09/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £1,547.00 – Case No. K5AA1W08

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace 09/08/23 – County Court Judgement – £1,547.00 – Case No. K5AA1W08

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  • #269594
    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    He took on a complete and utter shit show from that arsehole who most of you now slating Hilton worshipped for such a long time before waking up to the truth. Let’s be very clear the position this club is in is nothing to do with Hilton, he is trying to sort the mess out left behind and it cannot all be done straight away. None of you know what the CCJ relates too even those of you like SNOT who claims to have “inside” information on everything at the club but in reality knows sod all and doesn’t even attend games and has been proven to be a liar on this site.

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    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Critcising your messiah does not equal worshipping Swann, but well done on more attacks on the fans.

    We don’t know what the CCJ is for, but it’s not good and Hilton agreed to take on the debt, so it’s his responsibility to pay it. It’s only a £1500 bill, so what is the issue? After all, he has funds, as we are told.

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    What is the CCJ against?

    I probably wasn’t transparent with the meaning of my question?
    To whom is the debt owed?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    ‘He took on a complete and utter shit show from that arsehole’

    A ‘shitshow’. Really? Across all departments? Is that not a sweeping generalisation? I’ve no doubt some areas would have been, but unless you work there, and I assume you don’t, what makes you such an expert? No one’s denying savings needed to be made mind.

    ‘who most of you now slating Hilton worshipped for such a long time before waking up to the truth.’

    You sound like a conspiracy theorist. You were rightly critical at the time of Swann, but so were many others, whilst others chose to ignore it. Regardless, there’s a huge irony in this point.

    ‘Let’s be very clear the position this club is in is nothing to do with Hilton, he is trying to sort the mess out left behind and it cannot all be done straight away.

    It is Hilton’s responsibility now and comments regarding off field matters isn’t stopping him in any way shape or form.

    ‘None of you know what the CCJ relates too even those of you like SNOT who claims to have “inside” information on everything at the club but in reality knows sod all and doesn’t even attend games and has been proven to be a liar on this site.’

    Agreed, no one seems to know what it relates to but as some of us are pointing out, it’s about more than that. It’s about what other debts there may be, others who are not bring paid, etc.

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    £5 to purchase the report.
    Which I haven’t.

    If recorded, your CCJ will remain on the register for six years. Anyone can check the public register for a small fee – they’ll be able to see your name and address, the case and court number, and the amount of money owed. This CCJ check won’t show them who you owe the money to.

    Registered On: July 14, 2022
    Topics: 37

    He took on a complete and utter shit show from that arsehole who most of you now slating Hilton worshipped for such a long time before waking up to the truth. Let’s be very clear the position this club is in is nothing to do with Hilton, he is trying to sort the mess out left behind and it cannot all be done straight away. None of you know what the CCJ relates too even those of you like SNOT who claims to have “inside” information on everything at the club but in reality knows sod all and doesn’t even attend games and has been proven to be a liar on this site.

    Cheers for that Tom/Matt/Harry/whoever….

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Many of the Swann sympathisers, like bpg, Brianiron etc, are backing Hilton. I don’t know where this idea that Hilton critics or those with concerns are Swann lovers have come from. Swann will never be forgiven by me for his idiotic handling of the club and for where we are. It doesn’t mean I am going to just blindly back Hilton though.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    Many of the Swann sympathisers, like bpg, Brianiron etc, are backing Hilton. I don’t know where this idea that Hilton critics or those with concerns are Swann lovers have come from. Swann will never be forgiven by me for his idiotic handling of the club and for where we are. It doesn’t mean I am going to just blindly back Hilton though.

    I don’t remember ever saying anyone should be blindly backing Hilton, what I am doing is backing him until I am given a firm reason not too, and I do mean a form reason, not rumours by shit stirrers claiming to have “inside knowledge”

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    A ‘shitshow’. Really? Across all departments? Is that not a sweeping generalisation? I’ve no doubt some areas would have been, but unless you work there, and I assume you don’t, what makes you such an expert? No one’s denying savings needed to be made mind.

