Band Aid – Feed The ESUFCE – Bleak House

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Band Aid – Feed The ESUFCE – Bleak House

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  • #277714
    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    It’s Friday the first of December 2023 and it may have just being announced that Band Aid are to reform for Christmas 2023.

    Not to feed the world this time – but to feed the ex players & staff still owed wages and staff who were made redundant in the summer but whom are still awaiting their redundancy payments.

    Guinevere and her Knights of the Round Table may have made Glanford Park their Camelot – but, let’s not condemn former loyal and long serving ex employees to Bleak House this Christmas.

    The Jarndyce family suffered whilst awaiting their inheritance – The ESUFCE (Ex Scunthorpe United Football Club Employees) are the 21st century Jarndyce family… awaiting wages & redundancy payments.

    A FOODBANK CHRISTMAS could have been a Dickens fiction.

    In times gone by, they (ESUFCE) might have been down the workhouse conversing with Mr Bumble.

    Fall behind with your mortgage these days and you don’t even have the safety net of ‘Bumbledon’ and the opportunity to ask Mr Bumble for ‘more’.

    At best, you might be lucky and end up in tent city, at second worst, you might end up under the arches.
    At the very worst, you might end up… starts and ends with D.

    The biggest cause of death in men aged under 50 in the UK is suicide.
    The days that most suicides take place on are: Sundays & Mondays.

    Christmas Eve this year is on… SUNDAY

    Christmas Day this year is on… MONDAY!

    Back during the record breaking hot days of summer, did WHAM give any thought to his hotheaded decision to terminate people’s employment and to not pay them redundancy monies owed them?

    Did he give any thought to the fact that they may have mortgages, loans, credit cards, store cards, overdrafts, child care costs, nursing home costs, that there is the energy crisis, high ongoing inflation, stagnant wages and the cost of living (or existing) crisis.

    Did he not think that some of these ex employees might still be out of a job a few short months later?

    Did he not think that this winter could be one of the coldest winters for decades – and that people on benefits (or the streets) suffer ill health & death by not being warm?

    Christmas is a-coming and we start to light the Christmas candles – the four candles representing the Christian concepts of hope, peace, joy and love.

    Are you a good Christian?
    Are you a good man/woman?

    Will the ESUFCE have any hope this Christmas?
    Will the ESUFCE have peace this Christmas?
    Will the ESUFCE find joy this Christmas?
    Will the ESUFCE be loved and give love this Christmas?

    Hopefully, we won’t be lighting a fifth candle in remembrance of one of our former ESUFCE brothers/sisters!

    Guinevere and her Knights of Camelot should do their Christian duty, their moral duty and fulfil their legal obligations and honour the ESUFCE.

    Is Kieran Maguire Inspector Bucket?

    It may have being of WHAMs doing – but our Queen Guinevere must resolve this.

    A Court of Chancery no more.

    Blessing to anyone and everyone awaiting any monies.
    Stay strong.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    WHAM currently top the singles chart with ‘Last Christmas’.

    BAND AID are down in 16th place with ‘Do They Know It’s Christmas?’

    Who’ll have the Christmas No1?

    Last Christmas, we were a broken, bankrupt club with no hope and no future.

    This Christmas will see us go in to 2024 on the crest of a wave.

    A very merry Christmas and all the very best wishes to our Queen Guinevere and her Knights of the Round Table for 2024.

    Hip, hip!

    I’ve an ear worm…

    It’s Christmas time, we had a reason to be afraid.
    We let in Dave and said choi to Swann.
    In our world that was empty, we were denied the cheer and joy.
    Throw your arms around our Club, this time of year.

    But say a prayer, pray for the golden one.
    At Christmas time, she’s working hard, no time for fun.
    There’s a world outside her window, it’s full of fear and dread.
    Where the only thoughts flowing, are the monsters in her head.

    Do we know it’s Christmas time at all?
    Feed the Club.
    Let’s believe in Christmas once again!

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Slightly poetic licence there Rene, last Christmas we were full of hope with a bright future ahead under St Simon and Ian, unfortunately someone had to tell them Santa wasnt real and the ground would not be a present luckily Robin Hood stepped in and made a brighter new year.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    When it was discoverred that Robin Hood had reversed his principles and was indeed taking from the poor and not giving a toss save for his own selfish ends, Maid Marian kicked his sorry arse in his saggy Lincoln Green tights all the way back to Nottingham whilst she promptly announced herself Queen of the fabled GP fortess and promised the peasants within a brighter future but only if they did their fair share of shouldering the burden of resposibility. It promised to be the merriest Xmas for many a year in the old GP fortress and many pints of porter were thrown down despareately dried out success starved throats through lack of a kindly Lord and the star of hope once again hung high and bright in the Steeltown sky.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Nah that’s the BOS plant tipping slag Ironawe.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 119

    ‘There’s a world outside her window, it’s full of fear and dread.
    Where the only thoughts flowing, are the monsters in her head.’

