Another Top Ref

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  • #283141
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    How the hell did the ref come to conclusion Butterfield fouled their keeper ?

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    Registered On: June 6, 2017
    Topics: 6

    Honestly think that’s the worst decision I’ve ever seen in a Scunny game. Where the hell does this league find them!?

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    One of many tonight. Started when Whitehall and their defender went for the same ball and took each other out in mid air. Both landed heavily. Complete accident but referee books Whitehall.

    Result; their defence spend the rest of the game trying get him sent off!

    Respect to Danny tonight, kept the shithousery in check and stayed on the pitch.

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    cliffbyrnesrightpegCliff Byrne’s Right Peg
    Registered On: October 17, 2015
    Topics: 57

    Happening week in, week out now, just a complete farce which had culminated in that decision tonight which is the cherry on top.

    By no means have we lost the league due to officials, but some of these decisions are costing us valuable points and the frequency it’s occurring is frightening.

    No wonder Jimmy lost his rag.

    Rene ArtoisRene Artois
    Registered On: September 18, 2023
    Topics: 232

    How the hell did the ref come to conclusion Butterfield fouled their keeper ?

    The refs starting position in the clip shows him well behind the play.
    Do you think he perhaps thought Butterfield had done a ‘hand of god’?
    He arrives late on the scene, charging in to the box. His positioning during the play was all wrong.
    Probably too far away to properly/correctly see that it was the keeper who flapped it in.
    Their defender was shielding the keeper anyhow.
    Ref got it all wrong.

    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Anyone who has been on this board for any length of time knows that I support referees and was part of a panel for several decades involved in the independent reviewing and marking of refs. Balance and sanity.
    I was the least qualified as a mere broadcaster. We had two statisticians, one pro ref, one local ref – and me. I learned from them. We were all on a single wavelength.
    All the clear decision-making for marks was rational.
    Then we come to the NLN and the gang has broken up so we cannot mark comparatively any more.
    If the average mark in the EFL was a 6/10 – I declare my belief that the average in the NLN cannot possibly be higher than a three.
    I see better reffing watching my granddaughter play on Saturday mornings in a very junior Sheffield League.
    (The pro ref mentioned is a regular at The AA and despairs.)
    Whenever you wonder whether bad anything is corruption or incompetence – 99% it’s the latter. Even so, I am witnessing bias on a very regular basis. I suspect that the situation is that the ‘little guys deserve a break against big spending Scunny.’
    I fully accept that this is rarely deliberate – but ‘subconscious bias’ is an identifiable phenomenon.
    In so many ways in my life, I have been trained into neutrality in my thinking and decision-making. It has served me well.
    I have used this experience (hopefully) with a degree of wisdom over the years but in the face of the reffing this season, I find myself baying at appalling officials just as much as anyone else.

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    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    I fully accept that this is rarely deliberate – but ‘subconscious bias’ is an identifiable phenomenon.

    Exactly the same thing when Whitehall wasn’t awarded the penalty a few games ago when it was more than clear, and the referee afterwards saying that Whitehall’s game is going down easily.

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    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    You are right it is 99% incompetence, by the refs and the system that runs them. The system for promoting refs isn’t working Les. Someone wanting to be a ref in the football league would actually take years just to get to our crappy NLN level even if they more or less got straight promotions every year. That ref last night either never played or dropped out of playing very young to be a ref, result is that he doesn’t really understand what he’s doing. He knows what gets him the marks to get promoted and goes after getting those marks.

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    lesgeo wrote:- “I suspect that the situation is that the ‘little guys deserve a break against big spending Scunny.”

    I’ve asked this before, why didn’t this apply when we were in the Championship? Then all the refs seemed to favour the “big” teams when they were playing us.(Or so we thought)

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Unfortunately Scunthorpe fans shouting “you’re not fit to referee”, “you’re an embarrassment” or “f-ing wanker” only turns him against us more!

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    You are right it is 99% incompetence, by the refs and the system that runs them. The system for promoting refs isn’t working Les.

    You cannot reasonably expect a human referee to get technical decisions right 100% of the time. It’s just not possible to avoid the occasional error or even the occasional seemingly ridiculous decision. What you are entitled to reasonably expect is a high degree of competence and unbiased judgement.

    Comments from the referee a few games ago (who said that Whitehall’s game is going down and that’s why he didn’t give the penalty) were alarming. In addition, last night was a disgrace – the booking of Whitehall was a joke and the disallowed goal was a tragedy.

    All said, on the whole I don’t think the referees have been that good this season – but nor have they been that bad.

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    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    ‘Even so, I am witnessing bias on a very regular basis. I suspect that the situation is that the ‘little guys deserve a break against big spending Scunny’. I fully accept that this is rarely deliberate – but ‘subconscious bias’ is an identifiable phenomenon.’