    Yes a shitshow, you only had to attend games and/or try and use any of the hospitality and retail operations to see how bad it was, is it perfect now??? No there is work to be done but it is a hell of a lot better than it was!

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Absolutely DM keep on discussing it by all means and I will add my tenpennyworth when I see fit, I’m sure you concur.

    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    Many of the Swann sympathisers, like bpg, Brianiron etc, are backing Hilton. I don’t know where this idea that Hilton critics or those with concerns are Swann lovers have come from. Swann will never be forgiven by me for his idiotic handling of the club and for where we are. It doesn’t mean I am going to just blindly back Hilton though.

    I don’t remember ever saying anyone should be blindly backing Hilton, what I am doing is backing him until I am given a firm reason not too, and I do mean a form reason, not rumours by shit stirrers claiming to have “inside knowledge”

    I have no issue with that, but resent the idea it makes me a Swann worshipper when ground issues, supporter cap issues, wage issues and now a CCJ give me enough cause for concern off the pitch and these have Hilton’s responsibility in them.

    It doesn’t mean I like Swann at all, but Hilton’s giving me enough cause to have doubts.

    1 user thanked author for this post.
    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    You sound like a conspiracy theorist. You were rightly critical at the time of Swann, but so were many others, whilst others chose to ignore it. Regardless, there’s a huge irony in this point.

    Many others??? who exactly, there were a couple of us who called out Swann from day one, from speaking to Trinity supporters who had experience of him running their club, hard evidence, most the fans didn’t start wanting Swann out until we started plummeting down the leagues.

    There is no Irony involved at all, I have no hard evidence to give me concern about Hilton, I have spoken to Ilkeston fans who had nothing but praise for him, I have also spoken to him and found him open and genuine. I am not going to judge him on rumours made up from people who don’t even support the club but claim to be in the know.

    2 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: December 12, 2014
    Topics: 85

    I don’t think speaking to fans of previous clubs is the only indicator. His Ilkeston record gave me initial hope. Then I saw the Company’s House records, nature of Britannia Law Ltd, the handling of the ground issue, the confirmed supporter cap ‘rumour’, the lack of wages paid on time etc. Some of these, like the latter can be mitigated quickly, but it raises alarms about his claims to fund the club, especially with a court case looming over the stadium and claims from the other side that he can’t afford it.

    3 users thanked author for this post.
    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    You sound like a conspiracy theorist. You were rightly critical at the time of Swann, but so were many others, whilst others chose to ignore it. Regardless, there’s a huge irony in this point.

    Many others??? who exactly, there were a couple of us who called out Swann from day one, from speaking to Trinity supporters who had experience of him running their club, hard evidence, most the fans didn’t start wanting Swann out until we started plummeting down the leagues.

    There is no Irony involved at all, I have no hard evidence to give me concern about Hilton, I have spoken to Ilkeston fans who had nothing but praise for him, I have also spoken to him and found him open and genuine. I am not going to judge him on rumours made up from people who don’t even support the club but claim to be in the know.

    I’m as bored of seeing posts like the above as you probably are me and others who are posting things you don’t want to see. I’m also bored of critiquing posts with comments about Trinity and ilkeston fans and ‘told you so’ remarks. Looks like we’ll have to beg to differ. The difference is I don’t mind if you keep posting. You seem to have an issue with me and certain others posting what we think. Your problem, not mine.

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    Registered On: October 10, 2021
    Topics: 27

    As i previously posted i think a separate thread or sub section on Bru entitled Legal issues or similar to keep topics like this from derailing the football chat… yes i know you dont have to click on it but when mingled in with the football threads its all to easy to fine oneself reading it and replying as i am doing now.

    ironeye refering to ironinsider and for ever bystanding IB feeding off bottom of the barrel scraps to discredit DH at every chance.

    I got locked in a brothel for 2 days and seems like i missed a cracking performance v Darlo.

    Everytime refereePat O’Cake
    Registered On: December 27, 2013
    Topics: 17

    You seem to have an issue with me and certain others posting what we think. Your problem, not mine.

    Irony at it’s finest. As I said, I will base my opinions on fact, not rumours.

