Club makes official statement on FC100000 deal

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Club makes official statement on FC100000 deal

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  • #300445
    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    Lunchtime, Monday 24th March:


    On behalf of Scunthorpe United Football Club and my fellow board members, I would like to address some of the rumours, assumptions and mistruths that have circulated on social media over the past two days regarding our potential collaboration with the FC100,000 project.

    While I understand that this speculation has caused some concern amongst our fans, I want to reassure you all above anything that as custodians of our beloved club, after everything we have been through together, there is no way that this group of owners will ever put the future of Scunthorpe United Football Club at risk.

    We know that your trust is earned, and I believe that over the last eighteen months we have earned it. Myself, Roj, Ian and George remain 100 per cent committed and united in our quest to create a sustainable future for this football club.

    As part of that commitment, we have made no secret that we are open to investment from a potential fifth owner and see it as our responsibility to explore all possible options. When we were approached by the founders of FC100,000 we were unanimously impressed with many elements of their proposal and were open to the idea.

    To create a membership scheme that creates significant ongoing monthly revenue, while giving fans direct access to the club and a voice on certain decisions, could have been a game changer for the club.

    However, at no point would any potential agreement have relinquished significant control of the club to a third party, and the board were very clear that there could be no risk to the future financial stability of the club.

    Since FC100,000 made their own announcement yesterday it has been widely reported that Scunthorpe United was the club potentially involved, and our fans have understandably voiced their concerns. We have listened to those concerns, we share a number of them, and we have unanimously decided to end our interest in this project.

    On a personal note, I feel genuinely disappointed by the suggestion that this group of owners, who continue to work so hard and give so much to the club, would do anything to jeopardise its future. For us, for our families, and for our staff members toreceive personal abuse – including death threats – is absolutely deplorable.

    We do know that this abuse comes from a minority, and we are looking forward to having our fans back together for another huge game at the Attis Arena this weekend, on the back of such a special, record-breaking occasion against Chester on Saturday.

    Together, we need to continue to focus on supporting Andy and his team, who have got us into a wonderful position to hopefully gain promotion back to the National League.

    Michelle Harness

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Now that’s piss poor Michelle and shows how naive she is, just one press of a button on Google would have shown what a shit show they’d done before.

    You’ve got a monthly membership scheme it’s called the lottery maybe just maybe promote it, you’ve got the halftime draw as well and not forgetting all the season ticket money fans that have put up front in cash may I had. Then there’s Stu God bless him.What more do you expect of fans.

    Not surprised your interested in a 5th owner who’d only have a voice on certain club decisions.
    You want a 5th owner actively go out and seek one if that’s what the board want and can agree on.
    Ps. I haven’t got the readies and if I had I wouldn’t want to join the shit show you’ve run this season.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    Now that’s piss poor Michelle and shows how naive she is, just one press of a button on Google would have shown what a shit show they’d done before.

    As ever with official statements of any kind from anyone or anywhere, you have to realise that they are political moves and do not necessarily reflect the nuances or (sometimes) the actual truth of events. They are the convenient account of events, or the convenient position to take to be able to move things forward under your own narrative steam. Statements are often designed to be shields (or, indeed, swords).

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 120

    ‘Death threats’?! Feck is wrong with people? FFS.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    ‘Death threats’?! Feck is wrong with people? FFS.

    I didn’t see any at all online, so perhaps privately.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Forget all that just read on tuther side someone encouraging fans get behind the board ffs, as if it wasn’t them that caused all the problem in the first place.

    Must give all my money no questions asked to the club,and put them as my only benefactor in my will f the kids.

    Registered On: December 26, 2013
    Topics: 4

    Well done Michelle – listening to the fans. Dodged another ‘character’

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 120

    ‘Death threats’?! Feck is wrong with people? FFS.

    I didn’t see any at all online, so perhaps privately.

    I assume so because surely they wouldn’t make it up. Perhaps some of Hilton’s old stalwarts?

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Forget all that just read on tuther side someone encouraging fans get behind the board ffs, as if it wasn’t them that caused all the problem in the first place.
    Must give all my money no questions asked to the club,and put them as my only benefactor in my will f the kids.

    You really don’t want the Club to succeed do you. Sure the board have made mistakes, they’ve admitted that. I guess, by your attitude, that you never have.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Well Done 64, Ste, Matt and a few of the other good guys for flagging this up.

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    Well done Michelle – listening to the fans. Dodged another ‘character’

    Michelle was part of the board who negotiated behind all of our backs with a questionable 5th owner and was on the verge or signing a deal.

    Michelle shouldn’t be celebrated/patted on the back, she and the other members shouldn’t have got as far as they did with the deal without letting us all know first.

    I find it very underhanded and extremely snide. Ian Sharp was on a podcast not that long ago and claimed the deal was pretty much dead in the water.

    The longer these lot at board level are in charge the more I question if they’re really up to fit. As time passes they appear more and more incompetent.

    This isn’t even factoring the fact they made a huge balls us by not purchasing after care on the pitch and just about wrecked it as a result. Why they decided to penny pinch on the playing surface without looking in to it first was stupid to say the least.

