Bench Marks

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Bench Marks

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  • #239825
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    Yes, we want footballers but we also want athletes. Even more so in the NL.

    10m, 20m, 30m sprint times
    Then less specific to football but important indicators:
    50m, 100m sprint times.
    400m times
    1 mile time
    5k time

    Training must be so boring. 10 months of the same old, same old.

    If you can’t pass the ball to your own teammates as a professional footballer – then are you equipped to be a professional footballer?

    As Bruce Lee said: “Bricks don’t hit back”

    Mix it up a bit. Take them off the hamsters wheel once a week.
    Swimming, Boxing, Martial Arts, Athletics, hockey, basketball … it won’t make them any worse at football, in fact, it might have a positive effect.
    After all, they are where they are now after doing 12 (started playing aged 6) to 24 years of the same routines & preparation.

    Match day management. Has anything changed since the 1950s?

    A guy stands on the touchline or leans on the dugout bellowing ‘information’ in the hope that the nearest guy might hear him and hopefully pass it on?
    The ‘coach’ can select to adopt the crossed arms dejected demeanour or the ranting & raving flailing arms lunatic look.

    Half time – a mass rollicking if you are behind.
    A laugh & joke if you are in front and a ‘more of the same boys’

    American Football Coaches.
    We need to look at their roles.
    Wired up to the quarter back and calling every play on the field.
    Now, they do earn their money.
    They have an unbelievable amount of game plays in their armoury.
    Ok FIFA Football is much more fluid than American Football – but let’s see some imagination & inventiveness at corners & freekicks!

    Technology & innovation – let’s be the first club to wire the coach up directly with the captain. 2 way communication so as he can relay the coaches wishes to the players.
    I don’t believe there’s anything in the rules to prohibit it?

    It can’t be done. Why? Formula One have being doing it for years now, if it can be done at 180mph then surely it can be done at 18mph?
    And American Football first experienced this in 1956 (!)… 66 years ago.
    The system was eventually permitted to be used in 1994.

    Everyone has heard of Einstein’s definition of insanity:

    “ Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Bruce Lee actually said ” boards dont hit back “, watched Enter The Dragon enough times to remember that one.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    It that you letter of application for one of those advertised jobs Renee?

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    It that you letter of application for one of those advertised jobs Renee?

    I’m too busy with the café and the portrait of the fallen Madonna with the big boobies by Van Clomp.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Does that mean Rennee that you are going to post this only once?

    4 users thanked author for this post.
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    Does that mean Rennee that you are going to post this only once?

    By Uncle Alberts definition – I’d be insane to post it again.

    Registered On: December 31, 2013
    Topics: 44

    I’d like to see Rowe’s stats because when he was in midfield people drifted past him all the time. When the opposition breaked he looked like he was running in treacle. Playing that role either highlighted his lack of pace or his lack of fitness

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    Fitness test them all every Friday. Scientifically against the clock.
    Any who don’t hit the benchmarks in fitness testing, then they are deemed ‘not fit’ and not selected in the squad.
    At least that way, going in to every game you have a squad (it may be reduced in numbers) that are deemed to be fit.
    Players & managers then can’t use the excuse ‘I / he wasn’t fit’.
    If we then lose, the opposition are either better or luckier than us.

    11 blokes who are 100% fit, giving 100% effort for 90 minutes.
    It’s all we ask for.

    Registered On: March 31, 2022
    Topics: 5

    Renee,you do well to find the time to post on here,the portrait of the Madonna with the big boobies must take some handling,I’m sure Yvette will give you some welcome relief or officer Crabtree next time he is pissing by could give help in the café especially on match days

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    That’s a pissing good idea.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    “Any who don’t hit the benchmarks in fitness testing, then they are deemed ‘not fit’ and not selected in the squad.”

    And what if they all fail the test?

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