    Interested BystanderInterested Bystander
    Registered On: April 9, 2023
    Topics: 15

    It may be a big deal to an individual or a small company. I find it concerning and wonder how many others may come out of the woodwork in the coming weeks. It is a shame that this sort of thing is playing out in the background when things on the pitch are looking up.

    Well said.

    Registered On: January 3, 2014
    Topics: 67

    My car has cost me £1500 this month (MOT, service new exhaust and timing belt).

    If I didn’t pay the bill the garage could conceivably take me to court to settle the debt.

    Could be any supplier of goods or services. I’m guessing it happens to other PLCs not just SUFC.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    If we have a thumping away win on Saturday it will be interesting to see if IB appears online within an hour of the final whistle with some other earth shattering revelation 🤔

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    Out of date prawn mayo sarnie in the club staff room?

    Registered On: May 8, 2017
    Topics: 118

    Goat pressing charges for unpaid pitch mowing?

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    Just my oiopinion of the cut back im cliub staffing, after observing the match day strewards, there are only possibly 50% of them that actually do anything, yers there are good stewards amongst them, but half are never involved in anything, and just stand there like dummies. Regards the ticket office staff, there should be at least two girls and possibly thre working in there, only having one on duty just reswults in supporters being messed about qand this will result in them not bothering to attend. Groundsmen need to sorted out, because if the pitch is in bad condition after a handful of games. obviouse that there is no capable person running things. As far as I

    Registered On: July 20, 2015
    Topics: 43

    To complete my posting, the coaching staff is far to big for a club in NLN, just a question, are Mussa and Daws still at the club?, because as far as I can see they are surely not needed, just my opimion, but if cut backs are to be made, they must be made in the right place. Another areais at the turnstiles, is there a need for a steward to stand outside of the entrance, and one standing on the inside, surely a waste of wages, and cut backs could be made there.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Went down yesterday for the Curzon tickets and there were 2 serving if required one of each sex.

    Registered On: June 21, 2017
    Topics: 11

    Glad to hear that Awaywego, one in the office is simply not on and is not fair on the customer or the member of staff serving/ telephone answering. We know cuts have been made because of our financial status and to reflect the affordable level we now find ourselves operating at but we are still a professional football club and correct staffing levels at appropriate times should reflect this.

    Registered On: February 14, 2015
    Topics: 495

    It’s a bit rough to completely blame the idiot for this. This could be a historic debt from Swann era and if the courts take as long as other services to process it could have been in the pipeline a while without any court contact from the final demand arriving and this judgement?

    Registered On: April 1, 2023
    Topics: 11

    My car has cost me £1500 this month (MOT, service new exhaust and timing belt).

    If I didn’t pay the bill the garage could conceivably take me to court to settle the debt.

    Could be any supplier of goods or services. I’m guessing it happens to other PLCs not just SUFC.

    Having had my own small business in the past I can confirm non payment of bills is a massive problem.
    Also NI, I’ve applied Hilton’s logic to your car costs this month and unfortunately it is completely unsustainable for you to run that vehicle.

    Registered On: June 20, 2017
    Topics: 172

    Ps, there were 4 serving on Saturday besides 2 at the corner, though one was concentrating on the shop sales they should dacker off by the next home game once everyone as got their shirts. Imo the staffing levels are about right at the moment, but if we stay down at non league for to long I could see them using a ticket agency and doing away with tickets from the club completely.

    bishopsfingerBishops Finger
    Registered On: September 7, 2014
    Topics: 16

    Yes a shitshow, you only had to attend games and/or try and use any of the hospitality and retail operations to see how bad it was, is it perfect now??? No there is work to be done but it is a hell of a lot better than it was!

    This is garbage. The sponsors on Saturday got a few plates of party food which would have looked more at home at a six year olds birthday party instead of the three-course meal they had paid for and were promised!!!

    Registered On: December 23, 2013
    Topics: 29

    This is garbage. The sponsors on Saturday got a few plates of party food which would have looked more at home at a six year olds birthday party instead of the three-course meal they had paid for and were promised!!!

    I can confirm this, it was sausage rolls, cheesy wotsits and a few sandwiches.
    The sponsorship price was to include a thee course meal.

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