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- This topic has 106 replies, 31 voices, and was last updated 1 year, 5 months ago by
September 11, 2023 at 5:39 pm #271634
I think that the next attendance at GP will tell you a story.
The gate will perhaps fall somewhat but I cannot imagine that the it will plummet.
Please let that figure help you in any future decisions you opt to make.
With the only exceptions being convicted paedophiles and psycho killers, everyone should be allowed to distance themselves from their past and have possible new beginnings.6 users thanked author for this post.
September 11, 2023 at 5:49 pm #271639The crowd will be down it’s the fa cup match, be 3 games in a row at home if you go to all 3,better judge on the next league game, can’t and shouldn’t see it making a difference, those that stay away will still stay away and that means many on Bru.
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September 11, 2023 at 5:54 pm #271641Also bear in mind the crowd will inevitably drop this Saturday – qualifying round of the FA cup is probably not going to generate massive excitement. Perhaps the league game with Brackley a couple of weeks later is a better test of support or otherwise. I will be at both and probably the Chorley game in between.
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September 11, 2023 at 5:57 pm #271645Those that stay away will no doubt go to Heslam Park?
September 11, 2023 at 5:57 pm #271646Apologies Awaywego – had written mine before I saw your post.
Great minds and all that……
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September 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm #271647I bet Old Trafford still has 70 odd thousand attending despite their third player or ex player in a couple of years accused of beating up their partner.
Only wrote that because I wanted to emulate AA and post 3 in a row on the same thread.
September 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm #271648Bugger, Bill scuppered that idea.
September 11, 2023 at 6:00 pm #271649do you forgive Swann? He’s of good character too so should be easy
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September 11, 2023 at 6:02 pm #271651I will never forgive Swann. I judge Iron owners on what happens with the Iron during their ownership.
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September 11, 2023 at 6:04 pm #271652as am I
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September 11, 2023 at 6:12 pm #271656Thoughtlessness on my part. FA qualifiers are certainly different.
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September 11, 2023 at 7:23 pm #271684I think my anger and loss of trust in this is a result of a culmination of events.
Of course we should allow rehabilitation of criminals into society and I agree with Les that there may be some unrectifiable criminals. However, it needs demonstration of rehabilitation and ownership of responsibility in action (not just words). It can also mean ramifications for the rest of your life. Rapists may be rehabilitated, but they will always be on the sex offender’s register, and so should they be. Even if it means they’re prohibited from certain jobs. The risk is too great just to spare hurt feelings. While fraudulent individuals could be rehabilitated, it should surely mean more wariness over how they conduct business, especially when they own our football club. He may have rehabilitated, but how do we know that, other than blind trust? Also, like with rapists, it may be that there is a need for a discussion over whether the risk of a fraudulent individual owning a community asset, like a football club, is too much of a risk to take a chance (he can, of course, do other jobs). Which I suspect the FA investigation will be thinking and his apparent lack of communication over name changes won’t go down well, I suspect.
We can chatter about the unfairness on Hilton, but ultimately, many have wanted stringency on how the FA deals with owners over their fit and proper status as owners. If Hilton hasn’t been open about his past and name changes with the FA, this might mean a tough decision, regardless of we think of Hilton as a person and his rehabilitated nature. If we want a fit and proper person’s test to be stringent, as many do when we see clubs in trouble, we need to be able to accept such stringency here. We have seen the consequences of weak authority from the authorities on this for many clubs, including our own.
Anyway, the question is do we believe Hilton’s rehabilitation? For me, and I can’t speak for anyone else, I have to look at what has been said. We now know Hilton committed fraud and now says he has taken ownership. Good. However, this has only been after he could no longer refute it. What could he have done? First, coming out straight away and being honest. This would have been good for transparency, but may have caused an initial lack of trust and I don’t know what the league would have made of it. The second is to not admit, but stay silent on the murmuring rumours until he had to open up. This would have got more sympathy from me, because it may mean he was just embarrassed by it and wanted to move on to a new chapter in his life. He chose a third option of saying accusations of fraud and wrong doing were caused by trouble makers at Bury, and those with an agenda, at the fan’s forum and on the Iron Army interview. He said that he hasn’t used other names other than Hilton and White. Yet the name he was sentenced under, as confirmed by Hilton, was Anderson. He has launched repeated attacks on the nature of those who have spoken about his past. He was more than happy to slander and attack them, while demanding respect and gratitude for being ‘the saviour’. He launched baseless attacks against the owners of this forum and stirred up a hornet’s nest with burners launching death threats, doxxing and libellous accusations. Even now, after an article has posted about this, he launches accusations against the journalist, who is only reporting on a situation and doing what good investigative journalists do. Speak truth to the public, letting us know the situation, warts and all. It’s in our interest, as Scunny fans, to know the information shared.
