After lockdown 2

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace After lockdown 2

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  • #198066
    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 50

    Why’s that, then?
    An untried, untested substance injected into unsuspecting humans.
    But of course, no comparison for the worshippers of the nanny state.

    Few questions:
    Why is big pharma ALREADY indemnified against any problems?
    Surely, if it’s safe, it’s safe?

    Why have there ALREADY been rumblings from government and opposition about making it compulsory if they aren’t going to?

    Why have they included positive tests for flu and common cold with those for Covid?

    Why did they change the rule by which deaths from Covid were counted from one month to THREE months since any positive test?

    If it’s a safe vaccine, will MPs, councillors etc be first in line to trial it?

    Why do they expect us to believe that a 90% effective vaccine has been discovered after only nine months, when that for flu, still only 40% effective, has been under development for years?

    Why did government and the media change from warning us about the dangers of Covid, as soon as media let on that it’s 99.997% survivable, and now it’s all about protecting others or the NHS?

    Why are we not given % infection rates, not raw figures?

    Why are we given infection figures, not death figures or better still, survival figures?

    Why are the media still spinning stuff, such as telling us that a hospital in Blackpool was ” full of Covid cases”, when the TRUTH was that the Covid ward was full…eight beds?

    Why was the latest lockdown inflicted on us on the basis of dodgy data, later admitted, but the lockdown stays?

    Why are they ALREADY BE preparing us for lockdowns, mask, social distancing etc until the end of 2021, if the vaccine is so effective?

    Why are there now hardly any deaths recorded from flu, stroke, cardiac, pneumonia etc, the deaths from Covid have risen by the SAME rate as those deaths have fallen?

    Why are GPs being told no need to do a test for Covid in any death, just record it as Covid?

    Can you not see, any of you, that without meaningful truthful explanations of these sorts of things, we are right to be suspicious?

    Try answering questions posed, rather than the usual trick of sidestepping, attacking me, my beliefs or even my style of posting in capitals to stress points, eh?

    But of course, you could always be do a “Gurnelista duck” and just write

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Why are they preparing us for lockdowns, mask, social distancing etc until the end of 2021, if the vaccine is so effective?

    Probably because some silly buggers are going to refuse it!

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    lol. You have no ground to claim others are attacking you when you make out anyone who dares to disagree with you on this is comfortable with communism or Nazism.

    It’s pointless discussing when it’s clear your questions are rhetorical and you’re basing trust in half-baked conspiracies on mistruths and woo. It’s impossible to answer questions when there is no trust on my end on your sincerity. Case in point, claiming the last lockdown was on dodgy data or how this is all because of flu or the common cold being tied in with coronavirus. Somehow the common cold is causing greater hospitalisations this year than before, but I’m sure that’s a BIG PHARMA con using crisis actors at the behest of George Soros or something.

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    Why are they preparing us for lockdowns, mask, social distancing etc until the end of 2021, if the vaccine is so effective?

    Probably because some silly buggers are going to refuse it!

    Though I’d suggest it’s because not everyone will be able to be vaccinated by the end of 2021. Maybe no more than a third will be.

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    Topics: 4

    Why’s that, then?
    An untried, untested substance injected into unsuspecting humans.
    But of course, no comparison for the worshippers of the nanny state.

    There is no comparison because we have had vaccines for donkeys’ years and there have been no such scandals. I’ll wait for the evidence of vaccine harm, which comes from something valid, not some blog by some hippie who says that vaccines cause autism and we need to cure disease with diluted horse urine.

    The anti-vaxxers will oppose anything medical science puts forward and call it ‘scepticism.’ Of course we should be sceptical, but in reality, scepticism doesn’t mean just refusing to accept whatever some scapegoat puts forward based on false equivalences and hysteria.

    I would be fine with you not vaccinating if it was only you who could face the consequences, but it isn’t just you, is it? There’s no comparison to looking after oneself for the worshippers of selfish interests.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Probably because some silly buggers are going to refuse it!

    Though I’d suggest it’s because not everyone will be able to be vaccinated by the end of 2021. Maybe no more than a third will be.

    I know I was being sarcastic!

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Another tin hatter trait (see Ian Brown’s Potty Time on Twitter as a prime example) is the inclusion of a word in CAPITALS. The intention is to emphasise a word but really just comes across VERY PARANOID.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Bringing up Thalidomide is doing the tin hat rounds. Saw it several times on social media yesterday.

    Also, and I know it’s not worth engaging with conspiracy “theorists” because they’re not dealing in rational thought, but just because something was believed to be the correct option at one point only to subsequently turn out not to be, it doesn’t mean we should never do anything again.