    The referee’s decision was appalling, as I said at the time on another thread. Probably the worst I’ve seen even down to step 5, but to say you are witnessing bias on a regular basis requires much more evidence, as you should well know. It may well be the case there’s some bias going on, but saying you’re witnessing it regularly is unsubstantiated. You’re also implying it was the case last night. Where’s your evidence, because all I saw was incompetence.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Unfortunately Scunthorpe fans shouting “you’re not fit to referee”, “you’re an embarrassment” or “f-ing wanker” only turns him against us more!

    As may emailing him directly because his email address has been posted online, as some appear to be doing. What positive things do they think this will achieve? If supporters are unhappy with the standard of refereeing they should be emailing the governing body not him directly.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    … emailing him directly because his email address has been posted online…

    That is totally unacceptable.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Correction – not his personal email address, a Lancashire FA organisational one.

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    This cesspit league we have sunk into is basically a nursery school for refs. Nobody cares whatsoever about what happens down here, none of us could have cared less a year ago about the refs, shithouse players etc. It was the league we sent young players into to get experience. The only answer is to escape upwards which should be achievable with the players we’ve got.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    The only answer is to escape upwards which should be achievable with the players we’ve got.

    In many ways I think this division has taken us by surprise.

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    It was always a very real possibility that would be the case. If we don’t get out of it we can’t be blaming the officials and other clubs pitches and supposed bias against us. Though I suspect some will.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    You play the hand your dealt ,so to speak, we as a club dealt our own hand and ended up in a division with lesser experienced refs ,they have to learn somewhere .You cannot have two refs running around a pitch so these guys are in the worst position of all, they have nowhere to hide and awfully abusive players and fans putting untold pressure on ,often young, inexperienced humans .I do have to say our team is pretty indisciplined too.
    Refs cannot be coached through games they sit an exam get trained and effectively get thrown into the limelight to learn on the job . An assessor on the side is all they get and he’s there to assess ,another pressure ,not aid
    This last one was a clear mistake and as apollo says they cannot get it right all the time. Cameras and phone cameras giving every angle have only served to highlight the few mistakes they make .They make fewer mistakes than the players they referee I’d wager .If any driver for instance had that level scrutiny they’d lose their licence immediately none of us would have a licence now .
    The comment regarding Whitehall shows him to be A ,human ( we’d all lean towards that if there was doubt} ) B Totally naïve, what did he think he was doing by saying that,if he actually did?
    WE lost our heads ,missed chances again and lost the game,that’s not something to shy away from

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    It was always a very real possibility that would be the case. If we don’t get out of it we can’t be blaming the officials and other clubs pitches and supposed bias against us. Though I suspect some will.

    Fairer to say we couldn’t JUST blame those things as they have certainly contributed. But the lion’s share of responsibility for failure to get promoted will be with ourselves.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Yeah, I think that’s fair to say.

    Registered On: June 9, 2017
    Topics: 6

    Nice interview by Brad James their goalkeeper completely admitting nobody touched him and it was his mistake. Ref association needs to watch that aswell as the actually footage

    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    And achieve what? Replay the match, yeah OK!

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    Nice interview by Brad James their goalkeeper completely admitting nobody touched him and it was his mistake. Ref association needs to watch that aswell as the actually footage

    It’s all very well saying it after the fact from a match-winning position, three points safely in the bank, but what about manning up and talking to the referee in the immediate aftermath? Unlikely, I know, and it would take some guts to do it. But what a man, if you did.

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    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    “Manning up” cuts both way, we got a goal that didn’t cross the line at B Stortford and an unlikely penalty ,we only really care about others mistakes,human nature I guess?

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    “Manning up” cuts both way, we got a goal that didn’t cross the line at B Stortford and an unlikely penalty ,we only really care about others mistakes,human nature I guess?

    I agree with you that it cuts both ways.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    “That ref last night either never played or dropped out of playing very young to be a ref, result is that he doesn’t really understand what he’s doing.”
    I remember Steve Baines copping flak

    Registered On: June 9, 2017
    Topics: 6

    Erm never said reply the match, although it would be nice to hear that the official has had a ticking off and maybe gets a one match ban and a fine. Kind of a bit like what happens to players when they get a red card. There are conspiracy theories flying around that the refs are against scunny in this league, surely if the refs were fined for exceptionally bad decisions then that would expel such theories as no refs would deliberately make a bad decision if it hit him in the pocket.

    Registered On: September 21, 2023
    Topics: 55

    Erm never said reply the match, although it would be nice to hear that the official has had a ticking off and maybe gets a one match ban and a fine. Kind of a bit like what happens to players when they get a red card. There are conspiracy theories flying around that the refs are against scunny in this league, surely if the refs were fined for exceptionally bad decisions then that would expel such theories as no refs would deliberately make a bad decision if it hit him in the pocket.

    Would you want to work under those conditions?

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    It’s an occupational hazard in what is clearly a thankless task, even the top refs take unnecessary abuse. That lad last night dropped a major clanger I think he was out of his depth, poorly positioned and made a bad guess.

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