None of this demonstrates to me that he is trustworthy or given me confidence that he has truly taken ownership for his own mistakes. If he has, he wouldn’t have hurled accusations at others for daring to be honest. I give my sympathies for him experiencing depression, but that is no excuse for his treatment of others. Plenty suffer from it, yet don’t commit fraud or launch accusations against others or distort the truth. The nature of his past give me concern, but they’re not the full deal breaker. After months of fermenting a vision of him being a victim of malicious rumour, he confirms that some were true, and wants to get full sympathy after stoking division. I am sorry, but that is a red line crossed for me. I don’t see how he can rebuild any trust from my end.
Of course, it’s fair in asking what happens next. Our club is tied to the owner, but sometimes the owner is unfitting. Ideally, for me, someone else would buy the club and Hilton and the circus surrounding him clears off. However, that may be a pipe dream. Maybe Hilton can prove me wrong, but so far my concerns are growing rapidly and I have lost all trust. All in all, I cannot help but feel despondent about our situation now. Yes, it’s good on the pitch, but this off pitch drama has soured it all and that has come from years of Swann mismanagement and incompetence and a new owner I couldn’t trust if he said the Sun will rise tomorrow.
I appreciate others will want to believe after years of hardship, but I just can’t.
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September 11, 2023 at 7:32 pm #271688Share those sentiments, 100%
September 11, 2023 at 7:33 pm #271689Some very fair and valid points made Siderite, as for journalists wanting to print the truth, have you ever read the Daily Mail? My brother, a former journalist, always said bad news is good news for a journalist, the juicer the shite the better headlines it makes, just saying 🤷
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September 11, 2023 at 7:34 pm #271691The Atheltic is a well respected publication and platform not The Daily Mail. No comparison
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September 11, 2023 at 7:34 pm #271692Sorry Siderite, I think you are in the minority. I, like you support the iron but believe we all make mistakes. Need to move on and hope we will be successful again uti
September 11, 2023 at 7:42 pm #271693The Atheltic is a well respected publication and platform not The Daily Mail. No comparison
I’m sure supporters of the Daily Mail would take issue over that DM but I’m sure your aware of the point I was making about journalism in general, not all goody two shoes, I thought it was a fair point to make .
September 11, 2023 at 7:43 pm #271694Some very fair and valid points made Siderite, as for journalists wanting to print the truth, have you ever read the Daily Mail? My brother, a former journalist, always said bad news is good news for a journalist, the juicer the shite the better headlines it makes, just saying 🤷
Why didn’t Hilton refute it, if it’s all a load of cobblers? The issue here evidently isn’t trust in journalism, it’s Hilton complaining that they have brought it to light. Which is what good journalism should do
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September 11, 2023 at 7:45 pm #271695Sorry Siderite, I think you are in the minority. I, like you support the iron but believe we all make mistakes. Need to move on and hope we will be successful again uti
I am not speaking on behalf of fans and recognise others want to hope. I think some of the mistakes have been made recently, and don’t just relate to the fraud, and that has given me the issue in trust as much, if not more, than the prison sentence.
September 11, 2023 at 7:46 pm #271696Hilton knew fans had made mistakes in the past and he gave them a fresh start why not him.
September 11, 2023 at 7:48 pm #271697That went well
September 11, 2023 at 7:51 pm #271698You’ve perfectly encapsulated my views siderite- top post
September 11, 2023 at 8:02 pm #271701Why have any of them who were banned misbehaved again. 64
September 11, 2023 at 8:05 pm #271702Seriously wonder how many fans of here and other social media platforms have actually read the article in The Athletic given a lot of the content of the responses? I’d wager a small percentage of those posting comments. This one from the Facebook group sums it up:
‘he’s just a normal guy who had a shit start and made something of him self, suffers with stress and adores his family’
Really?? Ffs!
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September 11, 2023 at 9:11 pm #271725He’s a bad man, Deerey I get it. Thing is without him we wouldn’t have a club to even watch in NLN and when he resigns and nobody else stumps up the money required we then cease to exist as Scunthorpe United as we know it.
People can shout from the roof tops that Hilton should move on ASAP but I hope to god there’s a person or persons with the money needed to keep us going.
September 11, 2023 at 9:24 pm #271727Post of the year Siderite.
My thoughts exactly. Thank you for posting.
September 11, 2023 at 9:26 pm #271728WG making assumptions again.
It never was, and never will be, Swann or Hilton. There are alternatives – if we look for them (let’s hope that the Board are looking).
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September 11, 2023 at 9:29 pm #271730I often wonder if some of our supporters just want us to fail and go into liquidation, I also wonder if one of those two posters spinning dirt about Hilton isn’t that journalist.
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September 11, 2023 at 9:34 pm #271732‘He’s a bad man, Deerey I get it.’
Personally, I don’t think you’re getting it. Not fully. But as I-A needlessly keeps reminding us, you are entitled to your opinion.
September 11, 2023 at 9:34 pm #271733We’re going to get demands to know the background of that journalist, as if that matters, aren’t we?
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