    If a player missed a penalty because he slipped while trying to put it in the top corner, does that mean no player should ever aim for the top corner again? Should Mark Howard never come for a cross because he dropped that one at Exeter?

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    One thing about these conspiracy loons though – imagine if the government was even 10% as organised as they’d need to be to implement all these grand plans that Alcy and his ilk claim they have. Christ, this lot can’t even order some flipping masks without getting massively ripped off!

    Registered On: August 5, 2017
    Topics: 18

    The doctors are in on the conspiracy as well!

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    It all seems a very expensive way of mass controlling people.

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Only just came across this, and quite unexpected really.

    Seriously Alcy, I thought you were more sensible and less prone to idiotic online conspiracies.

    It seems to me all these points are addressed periodically by the top profs in all the media coverage. But you hear much less about the government’s epic ineptitude in all this. Where are the prosecutions, resignations and apologies for the worst management in Europe? That’s where you should be suspicious.

    BTW, there’s another theory you missed out – that the vaccine makes you gay.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    I saw that episode of Family Guy!

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Aye, and I heard it on the radio. So, it’s obviously true. Pass it on – repost to others now!

    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 102

    But hasn’t David Icke claimed that there is a conspiracy?

    Registered On: April 2, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Yes, it’s well known and they’re trying to keep it quiet.

    In one well known vaccine trial, 94% of volunteers began obsessively shopping online for guides to the correct placement of table cutlery, CDs such as ‘Songs from the Shows’, and the book ‘Debretts guide to Royal Protocol’ (includes such items as whether a Marchioness should sit opposite or next to a Baronet at dinner, for example). Volunteers’ voices also rose by several semitones, and expressed an interest in magazines with titles such as “Dreamboys” and “Lesbians on the Loose” (the girls, obvs).

    So yes, this is all true. Pass it on to at least ten people.

    PS – Les and the Jonnies, am I doing this right? Is this how you spread rumours?

    IronageIron Age
    Registered On: April 10, 2019
    Topics: 59

    Back on topic.

    No attending at Scunny yet, tier 3 for the distant future.

    Keep on topic lads.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Probably attain tier 2 just in time for the cods away. No time to sell tickets so will be pay on the day.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Probably attain tier 2 just in time for the cods away. No time to sell tickets so will be pay on the day.

    No way you will get in the Cods always in tier 2, 2000 fans maximum which means all Cod heads and no away fans as a result. Try and keep up.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Cods are in tier 3 try and keep up.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 8

    Be very doubtful we will see a game this season if they are looking towards Easter now as the next milestone.
    So much for the Yank vaccine being rolled out at the start of December.

    And we are being told tier 3 isn’t lockdown!!
    Oh we can go for our haircut and visit a few extra shops and if you really push the boat out you can go to the gym.

    5 day Xmas will be as fuel to the fire as Eat out Scheme.

    Registered On: December 24, 2013
    Topics: 8

    After lockdown 3

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Cods are in tier 3 try and keep up.

    You really are on a wind up about away tickets then aren’t you!!!! Back up your pylon and pipe down there’s a good little spreader. 😅

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    Hoping to get into the home end at Carlisle on Easter Monday🤞

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Of course it’s a wind up Ironawe, just thought I get back on topic after IA had asked us to,glad it annoyed you, job done😷

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Hoping to get into the home end at Carlisle on Easter Monday🤞

    More realistic target NI, don’t forget your chocolate egg.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Maybe climbing them pylons is the answer though Ironawe, remember 3lads watching in trees at Fleetwood.

    TheLionRic Soulby
    Registered On: October 18, 2017
    Topics: 0

    Totally shocking at the lack of understanding at what is really going on. How many clues do people need? The virus knows when its 10pm? Those in power have ALREADY told you what is really happening, WAKE UP. Stop watching TV news, the media are part of it, they are the only virus. PCR tests don’t work, see recent court case in Portugal [ ignored by the media ], research what the inventor of the test said [Kary Mullis].
    Evil flourishes when good people do nothing. Wake up!

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    Topics: 4

    The media has problems, but the bigger problems are from the unverified garble you get on Facebook and Twitter, which the conspiracy theorist know it alls take at face value.

    TheLionRic Soulby
    Registered On: October 18, 2017
    Topics: 0

    You have not researched what Mullis said yourself. Without researching yourself how can you confirm this? Why for example didn’t you watch the interview with him and listen to what he actually said about the test? Then again much better to just insult me.

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