    I’m forever grateful that they saved us, but can we really trust these lot in looking after the club on pushing us on long term ?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    From The Trust:-
    ” the Board had been contacted by many supporters and prior to our meeting, and after much deliberation, they too were in agreement that the deal ‘did not feel right’ and had unanimously agreed NOT to proceed with”

    Unanimous eh? Interesting.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Don’t be so stupid of course I want the club to succeed, when they succeed on the pitch I succeed.

    Said before if the club made a serious effort so might I, did I not start on the lottery even before the first draw encouraging them to promote it, well we all know the answer to that,they did sod all barring the basics and still do sod all.
    Anybody who doesn’t have a link to their web page don’t know about it, and that’s disgusting for a club that supposedly wants funds.

    I pay to attend games isn’t that enough.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 120

    So you’re saying you’re the new potential investor?

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    It certainly helps if you attend home games. Constant sniping at the board doesn’t help. Have you tried contacting the club with your numerous suggestions?

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    I pay to attend games isn’t that enough.

    Not if the club can’t operate on gate receipts alone.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 505

    Somebody or all are lying

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 74

    Well done Michelle – listening to the fans. Dodged another ‘character’

    Michelle was part of the board who negotiated behind all of our backs with a questionable 5th owner and was on the verge or signing a deal.

    Michelle shouldn’t be celebrated/patted on the back, she and the other members shouldn’t have got as far as they did with the deal without letting us all know first.

    I find it very underhanded and extremely snide. Ian Sharp was on a podcast not that long ago and claimed the deal was pretty much dead in the water.

    The longer these lot at board level are in charge the more I question if they’re really up to fit. As time passes they appear more and more incompetent.

    This isn’t even factoring the fact they made a huge balls us by not purchasing after care on the pitch and just about wrecked it as a result. Why they decided to penny pinch on the playing surface without looking in to it first was stupid to say the least.

    I’m forever grateful that they saved us, but can we really trust these lot in looking after the club on pushing us on long term ?

    With Wondergoals. I have issues with the club statement 1/ It says “they put it out to see what fans thought of it” – they did not Aidan McCartney big fan got wind of something and put it out there . 2/ No deal had been agreed yet a video announcing it had been filmed ! 3/ Why was there so many NDA’s if we had nothing to hide and ‘only’ in discussion. 5/ Seems a different meaning you hear it was a possible new investor but the nab from My Club or FCa100000 said they were looking for club Acquisition. There is a big difference in the 2 words INVESTOR and ACQUISITION.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    …they did not Aidan McCartney big fan got wind of something and put it out there

    Danny Stamp ranted about it before that, on Facebook.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    With Wondergoals. I have issues with the club statement 1/ It says “they put it out to see what fans thought of it” – they did not Aidan McCartney big fan got wind of something and put it out there . 2/ No deal had been agreed yet a video announcing it had been filmed ! 3/ Why was there so many NDA’s if we had nothing to hide and ‘only’ in discussion. 5/ Seems a different meaning you hear it was a possible new investor but the nab from My Club or FCa100000 said they were looking for club Acquisition. There is a big difference in the 2 words INVESTOR and ACQUISITION.

    Where’s point 4 ?!

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    The Club statement is a carefully worded arse-covering exercise.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Do the club take note of suggestions or even answer them for that matter and yes I pulled Glyn at the stall at the market about the lottery didn’t even have a poster up advertising it. Fallen on deaf ears it would appear,

    Talking of the lottery my mate won a prize ticket for 4 people at Hole in the wand crazy golf lol.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 249
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    No NI there are other revenue streams.

    Match day catering
    Iron bar
    Half time draw
    Car parking
    Kids coaching days
    Shirt sales

    Doesn’t it make you wonder how all the other clubs are surviving in relation to us.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 249
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    With Wondergoals. I have issues with the club statement 1/ It says “they put it out to see what fans thought of it” – they did not Aidan McCartney big fan got wind of something and put it out there . 2/ No deal had been agreed yet a video announcing it had been filmed ! 3/ Why was there so many NDA’s if we had nothing to hide and ‘only’ in discussion. 5/ Seems a different meaning you hear it was a possible new investor but the nab from My Club or FCa100000 said they were looking for club Acquisition. There is a big difference in the 2 words INVESTOR and ACQUISITION.

    The response put up on the official site is bullshit. They all know who they were dealing with and was after pushing through the deal on the quiet. Aidan McCartney said himself the deal was very close to being signed. There was a video stating that a deal was made and their announcement so it was clearly close.

    If McCartney hadn’t had leaked it on twitter the deal would have been signed. 100%. We all had no idea as it was clearly done in the background.

    So much for the club being transparent. Shameful really. That official statement in my opinion is a load of tosh.

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Don’t be so stupid of course I want the club to succeed, when they succeed on the pitch I succeed.

    I take exception to being called stupid, I am a member of Densa, have a degree (1st class) in Astrobiology from the university of Ulanbatoor and a Blue Peter badge.

    5 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    If McCartney hadn’t had leaked it on twitter

    Danny Stamp leaked it during a rant, not McCartney.

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    He certainly went in a blaze of glory then. If the club had let him have some burger vans outside on community day, we’d all still be non the wiser ….

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 66

    He certainly went in a blaze of glory then. If the club had let him have some burger vans outside on community day, we’d all still be non the wiser ….

    We’d know on Thursday with Gareth’s face all over it.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
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