuff yesterday was the peanut on top of this pile of freshly laid shite. Personally, I would gladly trade a few years at this level for the chancers, shysters and dubious folks to GTF, and for the club to be an honest and respected business in the community again under some form of credible leadership.

    As someone said above, however, no one has the money to buy out Swann or Hilton, and the more damaging headlines and poor business practices are highlighted, the more potential investors will stay away. No one has the money to burn on someone else’s binfire, unsurprisingly.

    Somehow the chances of a re-formed “Scunthorpe AFC” wearing a Pendle or Stanno kit and playing the likes of Hall Road Rangers in a couple of years really felt real again yesterday. Bleak stuff. Then again, at least we’d be able to concentrate on the actual football in that situation rather than lost shouting at our own refelctions in the Swann-Hilton hall of mirrors / lies.

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    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    It never was, and never will be, Swann or Hilton. There are alternatives – if we look for them

    What you need to start realising is we need money to keep us going as a club until suitable person or persons are found. If Hilton resigns and takes his money with him and there won’t be the money “which there won’t be” in the coffers to keep the club going until anybody is found……then what ?

    I understand there will be other people out there but the process takes time, time which we won’t have !

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    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    He’s a bad man, Deerey I get it. Thing is without him we wouldn’t have a club to even watch in NLN and when he resigns and nobody else stumps up the money required we then cease to exist as Scunthorpe United as we know it.

    People can shout from the roof tops that Hilton should move on ASAP but I hope to god there’s a person or persons with the money needed to keep us going.

    Well he didn’t have the money, did he? If he did, he would have paid the asking price and the whole place would be his.

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    Registered On: July 17, 2023
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    do you forgive Swann? He’s of good character too so should be easy

    So you’re saying Hilton stealing thousands of pounds was just a mistake?
    Of good character???? Don’t make me laugh! And no I don’t forgive Swann, Mr Hilton paid for his mistakes. What Swann has done to Scunthorpe United is no mistake, he knew what he was doing when he transferred the land to coolsilk and told you gullible lot you had nothing to worry about, it was normal business practise and would hand the ground back if and when he left.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 101

    What you need to start realising is we need money to keep us going as a club until suitable person or persons are found. If Hilton resigns and takes his money with him and there won’t be the money “which there won’t be” in the coffers to keep the club going until anybody is found……then what ?

    3,000 home gates should be enough to fund a pretty handy squad for the time being, shouldn’t it?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    How much does the club need monthly to keep going? Anybody’s guess. How much would the club lose if he left? Anybody’s guess. How much has he put in already? Anybody’s guess.

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    And where did what he has put in come from ?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    I’m sure all this will become clear when the next accounts are filed. At Companies House. No doubt about it

    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    The wage bill will be huge. I’d imagine we are continuing to operate at a significant loss. Our home gates of 3.5k will be nowhere near enough.

    When you factor in the amount of debt the club needs to service and the real possibility we will be homeless in 6 months- it’s a pretty dire situation to be in.

    Unless anyone can suggest otherwise- I don’t believe the current board members will have the liquidity to keep us afloat.

    If he walks- we are gone.

    Registered On: August 10, 2023
    Topics: 8

    If he walks- we are gone.

    he has to go. everything points to the fact he’s fucking skint.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    Genuine question: if the club is ‘homeless in 6 months’ anyway, isn’t his staying prolonging the inevitable?

    Also, and I’m not advocating this, if he did go, might that leave the door open to Swann to negotiate rent with someone he doesn’t dislike?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    A 3000 gate which nearly half are season ticket holders so no more money from them, so that leaves 1500 paying £20 each (being generous there) brings in £30,000 once every weeks, and you think that’s enough to fund an handy squad Ferrite.

    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Genuine question: if the club is ‘homeless in 6 months’ anyway, isn’t his staying prolonging the inevitable?

    Also, and I’m not advocating this, if he did go, might that leave the door open to Swann to negotiate rent with someone he doesn’t dislike?

    If that’s our only hope Deerey then we truly are screwed.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    I suspect yesterday’s revelations are not the be all and end all. Therein lies the problem.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 160

    What is the inevitable Deerey, if we’re top of the league in 6 months do you not believe we would see the season out. Genuine question:

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 101

    If we’re evicted in 6 months time, regardless of league position, we may well see the season out but I think it’s inevitable that the added rent costs of groundsharing with reduced income from lower gates will see the club fold due to unsustainabity at some point.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 78

    Don’t worry Deerey, we’ll only be one year away from the Pipe Dream Arena at that point!

    Registered On: May 27, 2017
    Topics: 3

    If we’re evicted in 6 months time, regardless of league position, we may well see the season out but I think it’s inevitable that the added rent costs of groundsharing with reduced income from lower gates will see the club fold due to unsustainabity at some point.

    And you and your mates will be happy.Will you be there at the next game of course you wont

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    Dear Peter… give US OUR ground back.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 90

    The wage bill will be huge. I’d imagine we are continuing to operate at a significant loss. Our home gates of 3.5k will be nowhere near enough.

    When you factor in the amount of debt the club needs to service and the real possibility we will be homeless in 6 months- it’s a pretty dire situation to be in.

    Unless anyone can suggest otherwise- I don’t believe the current board members will have the liquidity to keep us afloat.

    If he walks- we are gone.

    This is the the major problem we’ll face. I get that Hilton can’t still be chairman but it’s funding the club until we find somebody else which is going to be the major problem.

    This is what’s worrying me the most. All well and good people wanting Hilton out a.s.a.p but then what ?

    That Crazy New YorkerThat Crazy New Yorker
    Registered On: November 1, 2022
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    It sounds increasingly as if there’s not a lot of funding going on right now as it is.

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