Reply To: Farsley

Iron Bru Forums Blast Furnace Farsley Reply To: Farsley

Registered On: January 4, 2014
Topics: 111

Correct. Look to win every game, we won’t but in this league, with the players we have, it’s worth a try. Just a question and my opinion of course, no need for thinly disguised abuse is there?

Thinly disguised abuse? Nonsense. Merely exasperated how some of you continue to criticise and nitpick even under the best ownership we’ve had for donkeys, top of the league having just won 6-0. Fine to suggest Butler isn’t brave, whinge about appointing a CEO like it’s unheard of by a football club and complain that anyone who shows some exasperation is abusing? Yeah, right.

No need to post 3 times to make a point surely.
Firstly I have not criticised the new owners, I think they’re doing a great job. I merely expressed an opinion which differs from yours.
Secondly I never accused Butler of not being brave, I asked a question.
Thirdly I did not whinge about appointing a CEO, I expressed an opinion that players would be my priority.
No nitpicking here just using the forum for what I assumed was its purpose.