Absolute clear out needed

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Absolute clear out needed

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  • #204689
    Registered On: April 24, 2014
    Topics: 84

    Starting with Cox

    Then 90% of the current squad need to go too!

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    Registered On: May 21, 2018
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    I think it’s time. I’ve tried to stay positive with Cox. Wanted us to get through a season with a manager because the constant changing was getting us nowhere but he just isn’t up to it.

    We’ve got some (not enough) good players and we’ve got some decent young players we should be getting more out of them than we are.

    He was dealt a shit hand and injuries made it worse but he just doesn’t change. He defends his defensive rubbish saying we don’t want to get hammered but we’ve conceded 4 (up to now) tonight and haven’t scored for 4 games.

    Morecambe are 5th and they are no better than us defensively. They’ve made mistakes and given us chances. What do they do about it? Attack. They’re not great at defending so they do as little of it as possible.

    He hasn’t got it in him and we are only going in one direction with him in charge I’m afraid.

    I don’t know what options will be out there but Cox is not a manager.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    That’s our problem, we can’t attack because the forwards we have are either not good enough or not interested.

    We probably had as many chances as them, but we just don’t have a natural goal scorer in the squad. Playing KvV up top with McAttee behind didn’t work on Saturday and it didn’t work tonight. They both looked lost.

    One could say that Cox cannot be held responsible for lack of effort once the game kicks off, but on the other hand it is his job to get them motivated. Or should a professional footballer need motivating?

    And when the chairman comes on the radio moaning about how it’s all the fault of Covid and how ungrateful fans can sod off if they want, then is it any wonder that his attitude filters down to the playing staff?

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Or is the chairmans attitude filtered down from the playing staff? NI.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    That would be up though. And I don’t think you can filter up can you?

    Didn’t someone mention the Gerald Ratner quote recently?

    “How can you sell this for such a low price?”, I say, “because it’s total crap.”

    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 91

    I think currently we have far too many unprofessional players at the club who just don’t care enough and therein lies the problem.

    The lack of leaders at the club is a big minus point as well.

    Do you really think Crosby ,Byrne and Bishop types would allow this crap to manifest ?

    They always set high standards..we don’t have anybody like that at the club though. Karacan i suppose has some of those traits but I wouldn’t put him in that sort of category.

    We need some experienced “wreckers” for next season…or spoilers, which ever way you put it to add that steel. Far too often we’re bullied out of it and for all the qualities Karacan brings, he’s a bit lightweight.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 107

    he was given a crap hand with the summer signings, but all the players last night including subs were either signed by Cox or were here the previous season apart from Spence who might have been signed before he arrived.

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Why does anyone think changing the manager will improve anything? Hell, even a “clear out” of players won’t change anything. We were crap last season, released virtually the entire squad and, hey presto, we’re crap again this season.

    We all know what really needs to change.

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    Registered On: January 3, 2014
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    I think currently we have far too many unprofessional players at the club who just don’t care enough and therein lies the problem.

    Who was responsible for bringing them here?

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 102

    I stated before that I shall support Neil, come what may, til October at the earliest.
    He deserves to bring in his own players before being written off.
    A number of players that have come in under his regime have been decent.
    Turan is apparently a write-off but Hippo is not as bad a player as some say. (He reminds me a bit of a puppy that has not quite been trained properly. He cares and tries hard and sometimes gets it wrong. I’ve never questioned his attitude. Hopefully – a bench player in a decent squad.)

    Now here is the question. Will Neil be allowed to bring in new blood in the early phases of the close season? If he is left picking through the dregs after training has recommenced – I predict a relegation battle as the only outcome.
    I would strongly advise the club to exercise great caution before bringing in loanees.
    We do not need too many Taylors and Cordners, thanks!

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    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    He’ll have to be allowed to bring some in otherwise we won’t be able to field a team. His problem will be trying to attract anybody decent to little old Scunny. Let’s look at what has made us attractive to players in recent seasons:-
    Wages apparently at top end L1/2 level – Gone
    Playing in a brand new stadium – Gone
    Playing in a L1 side pushing for the Championship – Gone
    Playing attractive attacking football – Long Gone
    So what do we have left to bring in the quality of player we need and retain the bit of quality we already have? Over to you Mr Chairman.

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    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 102

    One more for you Cass: a proven record of buying unproven players and giving them a chance to shine before moving on (e.g. Keogh, Sharp, Hooper, Patterson, Wallace, Townsend). I reckon that sort of track record really helps sell a club like ours to young players.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: January 4, 2014
    Topics: 115

    Just had a look at the stats for some of our OOC players.
    Starts Goals Assists
    Gilliead 38 1 4
    McGahey 12 – –
    KVV 11 1 3
    Eisa 25 8 3
    Clarke 21 1 –
    McAtee 10 1 2
    Hallam 3 2 –
    Olomola 0 – –

    Now if you were a L1 or L2 manager looking to improve your squad which of those would you be rushing to sign based on those stats? (Accepting the lies, damn lies and statistics argument of course) I’m with those that think if they’re not going to be here next season then don’t give them the opprtunity to improve their stats even if they’re capable of doing so. Let’s look towards next season now.

    Registered On: December 25, 2013
    Topics: 102

    Didn’t Rod Stewart sing, Every Statistic Tells A Story, Don’t It?

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