    Sounds like fun that.

    #278104 Iron
    Registered On: August 1, 2014
    Topics: 10

    Rene ..ever thought of fund raising for them by being sponsored per word in your posts? There’s a fortune right there.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    Congratulations to Wham on making it to the Christmas No1; 39 years after it was first released!

    That’s Andrew & George; not Davide or David or Dave or Rodney or whatever his name was.

    Maybe it’ll be a good Christmas after all?

    Here’s to a great 2024!

    Last Christmas, I gave you…

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    Wham & SUFC – both No1 at Christmas!


    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    Last Christmas, I bought your bond,
    But the very next day, you took it away
    This year, to save me from tears
    I’ll just get a fish and chip..special

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    WHAM go in to the New Year still in the No 1 spot.

    A win today will see us start 2024 top of the pile.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    At 17:45pm today, we will know the first No 1 of 2024.

    A smidgen over an hour to go.

    Do they know it’s Christmas (Feed the World) only got to No 15 last week.

    WHAM RAPPed up the Christmas No 1 – will those Bad Boys be No 1 in the all new chart?

    Enjoy what you do…
    What you do…

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    No Christmas songs in the new chart.

    It’ll be next Christmas before Last Christmas gets an airing again.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 236

    It’s Friday the first of December 2023 and it may have just being announced that Band Aid are to reform for Christmas 2023.

    Not to feed the world this time – but to feed the ex players & staff still owed wages and staff who were made redundant in the summer but whom are still awaiting their redundancy payments.

    Guinevere and her Knights of the Round Table may have made Glanford Park their Camelot – but, let’s not condemn former loyal and long serving ex employees to Bleak House this Christmas.

    The Jarndyce family suffered whilst awaiting their inheritance – The ESUFCE (Ex Scunthorpe United Football Club Employees) are the 21st century Jarndyce family… awaiting wages & redundancy payments.

    A FOODBANK CHRISTMAS could have been a Dickens fiction.

    In times gone by, they (ESUFCE) might have been down the workhouse conversing with Mr Bumble.

    Fall behind with your mortgage these days and you don’t even have the safety net of ‘Bumbledon’ and the opportunity to ask Mr Bumble for ‘more’.

    At best, you might be lucky and end up in tent city, at second worst, you might end up under the arches.
    At the very worst, you might end up… starts and ends with D.

    The biggest cause of death in men aged under 50 in the UK is suicide.
    The days that most suicides take place on are: Sundays & Mondays.

    Christmas Eve this year is on… SUNDAY

    Christmas Day this year is on… MONDAY!

    Back during the record breaking hot days of summer, did WHAM give any thought to his hotheaded decision to terminate people’s employment and to not pay them redundancy monies owed them?

    Did he give any thought to the fact that they may have mortgages, loans, credit cards, store cards, overdrafts, child care costs, nursing home costs, that there is the energy crisis, high ongoing inflation, stagnant wages and the cost of living (or existing) crisis.

    Did he not think that some of these ex employees might still be out of a job a few short months later?

    Did he not think that this winter could be one of the coldest winters for decades – and that people on benefits (or the streets) suffer ill health & death by not being warm?

    Christmas is a-coming and we start to light the Christmas candles – the four candles representing the Christian concepts of hope, peace, joy and love.

    Are you a good Christian?
    Are you a good man/woman?

    Will the ESUFCE have any hope this Christmas?
    Will the ESUFCE have peace this Christmas?
    Will the ESUFCE find joy this Christmas?
    Will the ESUFCE be loved and give love this Christmas?

    Hopefully, we won’t be lighting a fifth candle in remembrance of one of our former ESUFCE brothers/sisters!

    Guinevere and her Knights of Camelot should do their Christian duty, their moral duty and fulfil their legal obligations and honour the ESUFCE.

    Is Kieran Maguire Inspector Bucket?

    It may have being of WHAMs doing – but our Queen Guinevere must resolve this.

    A Court of Chancery no more.

    Blessing to anyone and everyone awaiting any monies.
    Stay strong.

    Epiphany today – marking the end of the Christmas season.
    Let’s hope that all our friends are well.

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